Seeking a Solution for Discord Rate Limit Issues on a VPS Running 160 Bots

Hello everyone, good evening, I have a VPS that currently runs 160 bots using discord.js, but I've been facing several issues with Discord's rate limit. Almost every day, Discord blocks my machine's IP for an hour or more. Does anyone know a solution for this rate limit? I haven't found any native way to implement a proxy or something similar. Does anyone have any ideas?
13 Replies
d.js toolkit
d.js toolkit3w ago
- What's your exact discord.js npm list discord.js and node node -v version? - Not a discord.js issue? Check out #other-js-ts. - Consider reading #how-to-get-help to improve your question! - Explain what exactly your issue is. - Post the full error stack trace, not just the top part! - Show your code! - Issue solved? Press the button!
Amgelo3w ago
are you a host or why are you running 160 bots
! Maachado
! MaachadoOP3w ago
Almost! I work with bot sales.
Amgelo3w ago
couldn't your clients host the bots themselves?
! Maachado
! MaachadoOP3w ago
Theoretically, the code is private and requires a monthly payment. Sending the code to them would be a problem.
Amgelo3w ago
you should be able to afford multiple machines then at the very least shared hosts aren't really good for bots due to that one client can ratelimit the entire machine it's a question better suited for ddevs, since it's not really djs related but about discord itself #useful-servers I believe the answer would be this though
! Maachado
! MaachadoOP3w ago
If I were to have a machine for each application, the cost would be very high. Currently, I charge less than 5 dollars per bot.
Amgelo3w ago
yeah, that's why I only mentioned that the very least is multiple machines the ideal would be one per client but you most likely can't afford that so at the very least you could group multiple clients in multiple machines that could help but theorically you can still get ratelimited quickly it'd depend on how many clients there are per machine you could also just sell the code itself and let the clients handle that problem not sure what's discord's stance about sharing tokens anyways
Syjalo3w ago
Can't it be just one bot on multiple servers?
! Maachado
! MaachadoOP3w ago
In that case, I would lose the main source of income, which is the monthly recurring revenue. Currently, Discord doesn't support customizing the bot's avatar for each server. Therefore, I can't put an instance in each server per bot, as clients request having their own name and avatar.
Mark3w ago
Violates the TOS afaik
Amgelo3w ago
yeah but someone one day pointed out that it said "user tokens" or something like that I'm not sure now lol maybe I missed one part, it's probably against
Mark3w ago
You will use any developer credentials (such as your Application ID, passwords, keys, tokens, and client secrets) we assign to you solely with your Application and the applicable APIs (and will not permit or enable any other Application to use them) and will treat them as Discord confidential information (as described below). Without limiting the foregoing, you will keep API keys and tokens encrypted in any files or other materials accessible by third parties (other than your Service Providers, subject to Section 12(a)). For the avoidance of doubt, developer credentials may not be embedded in open source projects.
From the developer TOS

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