what the hell is model and why controller returns random string?

hey guys. can smb explain what the hell model is? bc i tried googling and its just vaguely said that model is your data. yes, i know its from MVC pattern, but it still doesnt make any sense, can smb explain what the f is going on here:
public String importBgwEod(Model model) throws JAXBException, IOException {
model.addAttribute("status", "Success!!!");
return "status";
public String importBgwEod(Model model) throws JAXBException, IOException {
model.addAttribute("status", "Success!!!");
return "status";
how can importBgwEod accept model argument, but its not requeired for the GET request? why this method is returning random string status? where do i get this needed model from? thx
28 Replies
JavaBot10mo ago
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Unknown User
Unknown User10mo ago
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i hate SQL so much its unreal
but how can importBgwEod accept model argument, but its not requeired for the GET request?
Unknown User
Unknown User10mo ago
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i hate SQL so much its unreal
what thats not what i asked i asked about one thing, and u r talking about smth other than that
Unknown User
Unknown User10mo ago
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i hate SQL so much its unreal
what are you talking about sorry but i honestly dont understand ur point and what u mean
Rag...JN 🌌 🦡 👽 💰 🐊
do you have any option to call the "/importBgwEod"?
Peter Rader
Peter Rader10mo ago
how can importBgwEod accept model argument, but its not requeired for the GET request? The request arrives the spring framework in the first place. Then spring notice that the getmapped method requires a argument of type "Model" (most likely org.springframework.ui.Model). Spring now have a special logic for that. Spring creates a new, plain instance of Model. Spring put arguments from the session and from the request into that model and with that instance, the method importBgwEod is called. Now, the return-string is indicating what template should be filled and sent back to the browser.
Rag...JN 🌌 🦡 👽 💰 🐊
So the model is not an object that we can access a row of a table row?
Rag...JN 🌌 🦡 👽 💰 🐊
and you access it like this
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Peter Rader
Peter Rader10mo ago
At this moment only the OP knows what full-qualified-name the class Model has. It must be a type having the method "addAttribute". I am certain that the full-qualified-classname is org.springframework.ui.Model. Because: 1. The classname is the same 2. The method exists 3. The parameters match.
i hate SQL so much its unreal
finally someone explained it to me. thanks alot!. so basically since im using MVC pattern, sprint automagically takes care of model?
JavaBot10mo ago
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i hate SQL so much its unreal
yeah, with postman
Rag...JN 🌌 🦡 👽 💰 🐊
So what is your Model's fully qualified name?
Rag...JN 🌌 🦡 👽 💰 🐊
I am just curious to know you can even pass an Entity like this
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i hate SQL so much its unreal
no idea. idk how/where to look
Rag...JN 🌌 🦡 👽 💰 🐊
on the top imports find the line what Model
Rag...JN 🌌 🦡 👽 💰 🐊
somewhere here
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Rag...JN 🌌 🦡 👽 💰 🐊
good shit, now you can see search for it for futher details
Peter Rader
Peter Rader10mo ago
Heh, I knew it 😄
Rag...JN 🌌 🦡 👽 💰 🐊
so what do they mean by a place holder?
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Rag...JN 🌌 🦡 👽 💰 🐊
hmm it's like a dynamic object hah
Peter Rader
Peter Rader10mo ago
Yea, placeholder is misleading. It is an dynamic-outgoing-value-wrapper to be used as an method-argument. Usually method arguments should consume data into the method. But this dynamic-object is primarily used for returning values. Usually a returning value is used with the return command of the method-result-type. Borgrel was absolutly correct that this is a not well written code! Since we have two result-values in that code (the attribute "status" and the template-view-name "status"), you better use the Return-Type return new ModelAndView(...);
JavaBot10mo ago
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