How can I know if a member manages another member?

No idea how to do this one
7 Replies
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Unknown User2y ago
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duck2y ago
this is a really vague question, and I'm not sure why this is in #djs-voice but likely you'd want to wait for the new GUILD_AUDIT_LOG_ENTRY_CREATE event to be implemented in the next release
Isra2y ago
Oh I meant if a members top role is higher or whatever discord uses to decide who can ban who
d.js docs
d.js docs2y ago
property GuildMember#manageable Whether the client user is above this user in the hierarchy, according to role position and guild ownership. This is a prerequisite for many moderative actions.
Isra2y ago
@ducktrshessami Sorry for pinging you again but I was looking for a function that checks if member A can ban/kick/mute member B
duck2y ago
ah sorry there isn't a function like that, but if you check out the source for <GuildMember>.bannable, <GuildMember>.kickable, <GuildMember>.moderatable, and <GuildMember>.mangeable you could write something similar to check for other members than the client user
Isra2y ago