Spring Boot @Mapping gives no read accessor error

Hello! I'm trying to use @mapping to map a DTo from entities My Main DTO is
public class MainDto {
private ProjectDTO project;
private TaskDTO task;
public class MainDto {
private ProjectDTO project;
private TaskDTO task;
public class ProjectDTO {
private UUID projectId;
private Second second;
private String name;
private String desc;
public class ProjectDTO {
private UUID projectId;
private Second second;
private String name;
private String desc;
public class SecondDTO {
private UUID secondId;
private String name;
private String desc;
public class SecondDTO {
private UUID secondId;
private String name;
private String desc;
public class TaskDTO {
private UUID taskId;
private String taskName;
public class TaskDTO {
private UUID taskId;
private String taskName;
public class ProjectEntity {
@Column(name = "project_id")
private UUID projectId;

@Column(name = "second_id")
private UUID secondId;

.... etc
public class ProjectEntity {
@Column(name = "project_id")
private UUID projectId;

@Column(name = "second_id")
private UUID secondId;

.... etc
public class SecondEntity {
@Column(name = "second_id")
private UUID secondId;

.... etc
public class SecondEntity {
@Column(name = "second_id")
private UUID secondId;

.... etc
public class TaskEntity {
public class TaskEntity {
On an other file i set ans use the entities on repos, then i want to return the MainDTO:
public class main {
ProjectEntity projEntity = ...
SecondEntity sENtity = ...
TaskEntity tEntity = ...
public class main {
ProjectEntity projEntity = ...
SecondEntity sENtity = ...
TaskEntity tEntity = ...
then i got problems on mapping them: - If in main i've: MainDTO mDTO(ProjectEntity projEntity, SecondEntity sEntity, TaskEntity tEntity); it returns correctly filled the ProjectDTO and TaskDTO, except for the ProjectDTO Second, that is null. - If i try
@Mapping(target = "project.second", source = "sEntity")
MainDTO mDTO(ProjectEntity projEntity, SecondEntity sEntity, TaskEntity tEntity);
@Mapping(target = "project.second", source = "sEntity")
MainDTO mDTO(ProjectEntity projEntity, SecondEntity sEntity, TaskEntity tEntity);
works, it fill the Second, but the rest of projectDTO is empty (TaskDTO is filled). - If i try something like
@Mapping(target = "project", source = "projEntity")
@Mapping(target = "project.second", source = "sEntity")
MainDTO mDTO(ProjectEntity projEntity, SecondEntity sEntity, TaskEntity tEntity);
@Mapping(target = "project", source = "projEntity")
@Mapping(target = "project.second", source = "sEntity")
MainDTO mDTO(ProjectEntity projEntity, SecondEntity sEntity, TaskEntity tEntity);
@Mapping(target = "project.description", source = "projEntity")
@Mapping(target = "project.second", source = "sEntity")
MainDTO mDTO(ProjectEntity projEntity, SecondEntity sEntity, TaskEntity tEntity);
@Mapping(target = "project.description", source = "projEntity")
@Mapping(target = "project.second", source = "sEntity")
MainDTO mDTO(ProjectEntity projEntity, SecondEntity sEntity, TaskEntity tEntity);
it gives the error: java: no read accessor for property "project" in tagret type Someone has tips for this? THank you so much
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