Trying to set an object into a EJB Bean array from a remote app.

I am trying to set a object to an stateful EJB which has an array. If I do this in the Web container in a servlet it works fine but when I try do the same in the remote application I am getting an marshalling error Let me put the codes and more details
9 Replies
JavaBot12mo ago
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Rag...JN 🌌 🦡 👽 💰 🐊
This is the object I am trying to insert into the Bean's List, this in a module called "core"
public class IoTDeviceReadingState implements Serializable {
int capturedVehicleSpeed = 0;
String capturedTrafficLightStatus = null;
Coordinate capturedGPSCoordinates = null;
public class IoTDeviceReadingState implements Serializable {
int capturedVehicleSpeed = 0;
String capturedTrafficLightStatus = null;
Coordinate capturedGPSCoordinates = null;
This is the Bean interface
public interface IoTDeviceReadingStore extends Serializable {

void configureBean();

void setReading(IoTDeviceReadingState reading);

List<IoTDeviceReadingState> getReadings();
public interface IoTDeviceReadingStore extends Serializable {

void configureBean();

void setReading(IoTDeviceReadingState reading);

List<IoTDeviceReadingState> getReadings();
Bean Implementation
public class IoTDeviceReadingStoreBean implements IoTDeviceReadingStore {
private List<IoTDeviceReadingState> readings = new LinkedList<>();

public void configureBean(){
this.readings = new LinkedList<>();

public void setReading(IoTDeviceReadingState reading){
public List<IoTDeviceReadingState> getReadings(){
return readings;

public class IoTDeviceReadingStoreBean implements IoTDeviceReadingStore {
private List<IoTDeviceReadingState> readings = new LinkedList<>();

public void configureBean(){
this.readings = new LinkedList<>();

public void setReading(IoTDeviceReadingState reading){
public List<IoTDeviceReadingState> getReadings(){
return readings;

Testing it in Servlet
IoTDeviceReadingState state = new IoTDeviceReadingState();
String lightStatus = "green";
int speed = 100;

IoTDeviceReadingStore readingStoreBean = (IoTDeviceReadingStore) context.lookup("java:global/ear/app/IoTDeviceReadingStoreBean");
IoTDeviceReadingState state = new IoTDeviceReadingState();
String lightStatus = "green";
int speed = 100;

IoTDeviceReadingStore readingStoreBean = (IoTDeviceReadingStore) context.lookup("java:global/ear/app/IoTDeviceReadingStoreBean");
No errors worked fine Trying to do this in another app
IoTDeviceReadingState state = new IoTDeviceReadingState();
String lightStatus = IoTDataGenerator.randomStatus();
int speed = IoTDataGenerator.randomSpeed();

IoTDeviceReadingStore readingStoreBean = (IoTDeviceReadingStore) context.lookup("java:global/ear/app/IoTDeviceReadingStoreBean");

IoTDeviceReadingState state = new IoTDeviceReadingState();
String lightStatus = IoTDataGenerator.randomStatus();
int speed = IoTDataGenerator.randomSpeed();

IoTDeviceReadingStore readingStoreBean = (IoTDeviceReadingStore) context.lookup("java:global/ear/app/IoTDeviceReadingStoreBean");

Rag...JN 🌌 🦡 👽 💰 🐊
The error I am getting is
No description
Rag...JN 🌌 🦡 👽 💰 🐊
Exception in thread "main" jakarta.ejb.EJBException: java.rmi.MarshalException: CORBA MARSHAL 1330446347 Maybe; nested exception is:
org.omg.CORBA.MARSHAL: ----------BEGIN server-side stack trace----------
org.omg.CORBA.MARSHAL: WARNING: 00810011: Exception from readValue on ValueHandler in CDRInputStream vmcid: OMG minor code: 11 completed: Maybe
at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy270.valuehandlerReadException(Unknown Source)
Exception in thread "main" jakarta.ejb.EJBException: java.rmi.MarshalException: CORBA MARSHAL 1330446347 Maybe; nested exception is:
org.omg.CORBA.MARSHAL: ----------BEGIN server-side stack trace----------
org.omg.CORBA.MARSHAL: WARNING: 00810011: Exception from readValue on ValueHandler in CDRInputStream vmcid: OMG minor code: 11 completed: Maybe
at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy270.valuehandlerReadException(Unknown Source)
Rag...JN 🌌 🦡 👽 💰 🐊
GitHub - ragujan/multi_module_java_iot_app_simulation: Getting help...
Getting help to fix some issues, it's mainly the servlet url - GitHub - ragujan/multi_module_java_iot_app_simulation: Getting help to fix some issues, it's mainly the servlet url
Rag...JN 🌌 🦡 👽 💰 🐊
how to do I change the description the description is old going to sleep now
JavaBot12mo ago
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Rag...JN 🌌 🦡 👽 💰 🐊
Update Update Hey for some reason after I turned on my laptop I started the server in the web app (ear), then re run the remote and it didn't throw any exceptions :boohoo: :hidethepain: :boohoo: :hidethepain: skill issue
JavaBot12mo ago
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