hyperlink to trigger a command

is it possible to make hyperlinks (something like discord://SendInteraction or discord://SendMessage) to send a message or fill a command or send a command upon clicking on it?
8 Replies
⚡AmirhN2y ago
if not, how many options can i put in select menu ?
duck2y ago
no there's no links to send commands (sounds like a security hazard) and the max options for a select menu is 25
⚡AmirhN2y ago
thank you!.
조아오2y ago
You can mention command just like channels:
Open the command you want to mention and right click the command name on top of the text field and copy the id
Use this template: </{command name}:{ commandId }>
Example: /invite (Invite command for the @djsdoc) Sorry for the ping
Mac2y ago
/invite How does that work? It didn't change anything for me
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megatank582y ago
not really
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