
Hi, I have this code here: distube.on("playSong", (queue, song) => { let embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed() .setTitle("Playing song...") .addField("Song", song.name) .addField("Requested by", song.user.toString()) queue.textChannel.send({ embeds: [embed] }); songCount += 1; console.log(chalk.red(songCount = ${songCount})); let button1 = new Discord.MessageButton() .setEmoji("❗") .setLabel("Stop!") .setStyle("SECONDARY") .setCustomId(buttonstop,${song.user.id}); let row = new Discord.MessageActionRow() .addComponents(button1); queue.textChannel.send({ components: [row] }); client.on("interactionCreate", interaction => { if (!interaction.isButton()) return; if (interaction.customId.startsWith("buttonstop")) { interaction.deferUpdate(); const voiceChannel = interaction.member.voice.channel; if (!voiceChannel) { return interaction.reply("You must be in a voice channel to execute this command"); } const voiceChannelBot = interaction.guild.channels.cache.find(channel => channel.type == "GUILD_VOICE" && channel.members.has(client.user.id)); if (voiceChannelBot && voiceChannel.id !== voiceChannelBot.id) { return interaction.reply("This bot is already in use in another voice chat"); } try { distube.stop(interaction); } catch { return interaction.reply("No songs playing or songs already stopped"); } interaction.channel.send("Bye"); } }); }); In this code there is a problem but I do not understand where, in the console I get this error: DiscordAPIError: Interaction has already been acknowledged.
7 Replies
Unknown User
Unknown User3y ago
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Parogo_723y ago
You shouldnt nest an event inside another If that distube event firest twice, you will create two interactionCreate events that will overlap each other Instead, you should create a collector
d.js docs
d.js docs3y ago
guide Popular Topics: Interaction collectors read more
yuyaaici_YTOP3y ago
And how should I do it
Parogo_723y ago
Well, read the guide I sent
yuyaaici_YTOP3y ago
I did so but it doesn't work: const eventHandlers = { playSong: (queue, song) => { let embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed() .setTitle("Playing song...") .addField("Song", song.name) .addField("Requested by", song.user.toString()); queue.textChannel.send({ embeds: [embed] }); songCount += 1; console.log(songCount = ${songCount}); let button1 = new Discord.MessageButton() .setEmoji("❗") .setLabel("Stop!") .setStyle("SECONDARY") .setCustomId(buttonstop,${song.user.id}); let row = new Discord.MessageActionRow() .addComponents(button1); currentInteraction = queue.textChannel.send({ components: [row] });
}, interactionCreate: interaction => { if (!interaction.isButton()) return; if (interaction.customId.startsWith("buttonstop")) { if (!interaction.isButton()) return; if (interaction.customId.startsWith("buttonstop")) { interaction.deferUpdate(); const voiceChannel = interaction.member.voice.channel; if (!voiceChannel) { return interaction.reply("You must be in a voice channel to execute this command"); } const voiceChannelBot = interaction.guild.channels.cache.find(channel => channel.type == "GUILD_VOICE" && channel.members.has(client.user.id)); if (voiceChannelBot && voiceChannel.id !== voiceChannelBot.id) { return interaction.reply("This bot is already in use in another voice chat"); }
try { distube.stop(interaction); } catch { return interaction.reply("No songs playing or songs already stopped"); } interaction.channel.send("Bye"); }
}; } } client.on("messageCreate", message => {
let button1 = new Discord.MessageButton() .setEmoji("❗") .setLabel("Stop!") .setStyle("SECONDARY") .setCustomId(buttonstop,${song.user.id}); let row = new Discord.MessageActionRow() .addComponents(button1);
queue.textChannel.send({ components: [row] });
const collector = interaction.channel?.createMessageComponentCollector({ componentType: ComponentType.Button, }); collector?.on('collect', async (...args) => { const interaction = [...args][0]; await mainMenuHandler(interaction, collector); });

if (interaction.customId.startsWith("buttonstop")) { interaction.deferUpdate();

const voiceChannel = interaction.member.voice.channel; if (!voiceChannel) { return interaction.reply("You must be in a voice channel to run this command"); }
const voiceChannelBot = interaction.guild.channels.cache.find(channel => channel.type == "GUILD_VOICE" && channel.members.has(client.user.id)); if (voiceChannelBot && voiceChannel.id !== voiceChannelBot.id) { return interaction.reply("This bot is already in use in another voice chat"); } try { distube.stop(interaction);

} catch { return interaction.reply("No songs playing or songs already paused"); }
} }) I tried so but it gives me error
d.js docs
d.js docs3y ago
Codeblocks: ```js const Discord = require("discord.js"); // further code ``` becomes
const Discord = require("discord.js");
// further code
const Discord = require("discord.js");
// further code
Inline Code: `console.log('inline!');` becomes console.log('inline!');

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