Dropdown emojis
Heyo so im trying to add emojis onto my dropdown menus for the selections, doing it the way i was told to / showed how and it just isnt working..? any suggestions?
18 Replies
• What's your exact discord.js
npm list discord.js
and node node -v
• Post the full error stack trace, not just the top part!
• Show your code!
• Explain what exactly your issue is.
• Not a discord.js issue? Check out #useful-servers.is that supposed to be a select menu option?
Im just trying to figure out why the emoji wont work on it
its emoji and expects an object with name, id and animated if it is
its not
if it is
Well yeah
so how do i get it to work from that point ?
like I said
and not emote
and expects an object
https://discord-api-types.dev/api/discord-api-types-v10/interface/APIMessageComponentEmojiso i need to change the emote to emoji
then that would be correct?
emoji: "<:development:1013129120223350846>"
and expects an objecthttps://discord-api-types.dev/api/discord-api-types-v10/interface/APIMessageComponentEmoji
Im looking at that but i still dont follow.
you have to pass an object containing the properties shown in the linked page
ID:Name ?
An object is something like
{property: value}
So instead of a string, pass an object with the properties (found in the link above) and their valuesHonestly
I dont understand what is ment by object
i just got told you put the emojis in like that
Then please brush up on your JS knowledge, making a bot isnt a beginner task.
#rules 2