Getting Number of Members with particular role

Hello! As described above, I'm trying to determine the number of members in my server of a particular role. I've got the following code, but for some reason .members keeps returning an empty map.
const staff_role_count = oldMember.guild.roles.cache.get(roles.Staff).members.size;
const staff_count_channel = client.channels.cache.get(
staff_count_channel.edit({ name: "Staff: " + staff_role_count });
const staff_role_count = oldMember.guild.roles.cache.get(roles.Staff).members.size;
const staff_count_channel = client.channels.cache.get(
staff_count_channel.edit({ name: "Staff: " + staff_role_count });
Do you know what's going wrong?
results in an empty map, and the value of staff_role_count gets set to 0
2 Replies
Unknown User
Unknown User3y ago
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TyranasaurusOP3y ago
AH! thank you How can I do this, synctactically?

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