I cannot use my any command....

When I try use any command. it doesnt send message in channel but it send message from dm my code: (it can be complicated but every if else typical same) https://srcb.in/IqfX6bA25D
128 Replies
d.js toolkit
d.js toolkit14mo ago
• What's your exact discord.js npm list discord.js and node node -v version? • Post the full error stack trace, not just the top part! • Show your code! • Explain what exactly your issue is. • Not a discord.js issue? Check out #useful-servers.
treble/luna14mo ago
how did you manage to use a slash command on your own account
Mockir14mo ago
Idk sometimes it can send like that I dont manage I try use my bot slahs command
treble/luna14mo ago
either you dont reply to the command or you took longer than 3s to respond
Syjalo14mo ago
You send a DM, but don't reply to the interaction
Mockir14mo ago
No I use slash command in a server channel then bot dont send in channel but it send dm
treble/luna14mo ago
because you do not reply to the interaction
Mockir14mo ago
Actually I want bot send two message a message to channel another message to dm I do it
Syjalo14mo ago
You have client.users.send(interaction.user.id, ...), but not interaction.reply(...)
d.js docs
d.js docs14mo ago
Responding to interactions: • #reply immediately respond with a message • #update immediately update the original message (buttons, select menus)#showModal immediately show a modal (cannot be deferred)#deferReply/Update respond later (up to 15 minutes)#followUp post an additional message The initial response has to happen within 3s of receiving the interaction!
treble/luna14mo ago
if you did your bot wouldn't respond with interaction failed. You have interaction.reply somewhere in your code yes but as i said in #djs-help-v14 , your chain of if else statements make it very hard to read your code
Syjalo14mo ago
Btw to send a DM you can just do interaction.user.send()
Mockir14mo ago
No no if u look line 183 i send interaction reply
treble/luna14mo ago
yes, but you never reach that line apparently
d.js docs
d.js docs14mo ago
If you aren't getting any errors, try to place console.log checkpoints throughout your code to find out where execution stops. • Once you do, log relevant values and if-conditions • More sophisticated debugging methods are breakpoints and runtime inspections: learn more
Syjalo14mo ago
Mockir14mo ago
Oh ok so can u look line 33 Oh sorry wait
treble/luna14mo ago
yes, that is a reply. But you do not enter the if statement because your statement returns false
Mockir14mo ago
if(new Date - user.wtime < ms) {
interaction.reply(`İşiniz hala devam ediyor. Kalan süre ${msToTime(time - new Date)}`)
let gamelastms
if(user.lastwsaat === 1) {
gamelastms = 900000
} else if(user.lastwsaat === 2) {
gamelastms = 900000
} else if(user.lastwsaat === 3) {
gamelastms = 900000
const son25 = ms - 1500000 //
if (new Date - user.wtime > gamelastms && new Date - user.wtime < son25 && user.wminigame < lasttime && user.perm > 48) {
if ( new Date - user.wgametime > 300000) {
const gamesans = Math.floor(Math.random() * 101);
if(gamesans > 66) {
updateusernumber(interaction.user.id, 'wgametime', new Date * 1)
const sayi = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20) + 1;
updateuser(interaction.user.id, 'wminigame', 1)
updateusernumber(interaction.user.id, 'gamesayi', sayi)
client.users.send(interaction.user.id, 'Dostum şimdi seninle bir oyun oynayacağız bu oyunu kazanırsan işinden 20 dakika azalacak.').then(msg => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 20000);
if(new Date - user.wtime < ms) {
interaction.reply(`İşiniz hala devam ediyor. Kalan süre ${msToTime(time - new Date)}`)
let gamelastms
if(user.lastwsaat === 1) {
gamelastms = 900000
} else if(user.lastwsaat === 2) {
gamelastms = 900000
} else if(user.lastwsaat === 3) {
gamelastms = 900000
const son25 = ms - 1500000 //
if (new Date - user.wtime > gamelastms && new Date - user.wtime < son25 && user.wminigame < lasttime && user.perm > 48) {
if ( new Date - user.wgametime > 300000) {
const gamesans = Math.floor(Math.random() * 101);
if(gamesans > 66) {
updateusernumber(interaction.user.id, 'wgametime', new Date * 1)
const sayi = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20) + 1;
updateuser(interaction.user.id, 'wminigame', 1)
updateusernumber(interaction.user.id, 'gamesayi', sayi)
client.users.send(interaction.user.id, 'Dostum şimdi seninle bir oyun oynayacağız bu oyunu kazanırsan işinden 20 dakika azalacak.').then(msg => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 20000);
a part of this command
treble/luna14mo ago
also i'm pretty sure its new Date()
Mockir14mo ago
I use dm and reply message in same if statement But it send dm I wanna say that
treble/luna14mo ago
Syjalo14mo ago
If you'll debug your code you'll see you never reach any interaction.reply()
Mockir14mo ago
Ok so I wanna ask also one more thing https://srcb.in/OlKcfCrSpz This is my another code But also it doesnt work Even if i send "süre" bigger than 3 it doesnt send any message
treble/luna14mo ago
please actually read what i say
Syjalo14mo ago
Why do you use StringOption instead of IntegerOption?
Mockir14mo ago
Bro I read but I use that two days ago Idk It was work two days ago I dont do anything I dont change anythinh
treble/luna14mo ago
hm weird
d.js docs
d.js docs14mo ago
If you aren't getting any errors, try to place console.log checkpoints throughout your code to find out where execution stops. • Once you do, log relevant values and if-conditions • More sophisticated debugging methods are breakpoints and runtime inspections: learn more
treble/luna14mo ago
do that, and see where execution stops
Mockir14mo ago
Yea I try also try catch but it also send anything
treble/luna14mo ago
you shouldnt try catch it, you should place console.log checkpoints
Mockir14mo ago
Log is clear as my grandmoms home Ok I will try
Mockir14mo ago
hi again
Mockir14mo ago
const { EmbedBuilder, PermissionsBitField, SlashCommandBuilder, ActionRowBuilder, ButtonBuilder, ButtonStyle } = require("discord.js");
const { users, updateuser, coins, updateusernumber } = require('../../lib/database.js')
const isNumber = x => typeof x === 'number' && !isNaN(x)

module.exports = {
data: new SlashCommandBuilder()
.setDescription("Hadi biraz çalışalım.")
.addStringOption(option =>
.setDescription('Hangi işi yapmak istiyorsanız onu yazınız.')
.addStringOption(option =>
.setDescription('Kaç saat çalışmak istiyorsunuz.')
run: async (client, interaction) => {
const = interaction.options.getString('iş').toLowerCase()
const sürea = interaction.options.getString('süre')
const numObj = new Number(sürea);
const süre = numObj.valueOf();
const user = users(interaction.user.id)
if (!isNumber(süre)) return interaction.reply('Çalışmak istediğiniz süreyi sayı ile belirtiniz.')
console.log('Is "süre" number? ' + isNumber(süre))
if (süre > 3) return interaction.reply('En fazla 3 saat çalışabilirsiniz.')
console.log('What is "süre"? ' + süre)
if (user.lastwsaat > 0) return interaction.reply('Zaten şuan çalışıyorsunuz.')
console.log('What is "user.lastwsaat" ' + user.lastwsaat)
const { EmbedBuilder, PermissionsBitField, SlashCommandBuilder, ActionRowBuilder, ButtonBuilder, ButtonStyle } = require("discord.js");
const { users, updateuser, coins, updateusernumber } = require('../../lib/database.js')
const isNumber = x => typeof x === 'number' && !isNaN(x)

module.exports = {
data: new SlashCommandBuilder()
.setDescription("Hadi biraz çalışalım.")
.addStringOption(option =>
.setDescription('Hangi işi yapmak istiyorsanız onu yazınız.')
.addStringOption(option =>
.setDescription('Kaç saat çalışmak istiyorsunuz.')
run: async (client, interaction) => {
const = interaction.options.getString('iş').toLowerCase()
const sürea = interaction.options.getString('süre')
const numObj = new Number(sürea);
const süre = numObj.valueOf();
const user = users(interaction.user.id)
if (!isNumber(süre)) return interaction.reply('Çalışmak istediğiniz süreyi sayı ile belirtiniz.')
console.log('Is "süre" number? ' + isNumber(süre))
if (süre > 3) return interaction.reply('En fazla 3 saat çalışabilirsiniz.')
console.log('What is "süre"? ' + süre)
if (user.lastwsaat > 0) return interaction.reply('Zaten şuan çalışıyorsunuz.')
console.log('What is "user.lastwsaat" ' + user.lastwsaat)
It didnt log last message...
treble/luna14mo ago
console.log user.lastwaat
Mockir14mo ago
const numObj = new Number(sürea);
const süre = numObj.valueOf();
const user = users(interaction.user.id)
if (!isNumber(süre)) return interaction.reply('Çalışmak istediğiniz süreyi sayı ile belirtiniz.')
console.log('Is "süre" number? ' + isNumber(süre))
if (süre > 3) return interaction.reply('En fazla 3 saat çalışabilirsiniz.')
console.log('What is "süre"? ' + süre)
console.log('What is "user.lastwsaat" ' + user.lastwsaat)
if (user.lastwsaat > 0) return interaction.reply('Zaten şuan çalışıyorsunuz.')
const numObj = new Number(sürea);
const süre = numObj.valueOf();
const user = users(interaction.user.id)
if (!isNumber(süre)) return interaction.reply('Çalışmak istediğiniz süreyi sayı ile belirtiniz.')
console.log('Is "süre" number? ' + isNumber(süre))
if (süre > 3) return interaction.reply('En fazla 3 saat çalışabilirsiniz.')
console.log('What is "süre"? ' + süre)
console.log('What is "user.lastwsaat" ' + user.lastwsaat)
if (user.lastwsaat > 0) return interaction.reply('Zaten şuan çalışıyorsunuz.')
Mockir14mo ago
I try change position console.log
Mockir14mo ago
Mockir14mo ago
And then I try tree times 2 of them it work but last time it didnt work Why?
treble/luna14mo ago
then the only thing i can guess is your internet connection
Mockir14mo ago
I use VDS
treble/luna14mo ago
a what? do you mean vpn?
Mockir14mo ago
Virtual Dedicated Server
Mockir14mo ago
Mockir14mo ago
And its my internet...
treble/luna14mo ago
its the only thing i can think of
Mockir14mo ago
@syjalo bro what do u think ? We didnt find a problem or solution
d414mo ago
seems like you're pulling things from a database, maybe try deferring the reply first?
treble/luna14mo ago
the "database" is just a file on their pc
Mockir14mo ago
Yep Its just a json file
d414mo ago
well idk read/write can take some time too no? it has callbacks and promises after all
treble/luna14mo ago
read/write is prettty much instantly for me
chewie 🌈
chewie 🌈14mo ago
you should defer anyway this isn't a "hmm, could this take a few seconds" debate, just to be save always defer
d.js docs
d.js docs14mo ago
guide Slash Commands: Deferred responses read more
Mockir14mo ago
Ok I will try
Mockir14mo ago
.addStringOption(option =>
.setDescription('Kaç saat çalışmak istiyorsunuz.')
run: async (client, interaction) => {
const = interaction.options.getString('iş').toLowerCase()
const sürea = interaction.options.getString('süre')
const numObj = new Number(sürea);
const süre = numObj.valueOf();
const user = users(interaction.user.id)
await interaction.deferReply();
await wait(2000)
if (!isNumber(süre)) return interaction.reply('Çalışmak istediğiniz süreyi sayı ile belirtiniz.')
console.log('Is "süre" number? ' + isNumber(süre))
if (süre > 3) return interaction.reply('En fazla 3 saat çalışabilirsiniz.')
console.log('What is "süre"? ' + süre)
console.log('What is "user.lastwsaat" ' + user.lastwsaat)
if (user.lastwsaat > 0) return interaction.reply('Zaten şuan çalışıyorsunuz.')
.addStringOption(option =>
.setDescription('Kaç saat çalışmak istiyorsunuz.')
run: async (client, interaction) => {
const = interaction.options.getString('iş').toLowerCase()
const sürea = interaction.options.getString('süre')
const numObj = new Number(sürea);
const süre = numObj.valueOf();
const user = users(interaction.user.id)
await interaction.deferReply();
await wait(2000)
if (!isNumber(süre)) return interaction.reply('Çalışmak istediğiniz süreyi sayı ile belirtiniz.')
console.log('Is "süre" number? ' + isNumber(süre))
if (süre > 3) return interaction.reply('En fazla 3 saat çalışabilirsiniz.')
console.log('What is "süre"? ' + süre)
console.log('What is "user.lastwsaat" ' + user.lastwsaat)
if (user.lastwsaat > 0) return interaction.reply('Zaten şuan çalışıyorsunuz.')
Mockir14mo ago
It thinks for about 5 minutes. @thehairy
chewie 🌈
chewie 🌈14mo ago
first of all, place the deferReply at the top not in the middle of your code also why do you have a wait there get rid of it
Mockir14mo ago
.setDescription('Kaç saat çalışmak istiyorsunuz.')
run: async (client, interaction) => {
await interaction.deferReply();
const = interaction.options.getString('iş').toLowerCase()
const sürea = interaction.options.getString('süre')
const numObj = new Number(sürea);
const süre = numObj.valueOf();
const user = users(interaction.user.id)
if (!isNumber(süre)) return interaction.reply('Çalışmak istediğiniz süreyi sayı ile belirtiniz.')
console.log('Is "süre" number? ' + isNumber(süre))
if (süre > 3) return interaction.reply('En fazla 3 saat çalışabilirsiniz.')
console.log('What is "süre"? ' + süre)
console.log('What is "user.lastwsaat" ' + user.lastwsaat)
if (user.lastwsaat > 0) return interaction.reply('Zaten şuan çalışıyorsunuz.')
.setDescription('Kaç saat çalışmak istiyorsunuz.')
run: async (client, interaction) => {
await interaction.deferReply();
const = interaction.options.getString('iş').toLowerCase()
const sürea = interaction.options.getString('süre')
const numObj = new Number(sürea);
const süre = numObj.valueOf();
const user = users(interaction.user.id)
if (!isNumber(süre)) return interaction.reply('Çalışmak istediğiniz süreyi sayı ile belirtiniz.')
console.log('Is "süre" number? ' + isNumber(süre))
if (süre > 3) return interaction.reply('En fazla 3 saat çalışabilirsiniz.')
console.log('What is "süre"? ' + süre)
console.log('What is "user.lastwsaat" ' + user.lastwsaat)
if (user.lastwsaat > 0) return interaction.reply('Zaten şuan çalışıyorsunuz.')
is it ok ?
chewie 🌈
chewie 🌈14mo ago
no you need to use editReply instead of reply
Mockir14mo ago
chewie 🌈
chewie 🌈14mo ago
please don't skip half the guide
Mockir14mo ago
Sorry my bad
.addStringOption(option =>
.setDescription('Kaç saat çalışmak istiyorsunuz.')
run: async (client, interaction) => {
await interaction.deferReply();
const = interaction.options.getString('iş').toLowerCase()
const sürea = interaction.options.getString('süre')
const numObj = new Number(sürea);
const süre = numObj.valueOf();
const user = users(interaction.user.id)
if (!isNumber(süre)) return interaction.editReply('Çalışmak istediğiniz süreyi sayı ile belirtiniz.')
console.log('Is "süre" number? ' + isNumber(süre))
if (süre > 3) return interaction.editReply('En fazla 3 saat çalışabilirsiniz.')
console.log('What is "süre"? ' + süre)
console.log('What is "user.lastwsaat" ' + user.lastwsaat)
if (user.lastwsaat > 0) return interaction.editReply('Zaten şuan çalışıyorsunuz.')
.addStringOption(option =>
.setDescription('Kaç saat çalışmak istiyorsunuz.')
run: async (client, interaction) => {
await interaction.deferReply();
const = interaction.options.getString('iş').toLowerCase()
const sürea = interaction.options.getString('süre')
const numObj = new Number(sürea);
const süre = numObj.valueOf();
const user = users(interaction.user.id)
if (!isNumber(süre)) return interaction.editReply('Çalışmak istediğiniz süreyi sayı ile belirtiniz.')
console.log('Is "süre" number? ' + isNumber(süre))
if (süre > 3) return interaction.editReply('En fazla 3 saat çalışabilirsiniz.')
console.log('What is "süre"? ' + süre)
console.log('What is "user.lastwsaat" ' + user.lastwsaat)
if (user.lastwsaat > 0) return interaction.editReply('Zaten şuan çalışıyorsunuz.')
chewie 🌈
chewie 🌈14mo ago
try it
Mockir14mo ago
Mockir14mo ago
It doesnt work...
chewie 🌈
chewie 🌈14mo ago
did you save and restart?
Mockir14mo ago
Yes I will try again
chewie 🌈
chewie 🌈14mo ago
the command shouldnt show that error if defer at the beginning
Mockir14mo ago
Mockir14mo ago
I try again and first it will work but after it didnt work
chewie 🌈
chewie 🌈14mo ago
show your interactionCreate event
Mockir14mo ago
Thats so long https://srcb.in/DBf5n6uTcY interactionCreate
chewie 🌈
chewie 🌈14mo ago
yeah that code is cursed as heck
d414mo ago
reminds me of a certain simulator
chewie 🌈
chewie 🌈14mo ago
put the deferReply() at the beginning of the interactionCreate event and replace all .reply() with .editReply()
Mockir14mo ago
Ok I will do it now It looks like fixed but
Mockir14mo ago
Mockir14mo ago
2 times of 6 usage it didnt work Its normal or not?
d.js docs
d.js docs14mo ago
Checking for things to not be equal in JavaScript:
- if (!yourVariable === yourOtherVariable) // !yourVariable is coerced to a boolean value
+ if (yourVariable !== yourOtherVariable) // checks that one is not equal to the other
- if (!yourVariable === yourOtherVariable) // !yourVariable is coerced to a boolean value
+ if (yourVariable !== yourOtherVariable) // checks that one is not equal to the other
• Comparison operators in JavaScript: learn more
Mockir14mo ago
Yea I realise that thanks everyone thanks for everyting Ah @qjuh and @thehairy guys I get same error...
chewie 🌈
chewie 🌈14mo ago
#rules 6
Mockir14mo ago
Sorry bro
d.js docs
d.js docs14mo ago
To help you we need more information: • What are you trying to do? • What is your code? • What errors and debug logs do you have?
Mockir14mo ago
the problem continues Sometimes code is done but sometimes it didnt work . I did it already but it didnt work I will add "interaction.deferReply();" top of the interactionCreate file right? I did it but it didnt work even... Ok I will send my all code
Mockir14mo ago
Thats my interactionCreate file https://srcb.in/yWNz8Nud4v One of the code not working (No code is working.) https://sourceb.in/g4NK63xK4N also log and channel screenshots
Mockir14mo ago
yea I realise I did it... Now I fix it and get this error
d.js docs
d.js docs14mo ago
Tag suggestion for @mockir: Common causes of DiscordAPIError[10062]: Unknown interaction: • Initial response took more than 3 seconds ➞ defer the response *. • Wrong interaction object inside a collector. * Note: you cannot defer modal or autocomplete value responses
Mockir14mo ago
How can i fix it
chewie 🌈
chewie 🌈14mo ago
await your deferReply() and use .editReply() afterwards instead of .reply() like I told you before
Mockir14mo ago
Yea I know https://sourceb.in/g4NK63xK4N and I did it already
treble/luna14mo ago
did you save your code
Mockir14mo ago
Yes... I save
Mockir14mo ago
Mockir14mo ago
.setDescription('Hangi işi yapmak istiyorsanız onu yazınız.')
.addStringOption(option =>
.setDescription('Kaç saat çalışmak istiyorsunuz.')
run: async (client, interaction) => {
await interaction.deferReply();
const = interaction.options.getString('iş').toLowerCase()
const sürea = interaction.options.getString('süre')
const numObj = new Number(sürea);
const süre = numObj.valueOf();
const user = users(interaction.user.id)
if (!isNumber(süre)) return interaction.editReply('Çalışmak istediğiniz süreyi sayı ile belirtiniz.')
console.log('Is "süre" number? ' + isNumber(süre))
if (süre > 3) return interaction.editReply('En fazla 3 saat çalışabilirsiniz.')
console.log('What is "süre"? ' + süre)
console.log('What is "user.lastwsaat" ' + user.lastwsaat)
if (user.lastwsaat > 0) return interaction.editReply('Zaten şuan çalışıyorsunuz.')
let worktime
if (süre === 1) {
worktime = new Date * 1
} else if (süre === 2) {
worktime = new Date * 1
} else if (süre === 3) {
worktime = new Date * 1
switch (iş) {
.setDescription('Hangi işi yapmak istiyorsanız onu yazınız.')
.addStringOption(option =>
.setDescription('Kaç saat çalışmak istiyorsunuz.')
run: async (client, interaction) => {
await interaction.deferReply();
const = interaction.options.getString('iş').toLowerCase()
const sürea = interaction.options.getString('süre')
const numObj = new Number(sürea);
const süre = numObj.valueOf();
const user = users(interaction.user.id)
if (!isNumber(süre)) return interaction.editReply('Çalışmak istediğiniz süreyi sayı ile belirtiniz.')
console.log('Is "süre" number? ' + isNumber(süre))
if (süre > 3) return interaction.editReply('En fazla 3 saat çalışabilirsiniz.')
console.log('What is "süre"? ' + süre)
console.log('What is "user.lastwsaat" ' + user.lastwsaat)
if (user.lastwsaat > 0) return interaction.editReply('Zaten şuan çalışıyorsunuz.')
let worktime
if (süre === 1) {
worktime = new Date * 1
} else if (süre === 2) {
worktime = new Date * 1
} else if (süre === 3) {
worktime = new Date * 1
switch (iş) {
chewie 🌈
chewie 🌈14mo ago
I'm talking about your interactionCreate event remove the deferReply from the command
Mockir14mo ago
Oh Okey
chewie 🌈
chewie 🌈14mo ago
and why are you using the users function twice thats hella unefficient not to mention that running through all command files is as well I suggest you just scrap the code you have and follow the command handling guide
d.js docs
d.js docs14mo ago
guide Creating Your Bot: Command handling read more
Mockir14mo ago
So I must add my interactionCreate part "interaction.deferReply();" and then I use editReply all command right?
chewie 🌈
chewie 🌈14mo ago
Mockir14mo ago
okey I will try it
Mockir14mo ago
treble/luna14mo ago
the interaction you pass in your interactionCreate is invalid / expired it expires before you defer it
Mockir14mo ago
I did it
Mockir14mo ago
Mockir14mo ago
But still I get error
treble/luna14mo ago
i never told you to defer your reply in your interactionCreate? You'll get errors this way with modal interactions. What i'm saying is something in your interactionCreate is taking a long time
Mockir14mo ago
I did what chewie said
treble/luna14mo ago
oh i didnt see the return statement, mb but show the full error
Mockir14mo ago
treble/luna14mo ago
show your code around interactioncreate line 24
Mockir14mo ago
. Here
treble/luna14mo ago
even at that .deferReply, your interaction already is expired, or an Unknown Interaction at least, so i have no clue what it could be other than your connection
Mockir14mo ago
Maybe mods know anotherelse
chewie 🌈
chewie 🌈14mo ago
Mockir14mo ago
How I can fix it.... Anybody dont know?
Unknown User
Unknown User14mo ago
Message Not Public
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Mockir14mo ago
I write my server company I will talk about it
Unknown User
Unknown User14mo ago
Message Not Public
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treble/luna14mo ago
and an actual database instead of a file on your computer
Unknown User
Unknown User14mo ago
Message Not Public
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chewie 🌈
chewie 🌈14mo ago
so is their shrug
Unknown User
Unknown User14mo ago
Message Not Public
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Mockir14mo ago
Thanks for everything guys I try something Like
const { EmbedBuilder, PermissionsBitField, SlashCommandBuilder, ActionRowBuilder, ButtonBuilder, ButtonStyle } = require('discord.js', { restTimeOffset: 0 });
const { EmbedBuilder, PermissionsBitField, SlashCommandBuilder, ActionRowBuilder, ButtonBuilder, ButtonStyle } = require('discord.js', { restTimeOffset: 0 });
But now sometimes I get weird response
Mockir14mo ago
Mockir14mo ago
Like that Thats work 4 min later send response Thanks for everything guys Like that Thats work 4 min later send response Thats work 4 min later send response