```js > shattered-realms@2.0.0 test > node . Command: create2 has been passed through the handler. Command: embed has been passed through the handler. Command: ping has been passed through the handler. Started refreshing application (/) commands. DiscordAPIError[20012]: You are not authorized to perform this action on this application at SequentialHandler.runRequest (C:\Users\Leoin\Desktop\Bot Code\node_modules\@discordjs\rest\dist\index.js:667:15) at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5) at async SequentialHandler.queueRequest (C:\Users\Leoin\Desktop\Bot Code\node_modules\@discordjs\rest\dist\index.js:464:14) at async REST.request (C:\Users\Leoin\Desktop\Bot Code\node_modules\@discordjs\rest\dist\index.js:910:22) at async client.handleCommands (C:\Users\Leoin\Desktop\Bot Code\src\functions\handlers\handleCommands.js:28:7) { rawError: { message: 'You are not authorized to perform this action on this application', code: 20012 }, code: 20012, status: 403, method: 'PUT', url: 'https://discord.com/api/v9/applications/951191515642855494/guilds/945068274159333427/commands' } Ready!!! Shattered Realms V2#4468 is logged in and online. ``` I am unsure as to why it is telling me that I am unauthorized. I have put in the correct OAuth token into my .env file, but it continues to say it. What am I missing?