HTTPERROR [FetchError]
After running the bot for a while, it stops working and if I try to use a command again I would get HTTPERROR
What is the reason for this? I actually run a command in a channel, and keeps deleting the channel messages and sends updated query server info when a player joins and leave the game server. I also get RTC Connecting in my main discord when my bot stops working, and I can join any call until I stop it and restart discord.
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Unknown User•3y ago
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[email protected] and node v18.12.1
The thing is that stops working after a while
Not giving any error in terminal
And if I do the command again
Ok, so the command should last until I turn the bot off, but after a while working perfectly, it stops sending messages
And if I do the command again in the same channel, it will send it once and give HTTPError in terminal
My own pc
Some times visual studio and other times cmd
Maybe firewall?
Blocking connection with discord?
I also get RTC Connecting if I try join a vc when the bot stops working