Slash Commands

Is there any easy way of adding slash commands to my bot? (I already got a normal command parser but I don't wanna go through making /help commands and I'm pretty interested in modals.)
7 Replies
Kinect30002y ago
/execute command: string (or subcommand) arguments: string Making it work properly might require some work tho While you can’t make modals appear from legacy commands, you can send a message w/ a button that opens it You don’t rly have to worry abt converting to slash commands unless ur bot is growing and will eventually require verification
doqe2y ago
no like easy way to add full slash commands
doqe2y ago
Kinect30002y ago
You can use builders to make the command and rest package to deploy them
doqe2y ago
idk anything about builders
d.js docs
d.js docs2y ago
guide Interactions: Registering slash commands read more
Kinect30002y ago
With dynamic command handlers, you usually have a data property that exports the SlashCommandBuilder Then you can just read the command files, convert builders to json-serializable objects and deploy w/ rest
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