How to make a slash command parse multiple arguments?

- Discord.js ver. 13.6.0 - Node.js ver. 16.13.0 I've been wondering if there's a way that I can just have a slash command detect multiple... arguments that it's given, and if the command can have multiple versions. Say, I have a command called "create", and past the word create, I give it 2 words, then a number, it should detect that the 2 words are "first name" and "last name", but if I give it 3 words, it detects it as "first name", "middle name", and "last name"? I also ask because I've been using the "addStringOption" to the command, making it rather long and tedious for people to write in, as they have to select the option before writing in their option. The code for the command: Code for the command handler, just in case:
const { SlashCommandBuilder } = require("@discordjs/builders");cons... is the number one paste tool since 2002. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time.
module.exports ={ name: "interactionCreate", async execute (... is the number one paste tool since 2002. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time.
13 Replies
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Squid3y ago
If you want a command with multiple versions, you should check out subcommands ( However, another viable option would be to make the first and last name required options, and leave the middle name as a non-required option
Lumi Doggo
Lumi DoggoOP3y ago
While I appreciate the answer, it doesn't really clarify a doubt that I still have, in regards to how make sure that the slash command can take multiple arguments, in a manner that's different, and probably more preferable then just using ".addStringOption" to make sure that the slash command registers that string specifically.
duck3y ago
you can just call addStringOption multiple times or whatever option type you wish
Lumi Doggo
Lumi DoggoOP3y ago
I have It just feels a tad bit inconvenient. I was thinking of passing all the strings as arguments, split them and pass the individual strings as the like, but I'm not sure how to do so with a slash command... I've tried to do so before, but I didn't get it to work.. Any help would be apreciated.. I find it a bit tedious since what I want to do is the following, and I apologize since English is a second language for me so I might have a bit of trouble expressing myself: /create-player [First Name] [optional Middle name] [Last Name] [Age] [Species] [Type] [optional second Type] [Starting Level] Where after just typing /create-player, one can just type in a long string with the correct formatting and the command could slice and parse the string correctly. I'm... not sure if it's a stupid idea compared to the code I've written... Hm, that is a good idea actually. but then how do I manage to have it so that the middle name, and the second typing is optional inputs
Squid3y ago
To make them required, use <Option>.setRequired(true). If you don't set that, they are non-required by default One thing to note is that you have to have your options in the order where all the required options are first, and all of your non-required options are second
Lumi Doggo
Lumi DoggoOP3y ago
So, when inputting the data into the command, it'd be: /create-player [First Name] [Last Name] [Age] [Species] [Type] [Starting Level] [optional Middle name] [optional second Type] right?
Squid3y ago
That's correct
Lumi Doggo
Lumi DoggoOP3y ago
const { SlashCommandBuilder } = require("@discordjs/builders");cons... is the number one paste tool since 2002. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time.
Lumi Doggo
Lumi DoggoOP3y ago
I've added some extra terms, but I think it'll work.
Squid3y ago
Your best bet is to try it and see if it looks good in the app
Lumi Doggo
Lumi DoggoOP3y ago
According to the db that I have, it seems to work well!
Lumi Doggo
Lumi DoggoOP3y ago
Made 2 instances, with and without the optional info It works :D Now, uh, how does one close a forum that's been resolved? .w.'

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