Invalid Form Body embeds[0].image.url[URL_TYPE_INVALID_URL] Not a well formed URL?

So i'm trying to request a custom image from a website and the res says that it is 200 (OK) but even then I'm getting this error which is preventing me from using the res recieved in a .setImage() function in my EmbedBuilder
8 Replies
Unknown User
Unknown User3y ago
Message Not Public
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vance_OP3y ago
my code:
const e = user2.presence.activities
const duration = e[0].timestamps.end.getTime() - e[0].timestamps.start.getTime()
const f = String(e[0].assets.largeImage).slice(8)
const elapsed = - e[0].timestamps.start.getTime()
const image = `${String(e[0].assets.largeImage).slice(8)}`
const URL = `${e[0].details}&artists=${e[0].state}&image=${image}&elapsedtime=${elapsed}&totaltime=${duration}&key=xyz`

await fetch(URL).then((res) => console.log(res))
if ( === client.config.adminId) {{
embeds: [
new EmbedBuilder()
Details: ${e[0].details}
Elapsed Time: ${formatDuration( - e[0].timestamps.start.getTime())}
Start Time: ${e[0].timestamps.start.getTime()}
End Time: ${e[0].timestamps.end.getTime()}
Duration: ${formatDuration(duration)}
Album: ${e[0].assets.largeText}
Author: ${e[0].state}
const e = user2.presence.activities
const duration = e[0].timestamps.end.getTime() - e[0].timestamps.start.getTime()
const f = String(e[0].assets.largeImage).slice(8)
const elapsed = - e[0].timestamps.start.getTime()
const image = `${String(e[0].assets.largeImage).slice(8)}`
const URL = `${e[0].details}&artists=${e[0].state}&image=${image}&elapsedtime=${elapsed}&totaltime=${duration}&key=xyz`

await fetch(URL).then((res) => console.log(res))
if ( === client.config.adminId) {{
embeds: [
new EmbedBuilder()
Details: ${e[0].details}
Elapsed Time: ${formatDuration( - e[0].timestamps.start.getTime())}
Start Time: ${e[0].timestamps.start.getTime()}
End Time: ${e[0].timestamps.end.getTime()}
Duration: ${formatDuration(duration)}
Album: ${e[0].assets.largeText}
Author: ${e[0].state}
and when I visit the exact link (the res console logs it), everything is normal node: 17.9.0
pat3y ago
what is this exact link
vance_OP3y ago
it makes a spotify card api basically
pat3y ago
what is this exact link nvm it's not a png or jpeg so it gets rejected
vance_OP3y ago ah how shall i make it into a PNG? because I really do want it in my .setImage() thing alright, thanks a lot @qjuh so I made a few changes, I added:
const buffer = await fetch(URL)

const attachment = new AttachmentBuilder(buffer, {
name: "spotify.png",
const buffer = await fetch(URL)

const attachment = new AttachmentBuilder(buffer, {
name: "spotify.png",
and then .setImage(attachment)
d.js docs
d.js docs3y ago
MessageEmbed#attachFiles has been removed. Files should be attached via the message option object instead:
const attachment = new MessageAttachment('./image.png', 'image1.png');
const embed = new MessageEmbed()
- .attachFiles([attachment])

- channel.send(embed)
+ channel.send({
+ embeds: [embed],
+ files: [attachment]
+ });
const attachment = new MessageAttachment('./image.png', 'image1.png');
const embed = new MessageEmbed()
- .attachFiles([attachment])

- channel.send(embed)
+ channel.send({
+ embeds: [embed],
+ files: [attachment]
+ });
vance_OP3y ago
ah alright so I have to do
thats it? yep @qjuh I did what you said but now its throwing another error smh
TypeError [ReqResourceType]: The resource must be a string, Buffer or a valid file stream.
TypeError [ReqResourceType]: The resource must be a string, Buffer or a valid file stream.
code for reference:
if ( === client.config.adminId) {
const buffer = await fetch(URL)

const attachment = new AttachmentBuilder(buffer, {
name: "spotify.png",
embeds: [
new EmbedBuilder()
Details: ${e[0].details}
Elapsed Time: ${formatDuration( - e[0].timestamps.start.getTime())}
Start Time: ${e[0].timestamps.start.getTime()}
End Time: ${e[0].timestamps.end.getTime()}
Duration: ${formatDuration(duration)}
Album: ${e[0].assets.largeText}
Author: ${e[0].state}
files: [attachment]
if ( === client.config.adminId) {
const buffer = await fetch(URL)

const attachment = new AttachmentBuilder(buffer, {
name: "spotify.png",
embeds: [
new EmbedBuilder()
Details: ${e[0].details}
Elapsed Time: ${formatDuration( - e[0].timestamps.start.getTime())}
Start Time: ${e[0].timestamps.start.getTime()}
End Time: ${e[0].timestamps.end.getTime()}
Duration: ${formatDuration(duration)}
Album: ${e[0].assets.largeText}
Author: ${e[0].state}
files: [attachment]
hmm, how do I make it into a buffer? im sorry this is my first time working with attachment builders nevermind i fixed it by making the buffer the url itself

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