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All posts for Java Community | Help. Code. Learn.
Thoughts on this ER-diagram?
help for javascript (code.hs) beginner
Rendering too resource-intensive
Not getting right platform details
What are some things and language features you use to reduce writing/time spent on boilerplate?
how to use validation in my controller?
API Gateway is not getting registered on Eureka Server
A FREE Claude 3.5 AI IDE
Best Practice for storing images spring boot
linked lists vs ArrayList vs Arrays
How to have Dynamic Database Switching in Spring Boot While the project is running
How to sign executable jar with jsign or similar
I need help to compile source code of a plugin and make it a functioning .jar
Sprign Data JDBC doesnt save my Domain
How to describe nested struct layout through jdk 22 ffm APIs?
__filename is not defined (node.js)
android intents
The import Interface cannot be resolved
Want to learn
Help seting up GitHub on Intellij to start pushing project.
What is wrong with this code?
Javafx issue
Output Characters
Query with SSM
please clarify this question
Problems in a Cryptography assignment problem
whats the point of OOP encapsulation?
How to combine Left Join Fetch with specification
how does open-closed principle really work?
Spring Boot, JavaScript fetching Endpoint
Cannot invoke "jakarta.persistence.EntityManagerFactory.createEntityManager()" "this.emf" is null
SpringBoot Is it possible to add a Object with it's attributes into another Object using forms ?
could you explain what this code is doing in terms of implementing the problem in the picture?
Best Java IDE
Java processing
Java+Spring VS NodeJs VS GoLang Vs Laravel
java language as backend developer
Combine multiple images into a grid format with Java
help my code wont run
Creating Anonymous Class with Set Name
me dumb help
Sonarqube running on Docker throws Error status returned by url [https:// zip END header not found
Help understand this spring boot code (make it better too)
Help designin products model spring boot
optimize code for getting methodmodel of methods with @Select annotation
Github Authorization via pkce
Authentication of independent Apis
Springboot not serving webpage
Help with Spring not adding to the database the entity
Entity to Domain class
pass an instance
How can I make this more efficient?
How save Blog article
Oauth2 client
Thymleaf Templates.
two sum solution in java
Spring XML Configuration Error:The processing instruction target matching '[xX][mM][lL]' not allowed
Help for education
How to use an auto-generating id and composite key for same entity using @IdClass?
JavaFX runtime error
spring security with OAuth
Best entity relationship approach
My game crash when i run my mincraft mod
(ASM) Stack Map Frames
Error related to arguments in a method
1.8.9 Forge modding help with mixins
Intellij Idea bug
github repo deleted. Now cloning local to a new remote repo
I keep getting this error when i try run JDK installer
Code Review Request
How can i add discord login
DispatcherServlet Class Not Found Exception Again and Again
@MapsId not works
Spring security returning 401 with requestmatchers permitAll
Spring security: get user from implementation of UserDetails from Authorization
can request be validated before reaching the controller?
Can not open .Jar
im a begginer in java and im trynna make a mod in mc with intelj
Performance & Readability Improvements
Roles & SecurityConfig
HELLO BRO I NEED HELP ME ("i = " + i) WITH THIS WHY we use and were we use this bro and
Javafx Not importing
keyloack backchannel communicate in bff architect
question about Java
VS Code not executing program
Ayuden, por favor
Ayuden, por favor
Websocket Postman
Can I read a section of yaml without spring ?
The collection of metamodel types is empty
cant install LWJGL
cant open eclipse marketplace
Spring security: Authentication object null on authentication post request
eclipse issue
IntelliJ Plugin Development
I cant able to run Servlets and fix this error
why intellij + maven?
is this question outdated?
org.hibernate.exception.GenericJDBCException: unable to obtain isolated JDBC connection
Get a error when trying to create a new fxml file with e(fx)clipse plugin
Backoff and retry for parallel api calls
Java classfile api example
How to start Spring
Need help with java algorithm
No Persistence provider for EntityManager named IceCreamShopPU
VS Code Setup Help for Maven Web App and Apache Tomcat Server
Performance testing of call with insertion of million records
What is wrong with my code?
I got this error
Database Connection
I need help to understand consumers without autowire in spring
Atom editor - coloring the syntax
Spring Boot r2dbc enum error - org.springframework.r2dbc.BadSqlGrammarException
attempted this code but still not working
Own video streaming
Max/M4L first java test
Tiles in a 2d Java game
how to solve this without loops at all
method .getText(); is no longer recongized after being used two lines ago
have two different projects open on intellij
java question about strings
Api Key Spring boot
Seeking new work as a software dev
Serious problems with Maven
Did I get this right based on the assignment question, or am I missing anything?
Need ideas for separating my client, server, and common code for my game
Spring boot cookies won't obey settings
Why does creating a subclass of some Exception, throws this error?
authenticationManager threw StackOverFlow
Lombok @Builder error
Extend/Inherit java class - how to?
Jwt token
Java College Project
Dynamically create redis keyspaces
which IDE should I use for java ?
Interfaces for the Service layer
Programming a game
Programming a game
Packing 2 bit numbers into an int.
ThreadPoolTaskExecutor - Configuration way.
unit testing error
git question, not a java question
Overwriting a declared method?
Type inference for generic parameters when calling a method
quick help with a simple confusion
Implementing a third-party PDF rendering library into a java extension
Lombok @Data error
why my spring app cant connect to DB?
someone explain this code (which i mostly understand
why do i get redirected to /login?
Is there a way to optimize my code more?
confused as how to implement stars next to space "∆"
java/scala multithreading on spark?
Spring Boot, Eureka Server shuts Service down
Dealing with concurrent updates
Can I make a superclass's variable static final in subclass?
Java Swing (jtextfield)
Code Help Please!
Converting int array to byte array
Minecraft plugin returns error
Blocking/Preventing certain GIT actions on repositories
Hotswap file not found error. Running works fine.
Jwt Auth Issue
How I make Spotless follows my checkstyle configuration?
VS Code Setting
Should mock objects be in a single class?
How to get built jar during test-time (JUnit)
Scanner Bug (Tried Everything)
stripe dependency not being recognized?
How to define 3 authentication ways config - httpBasic, userDetailsService, JsonLoginFilter()
Help me with spring JDBC
production vs development
What is the meaning of lazy-initialization in Spring Boot properties file ?
hi i have no clue what to do OR how to do this
Trying to connect to MS Access
fetch subclasses and their associations with one query
What are the initial values of the primitives that are encapsulated in an object?
Can spring @autowire one of the parameters in a constructor and not autowire the other one?
403 error issue
POST Request blocked by CORS, alrdy allow CORS, spring boot with react project
Java tech questions
TestNG won't detect my test or build it
left fetch join creates race condition with optimistic locking
mysql connection issue in production
.properties file issue
macbook error invalid NSTrackingRectTag
Tomcat Question
How to apply request body validation with error details?
How to access generic info on class
JavaFX on Eclipse
javax.swing.JOptionPane dont want to import
Simple Java Trace Code
pathFinding algorithm will not find path?
Excel Parser: "Floating" checkbox/control boolean value not supported?
ID format issue as UUID String in Spring Boot with MongoDb
Spring Boot Project Manager
Java jre dont opening
the java_home environment variable does not point to a working jdk or jre. the jvm found at java_hom
Improvement of Java classes and code.
Configuring Eclipse to use explode war with Tomcat for debugging
server only running on IPv6
"Java Virtual Machine Launcher -A Java Exception has occured" error in Maven .jar file
line numbers arent visible in CodeArea
why is the method not returning the value and its always returning 0?
sonarqube for scala
CI/CD help Github actions with Gradle
i need help animating a sprite animation
send message to slack without token
StackoverflowError on Login Request
Version Error
PizzaOrder. Java
Changing font in drawString
how do i use automatic module names in vscode?
Problem of "project setup on java"
ProGuard Guides?
Springboot ignoring roles
hi i am getting error in springboot if you know please dm me
Ensure method is called after all subclass constructors have finished but before object used
imported classes not accessable
Library not loading
JNI programming
How to play a quick noise, and play a low pitched hum until told to stop.
Spring boot security
better data structure to handle entity stats
Common resources folder can't be accessed from different modules.
Tools/libraries to make a simple interface in java
creating an executable java file
Hello! Can anybody help me?
Importing and compiling issues
Java cli tool ideas
Threading issues
Spring security failing to convert String to RSA keys
Spring Boot Error
Spring Boot Security Hell
Java 2D Game Transition between Maps
Code runs using IntelliJ but not in Visual Studio Code
Java GUI not loading images/ImageIcons help
Need help with calculator VScode 3 week project UI for the calculator
2d game java collision
Vscode Java Extension Errors But Gradle Extension Works Well
Github Repo Question [Beginner]
[Philosophy] SE, Why we don't do it correctly ?
How can I dynamically change a plugin's version depending on certain criteria?
Help Required
Java don't Open
How do you test GUI on a modern JavaFX application?
JavaFX UI won't update
Project Feedback
Generate table images
How to properly implement scrolling a distance e.g with robot.mouseWheel()?
Minecraft Client
JUnit succeeds when run as "debug as junit test" but fails as "debug as gradle test".
how to stub the method which is being called inside the constructor?
in java how to use Spy for a class with no no-arg constructor
How long should it take at minimum for a person to learn this much for incoming semester exams ?
The bot isnt responding when i run an message
mvn dependency:tree skips an transitive dependency
Use Case Diagram Question:
how do i unit test singleton classes in java?
Guice with empty Module
make github actions build artifact public
build javaFX jar from github via maven
How would I hide a specific Character in a ListArray
i need help with installing java runtime on putty
Help with interfaces/ inheritance
How to set UUID as a primary key, and make an entry?
did someone have sigma 5.0 apna college ?
Pig Latin Project Java
Modular Spring app can't find persistence provider
Kotlin Branch Test coverage question
Sequence allocation size question
How to handle these exceptions? Libgdx
I'm trying to get back to Java
Help on an old Notch game (Herp Fortress)
run in docker container error
Looking for assistance getting a string to display on the frontend in an Angular project
java calendar
java.util.LocalDate cannot be resolved
Im trying to make dragging on a grid, but the element is dragging under the other columns and rows
In Project Annotation Proccessor
Netbeans not creating a actionperformed section for a certain button?
Netty server and javafx services
Why can it not resolve the dependencies?
Unallocating direct buffer
Help what am I missing?
got 403 forbidden, can't pass the SecurityFilterChain
Spring Boot with Kubernetes Issue
Making an object that can be various types?
Does anyone know how to solve it?
Transforming the Springboot Postgres to MySQL having some serious issues.
java basics help
Minecraft plugin that displays text above a player's head
Spring Boot Web page is not loading correctly
How to disable anonymous user in spring security 6.1+
why does a space " " seem to break a if([i])){
Am I using the wrong loop or the loop wrong
java: cannot find symbol symbol: method builder()
Best Design Approach
N+1 Hibernate.
i have a problem understanding nested for loops
Increasing max stack size
How to switch a JavaFXML project from JDK 22 to Java SE 8?
unable to import Gson java dependency to my Maven JavaFXML Project
Type Handler Issue in MyBatis of Spring Boot
Unable to build a JavaFX code on NetBeans 17
Display an Image in a New Dialog When a User Enters a Keyword
Mockito: mockStatic is underfined
I would like to know what is the name of a theme that's used in this picture
I have a configuration in my Spring that includes a logging level:
set settings
Gradle H2 issue with MSSQLServer Mode
Memory Leak Help
Error when running .jar on Raspberry Pi
Loom, Postgres, Hikari
Hey guys,
SpringBoot missing certain fields on auto generated repository
Can someone please explain to me how this works
Compiling class file to Jar always fails
Adding to unicode
countDigits I need help
Weird Error when running/calling FATJar
need help to import pdfbox using gradle
Problem Accessing yml elements using java for minecraft
Create and push docker file and deploy project to
New to JSP and Servlet - Struggling with database
Using singleton pattern at a request level basis
I am completely new
Connecting to my MongoDB Database
can smb explain what is the difference between bitwise and logical operators?
Graduation year project
My vs code wont run!
Eclipse MAT - Remove Self-Referential Inbounds
Java with Maven Projects not creating jar files Failed making field
How to create custom login route in Spring?
when i am starting as springboot application on eclipse it is working fine but when i am running th
Looking for Tips, Advice and Resources for Project Management with Java and Gradle
algorithims in java
Program Randomly Quitting After Font.createFont() statement
Unpacking packed int
Maven Archetype Catalog
Detecting only the first letter in a scanner
Docker Issue in Spring Boot with Couchbase
How to connect the first screen and the second screen by clicking the Button (Jouer)?(NetBeans JAVA)
How do I handle an assignment like this folder structure wise?
Good source to study threading for newer JDK releases(17 and greater)
I am trying to create a simple java project Student Management System
Regarding career growth in java
IntelliJ or Visual Studio Supporting Java
Career Options In java
Error in remove Node method in Java
Hey guys,
Spring Boot SAML2 with Microsoft ADFS
LWJGL missing EGL .dll
VSCode and RedHat Java: wrong JDK for gradle tasks
Math in Java. What a struggle. Help. Please. Fast.
Pls help. No operator is defined in streaming topology. Cannot execute.
Spring sessions with Redis
I want to learn Springboot and webflux, need best resources recommendation
Two Sum Problem on leetcode
Springboot post method issue
Study guide
ResponseEntity incorrectly maps values
JSON Schema Validator with message option
Flow chart to Java.
Need help obfuscating project
AVL trees
unable to locate png from location on pc
Unable to catch MethodArgumentTypeMismatchException on doFilter()
Adding character/s to a string has two different variations.
My code will only return the perameter
Testing Framework in Java
Game Logic
Jackson Mapper - String[] conversion possible?
Error Handling with try and while
Guys, is there anyone here who can help me find the spawnrate of structures in a Minecraft .jar file
How to find generics when running a java process
Java Swing window not showing
AWT window coordinate system
How do I keep a class available to unload while keeping a MethodHandles.Lookup of it?
Need Help with java ASCII art - can anyone try this and then talk me through it. Please and Thanks:D
Removing roll from camera matrix
Deploying my java app to VPS with Github actions and Dockerization
How do I write a unit test for an in order traversal of a binary tree
Project obfuscation
Hey, I have a problem with Junit, can someone help me with the code ?
Creating a gradle plugin for a custom JVM language
Bypass SQLRestriction to achieve SoftDelete with "hard delete"
Spring Boot with Couchbase running as TestContainer Issue
java fx and java question
Doubt in hibernate
Compiling manually via CMD
Populate Spring Data JPA before each @Test
Best modern resources for new Sprint Boot project
help with opening an Http server with java
problem here
Parabola elements calculator
what would relative path be if im building a maven library that will create a txt file and read/writ
SonarQube not finding junit xml files.
Transforming a complicated Java object to JSON
Setting up a new spring boot application and running into an issue only in deployed env
Hi im so close to finishing my code and i just need help tweaking the last bits - beginner level
synchronization or semaphores to be specific
My file reader and Writer not working.
Gradle failed at start of project
I'm at the class making GradeComputation in Netbeans
Game Collaboration/Redirects Issue
JFrame action listener
MYSQL Connector Driver Issue
printing area's of an array on different lines depending on section
how do I generate POJOs from XSD without XML annotations?
how to properly config my application logging?
Setting up maven build cache extension
Hi, could someone help me respect this error? It's haunting me
How to include a thymeleaf template into another one, to include header, footer etc
Selection Sort
I set incrment to be 10, and I set initial value to be 100 but its not working, did it with hibernat
Starting a RSPS for me and my friends
Gradle, Ebean: Service loader didn't find a SpiContainerFactory?
How to 'persist' lists of object inside an object?
Learning Spring and Spring Boot framework
How would I have a thread wait on a lambda?
How to test for I/O failure?
IntelliJ IDEA doesn't allow editing.
How to find the biggest island in the file
Module Not Found, when doing "mvn clean install"
Fabric Mod not running externally, but running fine through loom's runClient
How to create custom id generator for primary key in springboot
I need help with my crafting not working
How to choose between using @Enumerated and a converter ? or @PostLoad and @PrePersist ?
MYSQL Connector Driver Issue
Error: Could not find or load main class
What is the best way to get better at java?
problem in creation of extend class
I dont know anything about java, why wont this let me install NeoForge?
help with JDK installation
Enable live reload with Spring Boot devtools
Need help with this error in vscodium
issue with maven server, cant find anything on it online
Java constructors
Syntax questions
Help a newbie
Figuring out path to resources in built jar
How to organize build.gradle files and class structure in gradle project?
Need help converting Java file to Class.
Need help with GUI (swing)
I am getting TLE in Leetcode on question 29. Please help me optimize.
MapStruct updater not compiling properly
Hi, I am having trouble in java with a project. Need help.
Any java window I open does really weird stuff
Preferences and Suggestions on when to use Java or Kotlin?
Override Java awt repaint system (or at least make a paint listener)
Expected Identifier
Drawing a JPanel to a BufferedImage, unexpected results
I have some doughts in implementation of linked list the doughts are written in comment /close
Problem with an app
Problem with an app
IntelliJ debugger -- seeing variable values in variables pane
Optimizing draw function for texured triangle
Java Multi-Level Scheduler Simulation
Issue with Java Servlet not finding classes
handling lost update problem happening with one thread updating a resource at a time
[JAVA - BEGINEER] Need to press ENTER twice to get the program to output everything
Homework help for effecting elements in methods
[Sping Boot/Mockito/Junit] Lombok Coverege testing
Custom Method to get Token to be provided with OpenFeign proxy requests
Declaring isEmpty() and searchString() methods?
button way too tall
[ GITHUB ]Contrib graph not working
Architectural Design suggestions on GUI Applications
(Perhaps offtopic) Tell me about play framework
Synchronized,Some things avoid conflicts, like using multithreading??
Help regarding auto seeding of db tables from the auto generated schema
help making a level editor
having issues with Cannot invoke "java.util.ArrayList.size()" because "this.listOfMicronutrients" is
error in syntax
Module not found when running tests in Maven
isInteger will not seem to work
Deploying Spring Boot application with Stomp over WSS using nginx
Enums, mutable fields
how do do this
SQLite driver not found with OrmLite
Set up Jersey Rest Api in Eclipse
Need help with @JsonManagedReference and @JsonBackReference
Pipe data in POST-Controller with dynamically created th:name's (Spring Web, Thymeleaf)
In the bitwise compliment operator there is confusion. Please help if you can.
Comparing strings problem
Help with checksum
Java agent throws UnsupportedClassVersionError when Instrumentation#retransformClasses is called.
I am in highschool and need help with creating a basic program about textfiles ;D
New to Java and Ready to Collaborate!
can someone help me with the hotel management system project
Implementing OOP!
Discord bot code react to image
Warning when pushing to a new git repo
Need help with fixing bug of ball not moving
"Encoded password does not look like BCrypt" when trying to enter Swagger.
Karavan & AtlasMap Integration Help
Soap request gives me 404 and "No endpoint mapping" even if everything is correct
PostGIS distance calculation gives in-accurate results
How do I reduce Spring Boot's docker image size?
How do I make the Tbank object be saved if I mean the wrong password when I restart the program
mcp intellij idea
what code I'll write?
Do you have to override polymorphism
Paste functionality in Java
spring course
PROCESS FAILED:The system cannot find the file specified
I've created 1 client server, but everytime I'm exiting the server I can't connect anymore
I am having trouble getting to recognize overlapping appointments for a code I am doing
ButtenImage not working well
Hello Guys can someone helpme out with error that i am getting
hello guys can anyone help me with the error i am getting in VS code
No endpoint mapping found for [SaajSoapMessage idcheck]
i am a beginner and i need to create a a triangle out of rects with a for loop, im not quite sure
Need help with connecting Azurite to Java Azure SDK .
Simple example showing Virtual vs Physical ("Platform"?) threads & Concurrent/Parallel programming?
Java Expception after building project
can any one tell me how to run jenkins code locally as i want to modify some functionalities.
java variables need to have the same name like in SOAP request?
Spring(Boot) Security preauthorize auth return 200 on "false" instead of 403
soap request give me 400 bad request
Creating an object of an entire class?
500 Internal Error
Variable not initialised?
Simple user input capitalisation issue
What do you recommend for learning Spring / Spring Boot?
Convert boolean inside if statement
fix code :)
java class renamer
java class renamer
.length issue
Urgent help in a simple cybersecurity project
I'm rather worried of losing there anything I can do for this?
Help for revisiting Java
Java Devlopment Suggestion
Personal-finance app dividing into class
Where does Spring's HttpServiceProxyFactory create the client proxy implementation?
Java Processing, how do I flip a PImage?
Switch to Java and Spring Boot for backend development.
homework please help easy
how to find WSDL file location in my SOAP webservice?
urgent help
Need Study Buddies for learning java from scratch.
Correct Sintax for JOptionPane
Packaging maven submodules
Get method name within an annotation dinamically
Testcontainers and application-test.yml
Urgent, help me!
JPA When Primary Key Not Id
JavaServer faces
Spring gRPC Contexts don't work as expected
jpa and postgresql
jar to exe?
/help ping
Java Help Need
Simple Infinite loop help
CNN for 1x8x8 Matrix outputs weird values?
Explain the flow of google auth in spring boot
Help with ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException but no ArrayList allowed
help with detailinfo
Creating a javadoc
Deleting Error
Ping Controller is not accessible
Am I supposed to making a Java class or interface file type?
Exception CNN neural network with java
Cannot host Spring web app war on Tomcat using Jenkins plugin
WebSecurityConfig in java spring app doesnt work
I am getting an error when on my workspace in eclipse
Weird issue that gets solved by wrapping it in a try/catch but it never gets caught
Spring Security and OAuth 2 learning difficulties
Jetty base resource help
How do I use the results of an action?
Im trying to create an ArrayList of LinkedLists.
Practice on an off day
What do the modifiers of classes do?
Regex on `finalName`
Selective finalNames in Maven?
Maven and Git?
need someone to look over my code
Cannot make static reference in non-static field
Spring Boot - PrePersist and PreUpdate for Couchbase
Package Error in VS Code
what password to enter when doing git push?
tracing table help
homework help
Jenkins build step doesn't execute as it should.
mvn clean install is failing . Need help
set up a grpc client on java springboot application
Error loading image (?)
How to secure apis using JWT in Spring Boot?
what does this mean
how to enable basic auth in java spring app?
How do I build grade in this project?
my entire code is burning red, im trying to just add an item (im new coding)
Download a file with its given name
This is about the Discor Bot, why can't I call Activity.Timestamps
My tests are being ignored in IntelliJ.
Asyncronous task queue
prepping for an exam, new to java & might need help understanding some stuff
system doesn´t end once I enter -1 in the console how can I change that
Need help fast pls (minecraft code)
Need help w init kafka consumer (have an error w listenner)
[Spring] Should I have a custom Objectmapper as a static attribute in my service class?
Gradle & Java Version
scanner blocking thread close
PMD Java source analyzer insights in code insights section
i need help for my code
Java Hibernate with Negative Enums
Is this command correct? If not, can you send it to me or tell me about it?plz
Beginner to Java - Help
I don't understand how to properly call them Module??
Problems with dates
attribute not being set.
Public class error
Handling Race condition
keeping track of clients connected to server
how to test my scheduled methods locally?
how to properly update spring version?
Spring Boot Oauth Login error
Spring Boot Google OAuth error
No response.
I want to understand the need of keys in JPA (beginner)
Why do I need the abs method
Rock paper scissor
Custom Spring Boot actuator HealthIndicator
Kerberos, SSO authentication doubt
What is inherited from ?
I try to write JUnit integration test and to test whether service method works well. It isn't.
Cants seem to get java to recognize a text file.
Total price program
Beginners doubt on JPA entity foreign mapping
how to return multiple objects in SOAP webservice?
what data type to use for storing ids?
spring logging error
exception handling in SOAP webservices
SOAP service returns 404
Any ideas how to render images in console?
Adding post and then fetching doesn't work in spring
trying to get an array of every pixel of an image, why is it not working???
Code saying index out of bounds but it shouldnt be
io.ktor.http.BadContentTypeFormatException: Bad Content-Type format: content-type: application/json
Huge WSDL produce a
Resources to learn and apply input/output streams?
Getting 500 error instead of 400 and 409
Spring Boot Cache - Cannot Get the value
Anyone can help with ktor?
convert n-tree to dictionary based on depth
JavaParser help
isometric tile setup
how to validate three similar objects that come into my controller?
formulate JPA method to update column
Converting library to maven package
Thymeleaf / Loading image from DTO
how to fix my WSDL file for SOAP service?
How to check if a value coincide with any enum value?
i keep getting error "Attribute value must be constant". can smb help me out?
the decryption does not
JWT Authentication with SpringBoot
Weird class cast behavior
Funny thing happening in JavaFX
Capture download data directly from browser to give to Apache POI workbook?
Spring Value annotation not working everywhere
Publishing to Maven Central Repository
Repositioning objects to stay in the same position relative to each other when rotated.
how do I read source code, and is it possible to learn java from reading source code?
how to create SOAP webservice?
java 17 obfuscator
how to call my application that is running on a server?
chrome driver
How to make spring boot @Value fields inject the values from properties?
Drawing SVG paths in javafx css
Exception Handling in Spring
RequestParam / User Not Found
Suggest kotlin/java backend framework
How to easily edit XML file content in Groovy/Grails?
Why/how is displayMap null
Issue with multimodule project
Render dynamic dayas / Status 400
best way to insert JSON object into DB table?
how to check if record exists in DB table?
SPRING: validation returning error 500 instead of 400
service deletes DB records, but i still get `No results were returned by the query`
apache Mina sshd
How do I use UserDetailsService properly? Where do I define it exactly?
Spring app doesn't read environmental variables from .env
RestApi Access Problem
Spring Boot Security / Request = 500
Java array solution
Is possible print e.g. "X²" instead of "X^2" but the exponent as a variable?
why use Optional<MyClass> if you cant call any methods that MyClass has?
how to convert long to int
Mocking fails for some reason
dependency isnt injected into my service
In Java, how to print only the value instead of "OptionalDouble[value]"?"
Failing test under misterious circumstances
Trying to load a Font from resources throws a BufferUnderflowException
Java don't let me to use isEmpty
some help needed with fixing circular dependencies
do i need to return DTO from my controller when handling errors?
Spring Boot Microservices with JWT Issues
Help with Lombok
Spring Boot @Mapping gives no read accessor error
Why it doesn't draw the image?
how to properly handle case when theres no records in the db table?
Spring JPA
Lombok error
Why I get this error?
Java Mail Sender
When vThreads in Eclipse
return only http status from the controller
the JTable does it not appear?
How to add blank lines to the end of a Document?
How to connect Java server to node.js?
Custom AuthenticationFailureHandler
column "client_id" of relation "payments" does not exist
help with custom validator
How do you understand this code, BinarySearch Delete
Text color not changing
generate DB record id in the DB and not in java
Runtime not runtiming
Is there any way to fix this Binary Search Algorithm?
The buttons
Not sure what even is the problem
Same Tree LeetCode
Oauth Authorization
how to set up endpoint for my soap webservice?
how to use xsd file?
memory address search
how can button the java swing table?
Need help w Config Server (SpringBoot)!!!
do i need to use `starter web services` dependency if i already have `starter web`?
What do y'all use for frontend with spring?
Bean Initialization Error
Ecplise Project Issue
Operation not allowed for a result set of type ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY.
Styling tabpane in javafx
Saving User
Pushing Java Code
Cucumber fails to recognize steps definition (Intellij, Java Maven)
Spring Security
Use a Class for a generic type?
InvocationTargetException using JCI
Data Structure And Algorithms
Maven semantic versioning
how to make airpod like system
Jackson ignores private fields
Spring Security Filters
Recommendation to store permissions
How to combine results from two table with same columns and return the result in Page
Spring Security
Implementing async file watching
Hibernate Mapping
Could not find or load main class caused by ClassNotFoundException
Hibernate is Not Creating Tables
Resetting password access denied
Spring Security Implementation
Spring JPA Error
Jackson Json overwrites json values when reading from it
Spring Boot Error
Switch from commons-fileupload to commons-fileupload-jakarta-servlet6
Spring Security
how to manage two ssl certs in my spring app?
Spring Security
Spiring bean scope related query
how to use two separate SSL certs when my app calls different endpoints?
jackson json question
couldnt resolve placeholder from the config
how to use resource in resourceloader?
Cannot find the email of the customuser
Gradle Translation
better ways to load xml as a string?
Java Rest API
Force install dependency.
Update Error In Spring MVC
Spring JDBC
need to handle it when the stock is null
onMouseClicked event doesnt do anything
need to handle it when the stock is null
Gradle shade not shading in one operating system, but does in another
Spring MVC
How to access authenticated user/authentication object on react frontend after logging in?
Implementing Desmos Function into Java
I cant figure out how to rename a file.
Java Spring Help regarding @AutoWired
Spring JDBC
Can anyone fact check to understand my code's time complexity which was genearated by AI
Trying to implement CSRF protection with Spring Security and React frontend
Need help setting up CSRF on spring backend with a react frontend
how to use login credentials for spring app in postman?
JWT return Dto. Login and Register REST Endpoints
Spring MVC
How to figure out the proper variable type of fx a selenium webdriver method?
Apache Mina SSHD server
Will Pay for Help
where do config values come from?
what the hell is model and why controller returns random string?
Spring MVC checking user password
Binary search experimental way
how to store XML if i want to change its values in my service?
Spring MVC Static files
using String to represent date
Java decompile
Java JDK 22
Richardson Mapping With Spring Security
Apache Mina weird session behaviour
Session not being created after explicitly authenticating user in spring security
Autocomplete not working
ZonedDateTime parse issue
how to make my controller accept XML body?
how to find my project's classpath?
Apache Mina
Spring MVC Suggestion
Injecting objects into custom controls FXML
started getting Class Not Found Exception randomly
has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check
"Could not write JSON: class java.util.ArrayList cannot be cast to class org.hibernate.mapping.List
to {GET [/orders/history]}: There is already 'orderController' bean method
how to use RFC1123 date in http header?
HttpOnly Cookie not sent
How to learn Groovy? (fundamentals, incl.scripting and unit testing)
Detail: Key columns "document_number" and "document_number" are of incompatible types: character var
what is my classpath?
Java mina sshd
Maturity level rest
Maven multiple parents for project
need to change a json on a network request from the order
Netty docu?
Is this good composition class ?
whats the purpose of DTOs?
Spring MVC
Getting Error While Using The Spring MVC with orm
Spring MVC
Custom user is null when i is defined in another tabel with springboot
Logic test help for a job interview
Really confused....
Help decoupling a presenter class in multiple classes
Is it good practice to have 2 DTO's. one for database, one for application.
Classloader that has higher priority than parent
I am getting java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException.
Should I decouple my presenter in multiple ones ?
Help improving this code
JFX component from other components
How could I simplify this
Websocket 1-1 chat between authenticated users
JUnit, can I create an EntityManager or even a session without running the server?
Understanding the three steps of object declaration, creation, and assignment (easy)
Java send data through serverSocket
JavaFX menubar/contextmenu weird borders
Help Project MVP Layout
Java printwriter issues
Help optimize this dijkstra algorithm:
Loading Resources with absolute path from Classpath
ArrayList vs LinkedList sorting speed?
Completely new to Java & Coding I need help learning
trying to fix a broken repository
Help implementing DJIKSTRA ALGORITHM
Heyy Can Anyone Help I am Not Getting the run on server option in Spring Tool Suite .. and My Server
Listener server for remote application
CopyOnWriteArrayList iterator behaviour?
How can I do this MVP model view presenter
Cannot invoke "com.example.todoappdeel3.models.CustomUser.getPassword()" because "customUser" is nul
System.err shows up before System.out in terminal?
Can anyone explain this error message
Cannot resolve symbol 'println'
What is the benefit of using the Singleton pattern like this:
Would this Validation System work?
Is this a good learning path to follow?
need help adding reduce/remove handlers to this
Indexing in JPA to ensure a good performance when searching for yearly data?
HELP WITH getClass() method
Problem w Validation Spring
Help understanding this code:
Can't build the project "Artifacts builder: Archive doesn't contain files so it won't be created"
Translating basic UML diagram into Java code?
Best libary for a telnet server?
Problems with sql
timer already canceled
Java threads question (interrupted(), interrupt())
Problem w Repository Spring
JUnit's Assertions.assertThrows first argument?
why should you use dao and dto
Couldn't understand what this para on interceptor lifecyle callback
problem run and making .jj file
Help to define Jsonfactory
Changing Icon of Application in IntelliJ with Java Swing on MacOS
Filling array with same object reference
Where to learn Java from as a complete beginner?
Build jar from maven project on github
Annotations - interface as attribute type
Cannot start the backup Spring project
open .form file
ByteBuddy - defining the intercepting syntax
Java .properties read Strings with the same name
Java Swing Apple Music Clone Help
PreparedStatement POST request?
Have problem w server connection Spring
How to change one system property without code or from command line
question about Spring MVC
Anybody have experience with connecting a JavaScript game to a java server?
IntelliJ source code question
Custom Auth filter not being invoked in spring security
need help w annotation spring core
RSTA & FlatLaf together
How to make a Java server interact with a JS game
Website 3tier architecture with spring boot
Calculate a date in the future with current date and amount of days given
Reading lines in a file, but not terminating
Calculate amount of time between 2 dates
consume external API
java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: UUID
What to do, the steps, the guides on configuring the Glassfish server with MySQL Dataresource
Java parallel stream
Logical issue in while loop?
Live only exception with jaxb
How to convert from .pem to .p12
(Possibly solved) Automatic Config Saver parameterized gson cast problem
java question
Load image file into int[]
regex pattern
Java extract
2 java questions
Maven weird behaviour
Maven issues
Cannot understand this behaviour of java when adding a list to a list of lists.
SQL table not being selected properly?
.config file for Java application?
Java Robot.mouseMove() stops working without apparent reason
LWJG He won't fuck up on the way
Spring MVC issue
want accept a type to my dao in spring
I deploy my app to google cloud platform (java spring)
I don't understand where I need to type
Eclipse Problem
Spring Boot Guide
Repository bean not found for service implementation
Can not determine cause of failure
Java Backend
Java etl project
HQL not working. Gives strange Exception in console.
Could not determine recommended JdbcType for <class>
Under what conditions is Off-Heap memory worth it?
Spring & Kafka?
maven-plugin-plugin doesn't package plugin descriptor in jar file
Help with Gradle
trying to get my order saved in different storage in sql (springboot)
JNI C++ OpenGL Window Crash
Automatically search for files without knowing the filepath of the program?
driver installation issue
got a bug where when i checkout the 2nd item gets deleted from the order
Failed to run SB using Eclipse IDE run command using environment variables in application properties
JS Help
Using JShell class in JDK
Java Socket NIO Reading Issue
Spring Boot
Making 2 flavors of a jar
Beginner to the java,servlets and eclipse
Reading resource file issue
if statement problem
HQL very slow
Practice problem with arrays issue
Delete user
it is cancelling my api request in springboot
Websocket + spring boot 3 with reactjs
Java byte questions
error starting springboot
Quick Help with FileWatcher
SQL Exception when running Minecraft plugin
Console Application
Json file not having everything
Spring Security - Cannot run logout Integration Test returns 404
Problems with an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
cant build javafx project
how can i connect the Category in springboot in the backend to frontend?
Compile error web module (war), cannot find symbol but the other class didn't show any error
dettaching process from parent
missing command output
SQL Issue
Gson cannot be resolved to a type error randomly started appearing
Java Swing MouseListener issue
"The method run() is undefined for the type Object"
Beginner: Can you call methods like this?
Beginner problem - incompatible types: possible lossy conversion from double to int
Cannot set any value LocalDateTime in Entity of Spring Boot Example
Get annotation value without knowing the class of the annotation
Trying to set an object into a EJB Bean array from a remote app.
Help with sending a packet
Gradle project build order
Cannot set any value LocalDateTime in Entity of Spring Boot Example
Request to the servlet not working after changing project groupid in multi module project
Collision Between Non Axis Aligned Quadrilateral Hitboxes
Issue While Opening The Tomcat Server
Gradle telling me smth is bad in my code
Infinite Loop
Get progress of int between two other ints.
JOGL glUniform4fv issue
API Connection :
Jsp and Servlets
Get list of all loaded classes
Java messaging microservice
Need help with handling disconnects on my socket server.
Method repeating issue
Question about sharing a project with authentication
I need to rewrite this Java code while retaining same functionality
Need help with sockets!
Spring Boot Mail not sending attachments
Fastest Way to search for something in big data
PNG with white background but 0 alpha
modules randomly stopped working on intelliJ
how should i create my database with springboot
how can i not acces postman (springboot)
need help reviewing code
HashSet.contains not working as expected?
need help reviewing code
Frontend and Back-end
How do I append text to a JTextPane?
How can I build my own webserver in kotlin/java?
OpenGL Occlusion Culling?
Please explain what is this project is about (Multi Module Java Project)?
Hibernate cfg.xml Error
Can my code be improved?
JOGL Model Issues
Swagger 2 is not launching. Keep getting 401 Unauthorized error
How would I listen for keypresses in a window?
Looking for JOGL VAO/VBO Tutorial
How to get array info from column in Spring Boot JPA (exception Dialect mapping for JDBC type Error)
any help to understand the generics?
Concurrent ArrayList read/write
FlappyBird Game
Java AWT Move mouse automatically without triggering MouseMotionListener
Project ideas for learn OO in Java.
Connect LWJGL to JComponent?
return string that gets put in the text in a scene builder text label
Spring boot jpa envers metadata
How to use Remapper?
Linked List Nodes
Non-interruptible thread sleeping
Help with "Spreadsheet"
OpenAPI-Swagger webflux Spring boot 3
Reactive Repository MongoDB not finding methods
Files.readAllLines() throws an exception every time.
Shadow jar build error
Connection Error between Spring Boot and MySQL :
Connection error between Spring boot and MySQL
Eclipse Problem
Bytecode manipulation
Exclude files from jar intellij
javafx fxml file not found
How would I compare HashMap keys with .equals() instead of ==?
how to validate if method argument belongs to a list of strings
javax.sound.sampled cannot change volume of clip (part 2, closed before properly testing)
how to properly validate http request params?
how to get records from DB on multiple conditions?
Jsp and Servelets Or Spring boot
How to live update chat screen when a new chat is entered to the ChatHistory context (Static list)
javax.sound.sampled cannot change volume of clip
Cannot add openJFX to project "too many module declarations found"
Access Denied
Cannot find RElative resize on a previewous working project
Best Career Among Them ..
gson really doesn't like my class, does anyone know why?
Popup.hide() doing absolutely nothing
how to do proper data validation in service? using enum in if condition? and other questions
why do i need getter for my entity class?
what to return from my controller?
Adding file to jar file before build finishes
Do I have a possibility to use Flyweight Pattern for this scenario
Using Spring Boot Data JPA without Spring
RMI calls in CompletableFuture stream
my controller cant accept query params
spring doesnt see my repo class as a bean
String to Json turning ' to unicode
Best IDE For Servlet And Jsp
How do I input longs
how to implement retrieval of DB records by two params?
DI in Spring
Supplier alternative
How to properly call my api and how to store and manage my data?
Package 'net.typho.pnegative.resources' clashes with class of same name?
Not Able To Make a Java Class in Intellij
cant use @Service annoation
how to use super to access superclass fields?
Interpreter Design pattern
Unable to get height
Get Application Scale
why i cant access field in child class when using inheritance?
what does the constructor return?
Help projecting a rect onto a quad
Why is this lambda illegal?
what is the actual difference between map() and flatMap()?
how to read and understand the map() method signature?
Working with Date and Time?
Foreign API interop with C++
Frontend and Back-end
Swing paint method not getting called
Beginner friendly overview of Java standard library data structures and their methods?
Make JavaFX Image Nearest Neighbor (every frame, multiple times per frame)
Please Guide Me
I want to dive deeper into internals of object creation and storing. Any guidance?
Gradle before compile step
Return middle 3 characters from string length greater than 3
Parsing the JSON
Http Client
Java & PostgreSQL - using them together?
Why doesn't my console show the commands that Hibernate executed. I have hibernate installed.show_sq
Flappy Bird
How to use StringBuilder to concat strings propperly?
OS control
I Want to Become A Full Stack Web Developer
How To Call a Rest API In Java
Project Ideas
I have Created a Tic tac toe game a also made a player record GUI where it takes the 2 players data
Couldn't understand why 1<1 become true in following code?
What is necessary for creating a gps like app?
Error Launch
Unable to get list of list.
Mediator Pattern Code How does this code actually built because it's not actually straight forward
Error [23514] ERROR: new row for relation "movie" violates check constraint "movie_year_of_product
Flyweight pattern how to use this FactoryFlyweight
Chain of Responsibility Java
Advanced Java material to get better?
Which methods are being used as an abstract method for functional interface?
Make array container classes behave like ArrayList
Need a good Roadmap by experienced backend developer
Spring Boot with Kubernetes Java Client API - Edit Namespace
Installation of Servlet
How do you use random for a limit of numbers in JAVA
How to Make JavaFX Image Pixel-Perfect
Database Connection Pooling
Why the code that has been written correctly come out error!
io netty help
my vs code setting has been changed !!!
Transparent mouse ImageView (javafx)
Unexecutable .exe file (JPackage and JavaFX)
Help with registration system
Type Parameter Issues
i dont understand
need help with hava
Centering JPanel in Swing
cannot resolve symbol "OptionsValue".
Java partition node distributed system
Issue with asynchronous nature of volley calls
how do I figure out what to import
Java Spring Project
Why is everything marked green and I can't call methods quickly. How do I fix this if I need a plugi
bubble sort
Eclipse IDE cannot resolve to a type. All values.
Feedback on my Registration System
better swing editor
array tracing help
Weird issue while reading XML
My collections list wont print
Server mocking framework: Load a plugin that already has been loaded before unit test. Impossible?
what’s the difference between these two pieces of code?
reading from csv
I was doing a coding exercise and I’m really confused on how this line of code would work
what’s the point of the this. keyword in Java?
JavaFX Window Icon Not Stacking in Taskbar
How to use OAuth2 in Spring Cloud Gateway as a best practise
Changing primary display with Java
JavaFX dialogs internationalization
Gradle Dependencies issue
Communicating between multiple Controllers JavaFX FXML
Apply texture pack in forge
Is it a bad practice to have multiple entities for the same table?
Spring Cloud OAuth2 with Kubernetes
Issue with gradle multi modules
Need help understanding question
Spring Cloud with OAuth2 in Kubernetes
Need help understanding question
loop question
springframework.validation.BindException: Date
How does KeyListener work?
Java Date Parsing from String with Timezone
Memory Usage Comparison
VSCode not finding files
Are variables objects?
Does someone know how to pass string array in postgreSQL in Exposed(kotlin framework)
Thymeleaf Iteration with buttons, every button onclick gets called simultaniosly
Spring + Thymeleaf Datapicker onChange
Looking for help in java Test
Creating a REST API with oracledb
Check for a specific generic type
Include test code in another module
Spring Post request without returning Template
Spring RequestParam
How to sort a list out of objects by an int property of the objects
Is it correct sql query inside jpa repository interface method annotation?
downloading .zip from a link
Strange output when converting double arrays to string arrays, any help?
Maven deploy to gitlab package repo
Java 1.8 ASM modified code throws NoSuchFieldError
is it possible to extract file from website in spark submit command only?
Generating normal and chainable Setters with Lombok
Gradle PreferencesFX does something weird
Copying resource file into directory before compile
Creating a Java Unit test vectoraddition
Need help with Strategy pattern for discounts in POS system
Junit test calling upon variable from a different class's method
JUnit Test confusion
some questions of optimisation
Hello, i have a problem with this error and i don't know the problem :/ can someone help me pls ?
question about spark submit
Custom Collector
Difference between <?> and <L>
Error when using CustomStage with java 17 and openjfx 17
Getting Slf4J error in SpringBoot
Get all classes with a specific annotation
Cannot get inputStream from web url. Why?
MediaPlayer question
ASM : Return a value
Synchronizing threads across different modules
Why new entity is saved with null field value when annotation tells that the value cannot be null?
Object sequential searching using compareTo()
Cannot detect API key from .env in my Spring Boot App
Cannot invoke "" for Junit Test with the usage of S
Error occurred during initialization of boot layerjava.lang.module.ResolutionException:
wont read files? treated as
next() problem
Generic List setter ?
integers only problem
InputMismatchException problem
Issue turning a node linkedlist to generic type node linkedlist (this is what I tried)
Overlays for different maven Profiles
Name program problems
Dangling Execution Issue
what am i doing wrong ?
When I run this, title is always equal to "INFO!'' and labelicon is always equal to ''info.png''
How can I have the button be at the bottom of the screen no matter how long the text is?
Maven dependencies
Specify generics?
How to write Integration Test with the usage of Bearer Token in Spring Boot (throw An Authentication
Hashing Cookies in Redis (Spring)
How to write Integration Test with the usage of Bearer Token in Spring Boot (throw An Authentication
extension prettier for java seems not to work
Is there a way to return a different type in a subclass method?
Intellij is complaining about this code, not sure why
Spring boot: unable to instantiate ConstraintValidator: Unsatisfied dependency
Implementing UML in Java
Spring Boot MVC: validate a multipart/form-data RequestBody
project for pay
project help for pay
help me with this
Problem with Forge 1.19.2 Minecraft Modding
Compiling from Command Line
learning graphics problem
In game loop, reset index to 0, go through 4 animations, then do something
Hibernate doesn't save a list of authorities of a user to table as separate rows. It saves only one.
SpringBoot List Validation
I am trying to get the index of the lowest value in a array/ArrayList. How do I do this?
trouble with project willing to pay
BigDecimal rounding standards on currency
Why does one error and not the other?
Spring Boot Request Body
How to increase jump height when holding space
maven and Java incompatible version
Disable autojump in game
Selecting multiple images
error: cannot access il; class file for il not found.
Adding ancient dependency to maven.
Run jar file with JRE
Java Spring Security Cors error
Implement interface from main in test
Arrays.toString() not working?
Is this correct?
Not hearing sound in IntelliJ IDEA
question about second for loop
Login/register 308 error
Should I be storing dates in utc?
What is returning false?
Fetch all records from endpoint works but it's very slow.
Is there anything I'm missing?
Collision with slopes in a game
Java game slopes tile collision
question about multithreading Spring Boot QR Code Example JUnit Tests
remove spaces from string
Cannot send requestbody and Multipartfile in Controller of Spring Boot from Postman
Having trouble with this excercise on consuming tokens I am trying studying
CI Test Coverage Not Running
How can I open a .pyw file in java?
How to read values from custom txt in Java
How to generate these colors?
Spring Boot Microservice Full authentication is required to access this resource Error
Spring Boot Microservices - Docker throwing Resource Exception
How should I design the architecture of a Spring Boot app?
intellij gradle project confusion
Pathfining stuff
How do I put all required JAR files in a library folder inside the final JAR file
`VBox` doesn't put Node under `FlowPane`
spring boot and html
spring boot and html
How to get width of GridPane in JavaFX
Spring Boot Microservice - JUnit Test Issue. Can you help me urgently if you don't mind?
Spring Boot Microservices JUnit Test Security Issue
Is this picture an accurate depiction of the code?
Spring Boot Cannot register user
Changing a classfile version level with javassist
Spring Boot Microservice Issues
How do you get a list of entities in JQuery if entity field property has specific column name?
Java Stream Issue
How does random.nextDouble() work?
ServerSide links to ClientSideProxy
Method give wrong return statement
Java 8 Stream Calculating the total value by month
Spring JPA
What is an order in e-commerce application and how to control it. How is it related with user cart?
Spring Boot Microservice- Security defined in the service always return 403
Spring Boot Microservices JUnit Test JWT Issue
Can someone help me with this?
Spring Boot Microservices JWT JUnit Test Issue
Integer sequence
Question about SecurityContextHolder from Spring Boot Security
4 lines of mayhem
Spring Cloud API Gateway JWT Issue java.lang.ClassNotFoundException javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter
On creating a Java program
Spring Cloud API Gateway Issue
Looking for file format
Is there a way to set the origin of a node
De-compiler assigning boolean value to int data type
Is this the best I can get to making a node draggable?
what does byte[] do while unzipping file ?
Nitrite Database
HashMap with Objects
Obtain Value from nested Hashtable Map
Socket won't close after program is terminated
Discord QR verification
image generation from 3d points
2D List - how to check for values?
Jason file not reading
taglib for JSP is not working
need help with BigDecimal rounding
First Time Intellij User alive neighbors
How do I FizzBuzz?
How to change the origin of a node
Third question
Week 114 — What is a daemon thread?
Week 113 — What is the jdeps tool and how can it be used?
Week 112 — What is a fat JAR, how can a developer create one and what are the alternatives?
Week 111 — What is the difference between arrays and `List`s?
Week 110 — What is the null literal and how can it be used in Java applications?
Week 109 — How can one parse JSON text in a Java application?
Week 108 — What is a `try`-with-resources statement and what is it useful for?
Week 107 — What is the difference between overloading and overriding (in Java)?
Week 106 — What is an annotation processor?
Week 105 — What are generics and how can they be used?
Week 104 — What options are there for logging information in Java applications?
Week 103 — How can one connect to a database using JDBC?
Week 102 — What is the `` file and what can be done with it?
Week 101 — How can a directory be deleted from Java code including subdirectories and files?
Week 100 — What's the purpose of the `transient` keyword?
Week 99 — What is the `ReentrantReadWriteLock` class used for and how can it be used?
Week 98 — What is an enum?
Week 97 — What is Base64 and how can data be encoded/decoded with it?
Week 96 — How can random numbers be generated in a Java application?
Week 95 — How can one find all ways a `String` matches a given regex?
Week 94 — How can one convert a datetime from one timezone to another?
Week 93 — What are unmodifiable collections and how can these be obtained?
Week 92 — What is a "defensive copy" and what is its purpose?
Week 91 — What are synchronized collections and how do they differ from regular collections?
Week 90 — What happens when running a Java program with `java -jar`?
Week 89 — What is the purpose of the `DatagramSocket` class and how can it be used?
Week 88 — What is Jakarta EE?
Week 87 — What is the purpose of the `jcmd` tool?
Week 86 — What is a heap dump and how can it be obtained from a Java application?
Week 85 — What is the Epsilon GC?
Week 84 — What is a JAR file?
Week 83 — What is `AutoCloseable` and why is it useful?
Week 82 — What is an `ExecutorService` and how can it be used?
Week 81 — What is the purpose of the `CyclicBarrier` class and how can it be used?
Week 80 — Which mechanisms does Java provide for comparing objects?
Week 79 — Which options are there for packaging Java applications as native executables?
Week 78 — What does a shutdown hook do and how can one be created?
Week 77 — How can one create a TCP connection in a Java application?
Week 76 — What is Java bytecode and why is it needed?
Week 75 — What is the exit code of a program and how can exit codes be set from Java code?
Week 74 — What are common naming conventions used in Java programs?
Week 73 — What is a `PriorityQueue` and how does it differ from regular `Queue`s?
Week 72 — What is a Javadoc comment and how is it different from other comments?
Week 71 — Which garbage collectors does Java provide and what are the differences between them?
Week 70 — How can one get the current date and time in a Java application?
Week 69 — What is the purpose of `ArrayDeque` and how can it be used?
Week 68 — Which mechanisms does Java provide for concatenating `String`s with other variables?
Week 67 — What is a JEP (JDK Enhancement Proposal)?
Week 66 — What is the purpose of the class `Lock` (in package `java.util.concurrent.locks`)?
Week 65 — What are sequenced collections?
Week 64 — What is a heap dump and why can it be useful?
Week 63 — What is the `jwebserver` tool?
Week 62 — What is a debugger?
Week 61 — What is a stack trace and how can one read it?
Week 60 — What is an array and how can one access its elements?
Week 59 — What are libraries in the context of Java and how can they be used in Java programs?
Week 58 — What is the "identity hash code" and how does it differ from other `hashCode()`s?
Week 57 — What is special about the `toString` method?
Week 56 — What is the unnamed package and what is special about it?
Week 55 — What is JUnit and what is it used for?
Week 54 — What is a functional interface?
Week 53 — What is `java.nio.file.Files` and how does it simplify I/O?
Week 52 — How can one interrupt threads (in Java) and why is that useful?
Week 51 — What is `Iterable` and how does it relate to for-each/enhanced `for` loops?
Week 50 — What is an `Executor` (from `java.util.concurrent`) and how can it be used?
Week 49 — What is `BigInteger` and `BigDecimal`?
Week 48 — What are `Stream`s (from ``) and how can they process data?
Week 47 — What is a switch expression and how is it different from switch statements?
Week 46 — What does the `static` keyword do in Java?
Week 45 — What's the purpose of the `InputStream` and `OutputStream` classes?
Week 44 — What does "type erasure" refer to?
Week 43 — What is a virtual thread and how is it different from a platform thread?
Week 42 — What is a `sealed` class or interface?
Week 41 — What is the purpose of the `Error` class and how is it different from `Exception`?
Week 40 — What is instanceof patternmatching and how can it be used?
Week 39 — What is the difference between JRE and JDK
Week 38 — How can one make an HTTP request in a Java application?
Week 37 — What is the `java.time` API and how can it be used?
Week 36 — What is a regex and how can it be used in Java?
Week 35 — What are some differences between JavaFX and Swing?
Week 34 — How would one implement a binary search algorithm?
Week 33 — What would be a possible way to restart a java application?
Week 32 — What is a Queue / Deque?
Week 31 — What are build tools and which problem do they solve?
Week 30 — What is required to make a JAR file executable? (Starts on double click)
Week 29 — What is a "Format String", and how do you use one?
Week 28 — What is the difference between abstract classes and interfaces in Java?
Week 27 — What does "write once, run anywhere" refer to in Java?
Week 26 — Where are the possible use cases for Java on microsystems?
Week 25 — What is a garbage collector and why do we use them?
Week 24 — What is the `RuntimeMXBean? in Java?
Week 23 — What is the Java's `Runtime` class and what does it do?
Week 22 — What is method chaining?
Week 21 — What is the builder pattern in java and how does it work?
Week 20 — What Is the volatile keyword in java?
Week 19 — What are annotations in Java and how can one use them?
Week 18 — What is the native keyword in Java?
Week 17 — What are the differences between int and Integer in Java
Week 16 — What is StringBuilder class in Java, and what are it's possible uses
Week 15 — What are Varargs in Java?
Week 14 — What are records in Java
Week 13 — What is the purpose of the final keyword?
Week 12 — What is an Exception?
Week 11 — What are the difference (and similarities) between Set, List & Map?
Week 10 — What are the main uses of the super keyword?
Week 9 — What is the (purpose of the) Scanner class?
Week 8 — How would you implement the insert sort sorting algorithm in Java?
Week 7 — What is meant by polymorphism?
Week 6 — What is the object-oriented paradigm?
Week 5 — What are method handles?
Week 4 — What is meant by recursion?
Week 3 — What is constructor chaining?
Week 2 — What is meant by serialization?