How to multi-select roles in a slash command?

There's an easy way to select multiple roles as arguments of a slash command? I know that there is an addRoleOption, but if I understand it right, it can only select one role at time
6 Replies
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Unknown User2y ago
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Marcus Natrielli
Discord.js version: 14.6.0 Node version: 17.3.1
⸸⛧ Stealth ⛧⸸
I do not think you can select multiple roles with addRoleOption but you can do a workaround where you can use addStringOption and use Autocomplete to display all the roles in the server with addStringOption you can have multiple choices
Jaworek2y ago
there are new selects that allow multiple roles selecting but u need to send message for that
⸸⛧ Stealth ⛧⸸
That is a select menu yes, but i think this person wants it through a slash command
Marcus Natrielli
I prefer using slash commands, because I want do make a command that admins can use to make "role select" messages So, the admin select the roles they want, and then the bot send a message with these roles that the guild members can select But yeah, it's possible to: - use a slash command that send a select menu with all roles - then the admin select all the roles they want - then the bot send a role select message with these roles Why? By role select message I mean, a select menu with label = and value = Unfortunately not a proper role select... Hope Discord makes something better soon For this purpouse
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