Help designin products model spring boot

I'm not really sure how to do it the right way I have products that have different sizes and colors and designs applied to them
35 Replies
JavaBot2w ago
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Suika2w ago
public class ProductFormat {
public Product product;
public Format format;
public class ProductFormat {
public Product product;
public Format format;
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userexitOP2w ago
public class Product {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator = "product_generator")
@SequenceGenerator(name = "product_generator", sequenceName = "pdc_pk", allocationSize = 1, initialValue = 1)
private int id;
private Category category;
private Color color;
private Size size;
private List<Design> designs;
private double price;
private int stock;
public class Product {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator = "product_generator")
@SequenceGenerator(name = "product_generator", sequenceName = "pdc_pk", allocationSize = 1, initialValue = 1)
private int id;
private Category category;
private Color color;
private Size size;
private List<Design> designs;
private double price;
private int stock;
this is what I currently have @Peter Rader
Peter Rader
Peter Rader2w ago
Oh you mean the db-model.
userexitOP2w ago
yeah Im just not sure how to do it a product can have multiple colors multiple sizes different stock for each color, size combination say I have a tshirt with a goku design on it, in color red, with size XL, XS, M and then a tshirt with a goku design on it, in color black, with size XL, M, S, L, XXL stuff like this
Peter Rader
Peter Rader2w ago
Show the entity "design"
userexitOP2w ago
public class Design {
@GeneratedValue(generator = "design_gen", strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE)
name = "design_gen",
sequenceName = "design_seq",
allocationSize = 1,
initialValue = 4
private int id;
@NotBlank(message = "The dessign name cannot be empty")
@Column(nullable = false)
private String name;
name = "design_character",
joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "design_id"),
inverseJoinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "character_name")
private List<Character> characters;
private double price;
@ManyToMany(mappedBy = "designs")
private List<Product> products;
public class Design {
@GeneratedValue(generator = "design_gen", strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE)
name = "design_gen",
sequenceName = "design_seq",
allocationSize = 1,
initialValue = 4
private int id;
@NotBlank(message = "The dessign name cannot be empty")
@Column(nullable = false)
private String name;
name = "design_character",
joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "design_id"),
inverseJoinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "character_name")
private List<Character> characters;
private double price;
@ManyToMany(mappedBy = "designs")
private List<Product> products;
Peter Rader
Peter Rader2w ago
First, rename the Product into ProductVariant. Then make the field designs a one2many. Create a entity Product having a many2one to ProductVariant
userexitOP2w ago
why would it be a one2many, the same design for example "Goku vs Gohan" can be used in a tshirt a sweater etc
Peter Rader
Peter Rader2w ago
A tshirt is a different variant than a sweater Remove the price from the design
userexitOP2w ago
it still doesnt click in my mind ill have to draw it by hand brb no thats actually ok some designs are harder to embroid than others so i want prices for designs then prices for products like a tshirt is going to be x amount then the total price is the price of the tshirt for example + the price of the design
Peter Rader
Peter Rader2w ago
Then increase the price of the productvariant. Or dont call it price, call it "license_fee"
userexitOP2w ago
ok @Peter Rader Would you use this as a product entity:
public class Product {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator = "product_generator")
@SequenceGenerator(name = "product_generator", sequenceName = "product_seq", allocationSize = 1, initialValue = 1)
private int id;

private String name;
private String description;

@OneToMany(mappedBy = "product")
private List<ProductVariant> variants;
public class Product {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator = "product_generator")
@SequenceGenerator(name = "product_generator", sequenceName = "product_seq", allocationSize = 1, initialValue = 1)
private int id;

private String name;
private String description;

@OneToMany(mappedBy = "product")
private List<ProductVariant> variants;
and this as product variant:
public class ProductVariant {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator = "product_variant_generator")
@SequenceGenerator(name = "product_variant_generator", sequenceName = "variant_seq", allocationSize = 1, initialValue = 1)
private int id;

private Product product;

private Category category;

private Color color;

private Size size;

private List<Design> designs;

private double price;
private int stock;
public class ProductVariant {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator = "product_variant_generator")
@SequenceGenerator(name = "product_variant_generator", sequenceName = "variant_seq", allocationSize = 1, initialValue = 1)
private int id;

private Product product;

private Category category;

private Color color;

private Size size;

private List<Design> designs;

private double price;
private int stock;
Suika2w ago
map Product {
1 => id
2 => name
3 => description
map ProductVariant {
1 => id
2 => product_id
3 => design_id
4 => price
5 => stock
6 => color
7 => size_id
map Design {
1 => id
2 => name
3 => license_fee
map Size {
1 => id
2 => size_name (xxl, xl, l, s etc.)
map Character {
1 => id
2 => character_name

map Design2Character {
1 => design_id
2 => character_id
map Product {
1 => id
2 => name
3 => description
map ProductVariant {
1 => id
2 => product_id
3 => design_id
4 => price
5 => stock
6 => color
7 => size_id
map Design {
1 => id
2 => name
3 => license_fee
map Size {
1 => id
2 => size_name (xxl, xl, l, s etc.)
map Character {
1 => id
2 => character_name

map Design2Character {
1 => design_id
2 => character_id
ProductVariant::product_id --> Product::id ProductVariant::design_id --> Design::id ProductVariant::size_id --> Size::id Design2Character::design_id --> Design::id Design2Character::character_id --> Character::id @enduml
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Peter Rader
Peter Rader2w ago
No description
userexitOP2w ago
productvariant and design are connected by a many to many ?
Peter Rader
Peter Rader2w ago
No the only many2many is design2character because a different design is naturally a different product-variant.
userexitOP2w ago
where do you put the category of the product, in Product or in ProductVariant as in t-shirt, sweater etc
Peter Rader
Peter Rader2w ago
Hm, I forgot about it.
userexitOP2w ago
I would put it in Product and you can have the same design in a tshirt and in a sweater, thats why i was suggesting the many2many with design
Peter Rader
Peter Rader2w ago
Depends on what you see as a category. If the Category "Wearable" should stick to the product. The category "Winter Closets" should stick to the ProductVariant because you wont wear a tanktop in winter, right?
userexitOP2w ago
category is just going to be T-shirt, sweater, crew neck stuff like that
Peter Rader
Peter Rader2w ago
Then it must stick to the productvariant.
Peter Rader
Peter Rader2w ago
No description
userexitOP2w ago
alright and now it is a many2many design and productvariant right since I can have a tshirt with same design as a hoodie or a crew neck 2 different product variants same design
Peter Rader
Peter Rader2w ago
No You have a Sweater with 2 different designs? Can you give an example? 50cent and HelloKitty on one sweater? You are kidding!
userexitOP2w ago
hahahah obv not 50cent and hellokitty but luffy and ace so the Product thing is useless if I dont need name and description
Peter Rader
Peter Rader2w ago
Know neither luffy nor ace. Are they rappers?
userexitOP2w ago
nah anime characters that are both blood related say u put Eminem on the front and Dr dre on the back if u want the rapper version of it
ayylmao123xdd2w ago
hmmmmmmmmm dont you think that could just be a string that way you dont have to restart the app every time you wanna add a new category same for the color
userexitOP2w ago
wdym with this
ayylmao123xdd2w ago
oh i thought you use an enum but yea is there any need to make the category a separate entity when you can just give it a string
userexitOP2w ago
yeah so they can shop by category ig
ayylmao123xdd2w ago
yea that makes sense then
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