Problem with the loading of 3 commands

hello ! I've a problem with 3 of my commands, that load properly but they are not shown in the discord integrations of the discord settings of my server, they are showed when i use bot.command.forEach but still can't use them
5 Replies
d.js toolkit
d.js toolkit2y ago
• What's your exact discord.js npm list discord.js and node node -v version? • Post the full error stack trace, not just the top part! • Show your code! • Explain what exactly your issue is. • Not a discord.js issue? Check out #useful-servers.
Syjalo2y ago
Did you deploy them?
DoraaOP2y ago
Yes, all my others commands work, and they use the same method to load
const Discord = require("discord.js")
const { REST } = require("@discordjs/rest")
const { Routes } = require("discord.js")

module.exports = async bot => {

let commands = []

bot.commands.forEach(async command => {

let slashcommand = new Discord.SlashCommandBuilder()
.setDefaultMemberPermissions(command.permission === "Aucune" ? null : command.permission)

if(command.options?.length >= 1 ){
for(let i = 0; i < command.options.length; i++) {
if ( === "say") {
if (i === 0) {
slashcommand[`add${command.options[i].type.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase() + command.options[i].type.slice(1, command.options[i].type.length)}Option`](option => option.setName(command.options[i].name).setDescription(command.options[i].description).setRequired(command.options[i].required).addChoices(...command.options[0].choices))
else {
slashcommand[`add${command.options[i].type.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase() + command.options[i].type.slice(1, command.options[i].type.length)}Option`](option => option.setName(command.options[i].name).setDescription(command.options[i].description).setRequired(command.options[i].required))
else {
slashcommand[`add${command.options[i].type.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase() + command.options[i].type.slice(1, command.options[i].type.length)}Option`](option => option.setName(command.options[i].name).setDescription(command.options[i].description).setRequired(command.options[i].required))
await commands.push(slashcommand)

const rest = new REST({version: "10"}).setToken(bot.token)

await rest.put(Routes.applicationCommands(, {body: commands})
console.log("les slashcommandes sont créées avec succès !")
const Discord = require("discord.js")
const { REST } = require("@discordjs/rest")
const { Routes } = require("discord.js")

module.exports = async bot => {

let commands = []

bot.commands.forEach(async command => {

let slashcommand = new Discord.SlashCommandBuilder()
.setDefaultMemberPermissions(command.permission === "Aucune" ? null : command.permission)

if(command.options?.length >= 1 ){
for(let i = 0; i < command.options.length; i++) {
if ( === "say") {
if (i === 0) {
slashcommand[`add${command.options[i].type.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase() + command.options[i].type.slice(1, command.options[i].type.length)}Option`](option => option.setName(command.options[i].name).setDescription(command.options[i].description).setRequired(command.options[i].required).addChoices(...command.options[0].choices))
else {
slashcommand[`add${command.options[i].type.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase() + command.options[i].type.slice(1, command.options[i].type.length)}Option`](option => option.setName(command.options[i].name).setDescription(command.options[i].description).setRequired(command.options[i].required))
else {
slashcommand[`add${command.options[i].type.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase() + command.options[i].type.slice(1, command.options[i].type.length)}Option`](option => option.setName(command.options[i].name).setDescription(command.options[i].description).setRequired(command.options[i].required))
await commands.push(slashcommand)

const rest = new REST({version: "10"}).setToken(bot.token)

await rest.put(Routes.applicationCommands(, {body: commands})
console.log("les slashcommandes sont créées avec succès !")
this one
const Discord = require('discord.js');

module.exports = {
name: "ping",
description: "Obtenez le ping/la latence du bot",
dm: true,
category: "Informations",
permission: "Aucune",
usage: "/ping",

async run(bot, message) {
let pingEmbed = new Discord.EmbedBuilder()
.setAuthor({ name: message.user.username, iconURL: message.user.displayAvatarURL({ dynamic: true }) })
.setDescription(`Ping : \`${}ms\``)
await message.reply({embeds: [pingEmbed]});
const Discord = require('discord.js');

module.exports = {
name: "ping",
description: "Obtenez le ping/la latence du bot",
dm: true,
category: "Informations",
permission: "Aucune",
usage: "/ping",

async run(bot, message) {
let pingEmbed = new Discord.EmbedBuilder()
.setAuthor({ name: message.user.username, iconURL: message.user.displayAvatarURL({ dynamic: true }) })
.setDescription(`Ping : \`${}ms\``)
await message.reply({embeds: [pingEmbed]});
This is one of the command that didnt show up, but it show as loaded in my console
const fs = require('fs');

module.exports = async bot => {
fs.readdirSync('./Commandes').filter(f => f.endsWith('.js')).forEach(async file =>{
let command = require(`../Commandes/${file}`);
if (! || typeof !== "string") throw new TypeError(`${file} n'a pas de nom ou le nom n'est pas une chaîne de caractères`)
bot.commands.set(, command);
console.log(`Commande chargée: ${} avec succes !`);
const fs = require('fs');

module.exports = async bot => {
fs.readdirSync('./Commandes').filter(f => f.endsWith('.js')).forEach(async file =>{
let command = require(`../Commandes/${file}`);
if (! || typeof !== "string") throw new TypeError(`${file} n'a pas de nom ou le nom n'est pas une chaîne de caractères`)
bot.commands.set(, command);
console.log(`Commande chargée: ${} avec succes !`);
and the method i use to check all commands files
Syjalo2y ago
Commands array should be an array of command data, not builders. You should have received an error. Use commands.push(slashcommand.toJSON())
DoraaOP2y ago
i didnt have any error so i changed and it is still the same guess it is not from that i really don't understand oh i see where the problem is, it is only for commands that didnt have any option My bad, that was just a scope error thanks ! thanks @joe376 too

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