String Collectors not Collecting?

// User interaction - Add Line Item Button
if (newOrderButtons.customId === 'addlineitem') {
// Log start newOrder type select
console.log('[newOrder] Started newOrder Type Select');

// Define ticket types
const facTicketTypes = [
label: 'Material',
description: 'Facility materials',
value: 'material',
label: 'TrainEco',
description: 'Trains for large rails',
value: 'train',
label: 'Naval',
description: 'Large ships',
value: 'naval',
label: 'BTEco',
description: 'Battle tanks',
value: 'BT',
label: 'Upgrade',
description: 'Vehicle upgrade',
value: 'upgrade',
label: 'Other',
description: 'Other ticket',
value: 'other',

// Build ticketType SelectMenu
console.log('[newOrder] Build ticketType SelectMenu');
const ticketType = new StringSelectMenuBuilder()
.setPlaceholder('Make a selection')
.addOptions( =>
new StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder()

console.log('[newOrder] Build ticketTypeRow');
const ticketTypeRow = new ActionRowBuilder()

// Display SelectMenu
console.log('[newOrder] Display ticket type StringSelect');
const newTicketTypeResponse = await newOrderButtons.reply({
content: 'Select Ticket Type',
components: [ticketTypeRow],
ephemeral: true,
// User interaction - Add Line Item Button
if (newOrderButtons.customId === 'addlineitem') {
// Log start newOrder type select
console.log('[newOrder] Started newOrder Type Select');

// Define ticket types
const facTicketTypes = [
label: 'Material',
description: 'Facility materials',
value: 'material',
label: 'TrainEco',
description: 'Trains for large rails',
value: 'train',
label: 'Naval',
description: 'Large ships',
value: 'naval',
label: 'BTEco',
description: 'Battle tanks',
value: 'BT',
label: 'Upgrade',
description: 'Vehicle upgrade',
value: 'upgrade',
label: 'Other',
description: 'Other ticket',
value: 'other',

// Build ticketType SelectMenu
console.log('[newOrder] Build ticketType SelectMenu');
const ticketType = new StringSelectMenuBuilder()
.setPlaceholder('Make a selection')
.addOptions( =>
new StringSelectMenuOptionBuilder()

console.log('[newOrder] Build ticketTypeRow');
const ticketTypeRow = new ActionRowBuilder()

// Display SelectMenu
console.log('[newOrder] Display ticket type StringSelect');
const newTicketTypeResponse = await newOrderButtons.reply({
content: 'Select Ticket Type',
components: [ticketTypeRow],
ephemeral: true,
18 Replies
d.js toolkit
d.js toolkit6mo ago
- What's your exact discord.js npm list discord.js and node node -v version? - Not a discord.js issue? Check out #other-js-ts. - Consider reading #how-to-get-help to improve your question! - Explain what exactly your issue is. - Post the full error stack trace, not just the top part! - Show your code! - Issue solved? Press the button!
ShockZoneOP6mo ago
// ***************************************
// New Order - New Line StringSelect Response
// ***************************************

const collectorFilter = i => ===;

// Wait for user input
console.log('[mewOrder] Waiting for user input - ticket type');
const ticketTypeSelection = await newTicketTypeResponse.awaitMessageComponent({

ticketTypeSelection.on('collect', async newTicketType => {
const selection = newTicketType.values[0];
await newTicketType.reply(`${newTicketType.user} has selected ${selection}!`)


ticketTypeSelection.on('collect', async (newTicketType) => {

// Log ticket type chosen

if (ticketTypeSelection.values == 'material') {
console.log('[newOrder] User has chosen material ticket');
// ***************************************
// New Order - New Line StringSelect Response
// ***************************************

const collectorFilter = i => ===;

// Wait for user input
console.log('[mewOrder] Waiting for user input - ticket type');
const ticketTypeSelection = await newTicketTypeResponse.awaitMessageComponent({

ticketTypeSelection.on('collect', async newTicketType => {
const selection = newTicketType.values[0];
await newTicketType.reply(`${newTicketType.user} has selected ${selection}!`)


ticketTypeSelection.on('collect', async (newTicketType) => {

// Log ticket type chosen

if (ticketTypeSelection.values == 'material') {
console.log('[newOrder] User has chosen material ticket');
The console logs run all the way through "Waiting for user input - ticket type", but have zero interest in actually running the collector on list selection. Even more interesting (for me), is that I'm collecting the 'material' choice
treble/luna6mo ago
add fetchReply: true when replying
ShockZoneOP6mo ago
Explain it like I know nothing?
d.js docs
d.js docs6mo ago
:propertysignature: InteractionReplyOptions#fetchReply @14.15.3 Whether to fetch the reply
ShockZoneOP6mo ago
is that in here?
const newTicketTypeResponse = await newOrderButtons.reply({
content: 'Select Ticket Type',
components: [ticketTypeRow],
ephemeral: true,
const newTicketTypeResponse = await newOrderButtons.reply({
content: 'Select Ticket Type',
components: [ticketTypeRow],
ephemeral: true,
treble/luna6mo ago
ShockZoneOP6mo ago
Ah, so that basically removes the need for a collector using awaitMessageComponent
treble/luna6mo ago
ShockZoneOP6mo ago
I guess I meant the .on('collect') bit. The response I'm now getting is an obejct, and I can pull the .values from it and keep executing
treble/luna6mo ago
that response is your interaction
ShockZoneOP6mo ago
Thank you Followup question... What does this do to execution? The next line is an if that isn't executing. I even threw in an else whose only action is console.log('If failed') Naturally I'm getting If failed
duck6mo ago
fetchReply: true just fetches the Message your bot replies with without it, reply resolves in an InteractionResponse currently there are a few issues with collectors created from InteractionResponses, so adding fetchReply: true sidesteps this this would be unrelated to your if statement frankly it's a little confusing how your code has executed without errors so far
const ticketTypeSelection = await newTicketTypeResponse.awaitMessageComponent({ ticketTypeSelection.on('collect', async newTicketType => {
this should error since awaitMessageComponent doesn't resolve in an InteractionCollector, just the MessageComponentInteraction, and <MessageComponentInteraction>.on() doesn't exist I have to assume this isn't exactly the code that's executing, so please share your updated code
ShockZoneOP6mo ago
No description
duck6mo ago
then ticketTypeSelection is your StringSelectMenuInteraction, and therefore ticketTypeSelection.values is an array
if (ticketTypeSelection.values === 'material') {
an array will never be strictly equal to a string, so this will never be true
ShockZoneOP6mo ago
Thanks for explaining this - still pretty new to JS. So techincally I could String(ticketTypeSelection.values[0]) and get what I'm looking for?
duck6mo ago
<StringSelectMenuInteraction>.values is already an array of strings, but sure

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