Bypass SQLRestriction to achieve SoftDelete with "hard delete"

I have this entity:
@SQLRestriction("deleted = false")
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = true)
@ToString(callSuper = true)
public class Product extends Auditables {

@SnowFlakeIdValue(name = "product_id")
@Column(name = "product_id", columnDefinition = "BIGINT", updatable = false, nullable = false)
private Long productId;

private String name;


@Column(name = "deleted", nullable = false)
private boolean deleted = false;

private Long version;

@OneToMany(mappedBy = "product", fetch = FetchType.LAZY, cascade = CascadeType.ALL, orphanRemoval = true)
private Set<Variant> variants = new HashSet<>();

@OneToMany(mappedBy = "product", fetch = FetchType.LAZY, cascade = CascadeType.ALL, orphanRemoval = true)
private Set<ProductImage> images = new HashSet<>();

@SQLRestriction("deleted = false")
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = true)
@ToString(callSuper = true)
public class Product extends Auditables {

@SnowFlakeIdValue(name = "product_id")
@Column(name = "product_id", columnDefinition = "BIGINT", updatable = false, nullable = false)
private Long productId;

private String name;


@Column(name = "deleted", nullable = false)
private boolean deleted = false;

private Long version;

@OneToMany(mappedBy = "product", fetch = FetchType.LAZY, cascade = CascadeType.ALL, orphanRemoval = true)
private Set<Variant> variants = new HashSet<>();

@OneToMany(mappedBy = "product", fetch = FetchType.LAZY, cascade = CascadeType.ALL, orphanRemoval = true)
private Set<ProductImage> images = new HashSet<>();

11 Replies
JavaBot4mo ago
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circleOP4mo ago
And in the product service layer:
public void hardDeleteProduct(Long productId) {
Product product = productRepository.findByIdUnfiltered(productId)
.orElseThrow(() -> new ResourceNotFoundException("Product with ID '" + productId + "' not found"));


public void hardDeleteAllProducts() {

public void softDeleteProduct(Long productId) {
Product product = productRepository.findById(productId)
.orElseThrow(() -> new ResourceNotFoundException("Product with ID '" + productId + "' not found"));


public void softDeleteAllProducts() {
List<Product> products = productRepository.findAll();
products.forEach(product -> {
public void hardDeleteProduct(Long productId) {
Product product = productRepository.findByIdUnfiltered(productId)
.orElseThrow(() -> new ResourceNotFoundException("Product with ID '" + productId + "' not found"));


public void hardDeleteAllProducts() {

public void softDeleteProduct(Long productId) {
Product product = productRepository.findById(productId)
.orElseThrow(() -> new ResourceNotFoundException("Product with ID '" + productId + "' not found"));


public void softDeleteAllProducts() {
List<Product> products = productRepository.findAll();
products.forEach(product -> {
Tried deleting with this repository:
public interface ProductRepository extends JpaRepository<Product, Long> {

List<Product> findAllByNameLikeIgnoreCase(String name);

List<Product> findAllByCategoryIs(Product.Category category);

boolean existsByNameIgnoreCase(String name);

@Query("SELECT p FROM Product p WHERE p.productId = :productId")
Optional<Product> findByIdUnfiltered(@Param("productId") Long id);

@Query("SELECT p FROM Product p")
List<Product> findAllUnfiltered();

@Modifying @Transactional
@Query("DELETE FROM Product p WHERE p.productId = :productId AND p.deleted IN (true, false)")
void deleteProductPermanently(@Param("productId") Long id);

@Modifying @Transactional
@Query("DELETE FROM Product p WHERE p.deleted IN (true, false)")
void deleteAllProductsPermanently();
public interface ProductRepository extends JpaRepository<Product, Long> {

List<Product> findAllByNameLikeIgnoreCase(String name);

List<Product> findAllByCategoryIs(Product.Category category);

boolean existsByNameIgnoreCase(String name);

@Query("SELECT p FROM Product p WHERE p.productId = :productId")
Optional<Product> findByIdUnfiltered(@Param("productId") Long id);

@Query("SELECT p FROM Product p")
List<Product> findAllUnfiltered();

@Modifying @Transactional
@Query("DELETE FROM Product p WHERE p.productId = :productId AND p.deleted IN (true, false)")
void deleteProductPermanently(@Param("productId") Long id);

@Modifying @Transactional
@Query("DELETE FROM Product p WHERE p.deleted IN (true, false)")
void deleteAllProductsPermanently();
Repository's .delete and .deleteAll only works with the filtered SQLRestriction. Thus, it will only delete products where deleted = false. That is not what I want. So I added custom queries: - deleteProductPermanently - deleteAllProductsPermanently , but it also throws:
org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException: JDBC exception executing SQL [delete from product p1_0 where p1_0.deleted in (true,false) and (p1_0.deleted = false)] [Referential integrity constraint violation: "FKJJPLLNLN6HK6HJ98UESGXNO00: PUBLIC.VARIANT FOREIGN KEY(PRODUCT_ID) REFERENCES PUBLIC.PRODUCT(PRODUCT_ID) (7388622269448192)"; SQL statement:
delete from product p1_0 where p1_0.deleted in (true,false) and (p1_0.deleted = false) [23503-224]] [n/a]; SQL [n/a]; constraint [FKJJPLLNLN6HK6HJ98UESGXNO00: PUBLIC.VARIANT FOREIGN KEY(PRODUCT_ID) REFERENCES PUBLIC.PRODUCT(PRODUCT_ID) (7388622269448192); SQL statement:
org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException: JDBC exception executing SQL [delete from product p1_0 where p1_0.deleted in (true,false) and (p1_0.deleted = false)] [Referential integrity constraint violation: "FKJJPLLNLN6HK6HJ98UESGXNO00: PUBLIC.VARIANT FOREIGN KEY(PRODUCT_ID) REFERENCES PUBLIC.PRODUCT(PRODUCT_ID) (7388622269448192)"; SQL statement:
delete from product p1_0 where p1_0.deleted in (true,false) and (p1_0.deleted = false) [23503-224]] [n/a]; SQL [n/a]; constraint [FKJJPLLNLN6HK6HJ98UESGXNO00: PUBLIC.VARIANT FOREIGN KEY(PRODUCT_ID) REFERENCES PUBLIC.PRODUCT(PRODUCT_ID) (7388622269448192); SQL statement:
Or basically DataIntegrityViolationException that I thought it shouldn't happen since I've already used CascadeType.ALL and orphanRemoval in one-to-many relations within Product entity. This is just like using SoftDelete where I can't bypass it and Hard Delete the soft-deleted ones Is it the trade-off? The other solution would probably updating each products, or the deleted ones with soft-deletion = false so that it will also be picked up by the native .delete and .deleteAll THAT ALSO DOES NOT WORK I think it's the SQLRestriction making it hard I might need to manually do all the filtrations 😭
ayylmao123xdd4mo ago
did you try writing a query without the query annotation like deletedWhereDeletedTrue so jpa generates it automatically or deleteByIdAndDeleted i think the latter is the correct format and if u dont wanna do by id do deleteByDeleted
circleOP4mo ago
Let me try For some cases yes
circleOP4mo ago
I think the SQLRestriction still restricts any query coming in :/ Tried deleteByProductIdAndDeletedTrue. I have yet found any way to bypass the SQLRestriction
No description
Virtual4mo ago
So in a nutshell when you try to delete product, you get a foreign key violation because variant for some reason is not being deleted?
ayylmao123xdd4mo ago
did you try using the @where annotation instead of sql restriction also you should probably mark the deleting method with transactional
JavaBot4mo ago
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circleOP4mo ago
It does happen yes It is deprecated since JPA hibernate 6.4 Also did that, I put @Transactional on the service layer
circleOP4mo ago
Stack Overflow
'Bypassing' @SQLRestriction on entities for JPA queries
Background I'm implementing both soft and hard delete functionality in a JPA/Hibernate application. Given an entity with SQLRestriction defined to restrict every query within the JPA to return non ...
JavaBot4mo ago
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