Are interactions effected by rate limits?
My dev bot responds to commands perfectly but production continuously gets the
The application did not respond
error message, I know it isn't an issue with the code since the dev bot works fine. My question is, if my bot gets rate limited does that prevent users from running new commands? If not, does anyone know of any reasons why commands wouldn't be responded to that I am overlooking?15 Replies
Unknown User•3y ago
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It may be that your prod host/network connection is simply much slower
hmmm, that's what I figured, I'm just at a loss for why they are failing
yea could be this
at start up they were being responded to
Do you commands do any slower tasks like look up a database or something?
but after a while they all start failing
If your bot slows down over time you might have a memory leak
yea but I defer all commands at the start
For it not to respond, that means its not even reaching the defer then?
Sounds like a memory leak
yep, it happens very early
my servers aren't even out of memory though
I don't believe it is, I just checked one of my servers and all shards are using a normal amount of memory:

More clear ss:

thats a lot of shards. How big is your bot
380k servers
haven't ran into this issue before and the most recent update changed very little to the basic handling of commands
Might be better to ask in Discord API channels
Or at least ask there too, as it might not be djs related
👍 gotcha thanks