HELP WITH getClass() method

Consider this class:
public class MyClass {...}
public class MyClass {...}
what is the difference between using getClass() and using MyClass.class, I heard somewhere that getClass() can cause unexpected behaviour when a class extends MyClass but why would that happen ?
49 Replies
JavaBot10mo ago
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Kyo-chan10mo ago
You may call getClass() on any object, including one of which you don't know what's it class Example:
Object o = getMysteryObject(); // this time it gives a LocalDate... But on another call it gives a BigDecimal. You never know
Class<?> objClass = o.getClass();
System.out.println(objClass); // prints LocalDate fully qualified name
Object o = getMysteryObject(); // this time it gives a LocalDate... But on another call it gives a BigDecimal. You never know
Class<?> objClass = o.getClass();
System.out.println(objClass); // prints LocalDate fully qualified name
userexitOP10mo ago
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userexitOP10mo ago
then what is this guy here saying ? @Kyo-chan
Kyo-chan10mo ago
He's saying "I'm a beginner" If the class you want is MyClass, use MyClass.class If the class you want is that of an object you got, use getClass() on that object
userexitOP10mo ago
I think he means if you have for example:
public class Shape {...}
public class Rectangle extends Shape {...}
public class Shape {...}
public class Rectangle extends Shape {...}
and somewhere in your code you have: Shape shape = new Rectangle(); and you do shape.getClass(); you get the Rectangle class and if its in another package then you cant find resources anymore in your package lamo do you think this is what he means ?
Kyo-chan10mo ago
He doesn't mean much other than how if you use getClass() on an object whose variable type isn't a final class, then the possible results are more than just the one. ...... And yeah, that's the point. It's not an issue.
userexitOP10mo ago
ah okay and btw getClass().getResource() will try to find it in the package of the class and getClass().getClassLoader().getResource() will try to find it outside right what I dont get is how can you have package based resources there is only 1 resource folder in java for example running this:
public class classInsideTestPackage {
public void checkPath() {
URL url = getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("resource.txt");

public static void main(String[] args) {
new classInsideTestPackage().checkPath();
public class classInsideTestPackage {
public void checkPath() {
URL url = getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("resource.txt");

public static void main(String[] args) {
new classInsideTestPackage().checkPath();
doesnt throw a null error
userexitOP10mo ago
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userexitOP10mo ago
because it looked for it here
Kyo-chan10mo ago
Actually, the resources folder is a Maven thing to better organize project. Natively, Java has no such notion
userexitOP10mo ago
outside all packages if I delete getClassLoader() I get an error if I delete getClassLoader() and I put the resource inside the testPackage folder I get no error no more yeah so do you know how I can put resources in a specific package only ?
Kyo-chan10mo ago
Isn't that exactly what you just demonstrated you know how to do?
userexitOP10mo ago
yes but only after compilation because then I get the folder of the package in the target/classes folder and I can do wahtever I want with it but before compiling How can I decide a resource will go inside a package folder
Kyo-chan10mo ago
Just put the resources in folders named exactly like that inside the resources folder (Though nobody but the Java base library team does that)
userexitOP10mo ago
so inside src/main/resources I put a folder named testPackage and inside it it will put all the resources inside the testPackage inside target/classes ?
Kyo-chan10mo ago
userexitOP10mo ago
why do you say that ?
Kyo-chan10mo ago
I often mention various things that are true in this world. Don't mind it
userexitOP10mo ago
no but I mean is there any logicla reason for which normal people wouldnt do ut
Kyo-chan10mo ago
There doesn't exactly seem to be a point to bother with that. There is a little bit more of a point with Java 9+ modules isolation, but even then you can just name folders rather than actual packages.
userexitOP10mo ago
isnt getting resources an enough point ?
Kyo-chan10mo ago
You can get resources without putting them in packages, and with putting them in packages named differently to the ones you put your classes in. Otherwise Maven would have simplified putting resources in the same packages as classes
userexitOP10mo ago
really how can you get such resources
Kyo-chan10mo ago
Again, did you not demonstrate you know how?
userexitOP10mo ago
I mean u can have a folder inside resource named: jeff and then do getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("/jeff"); but do u have naother way ? @Kyo-chan
Kyo-chan10mo ago
I don't remember all the details, but if you include the starting / I don't think you need the classLoader
userexitOP10mo ago
why, what does the starting / change lol
Kyo-chan10mo ago
It changes where it looks for the resource
userexitOP10mo ago
yeah so if you do /jeff where will it look
Kyo-chan10mo ago
In a package named jeff
userexitOP10mo ago
even wi thout classloader ill check damn ur right why does a / change so much ? does it mean look from behind ? @Kyo-chan
userexitOP10mo ago
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userexitOP10mo ago
I guess when u do jeff/resourcetest.txt it tries to find folder jeff in the current folder which is the testPackage folder if u do /jeff/resourcetest.txt it tries to find it on the parent
userexitOP10mo ago
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userexitOP10mo ago
so what if i have a package inside a package
userexitOP10mo ago
wait why does it work
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userexitOP10mo ago
? does adding a / simply get me all out, inside the target/classes folder ? yes it does what if I have ar esource in parent package that I want to access can I access it without using getClassLoader ? also justl earned using getSystemResource deos the same nice damn
Kyo-chan10mo ago
It means look from the root
userexitOP10mo ago
what do u use to look from behind so i can look in resources of parent package
Kyo-chan10mo ago
I don't do that. I'm not convinced there is something for it. I'd try .. just in case
userexitOP10mo ago
yeah URL url = getClass().getResource("..New Text Document.txt"); this here doesnt work wait adding a slash works URL url = getClass().getResource("../New Text Document.txt"); @Kyo-chan
Kyo-chan10mo ago
My bad, I assumed that as obvious
userexitOP10mo ago
can I chain double dots ?
Kyo-chan10mo ago
I don't know, but it would be very weird if you couldn't
userexitOP10mo ago
so .... this here puts me 2 packages abvoe ?
Kyo-chan10mo ago
../../name.text Not very used to navigate filesystem trees, are we?
userexitOP10mo ago
yeah not used to none of that yeah it works i can double dot chain i guess triple, quadruple etc all work the same I was in a state of confusion but thanks to this conversation im in a state of clarity now, thank you for the help @Kyo-chan
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