to {GET [/orders/history]}: There is already 'orderController' bean method

what im i doing wrong here seems something with the path but chaning it doesn t seem to work
5 Replies
JavaBot10mo ago
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TimoOP10mo ago
@CrossOrigin(origins = "http://localhost:4200")
public class OrderController {
private final OrderService orderService;

public OrderController(OrderService orderService) {
this.orderService = orderService;

public ResponseEntity<Order> placeOrder(@RequestBody OrderDTO orderDTO, Principal principal) throws Exception {
if (principal == null) throw new Exception();
return ok(orderService.placeOrder(orderDTO, principal.getName()));

public ResponseEntity<List<HistoryOrderDTO>> getOrderHistory(Principal principal) throws Exception {
if (principal == null) throw new Exception();
return ok(orderService.findOrdersByCustomUser(principal.getName()));


public ResponseEntity<List<HistoryOrderDTO>> getallOrder(Principal principal) throws Exception {
if (principal == null) throw new Exception();
return ok(orderService.findOrdersByCustomUser(principal.getName()));


public ResponseEntity<List<OrderDTO>> findAllOrders(Principal principal) throws Exception {
if (principal == null) throw new Exception();

return ok(orderService.findAllorders());

public ResponseEntity<String> deleteById(@PathVariable Long id){
return ok("Order deleted with id " + id);
@CrossOrigin(origins = "http://localhost:4200")
public class OrderController {
private final OrderService orderService;

public OrderController(OrderService orderService) {
this.orderService = orderService;

public ResponseEntity<Order> placeOrder(@RequestBody OrderDTO orderDTO, Principal principal) throws Exception {
if (principal == null) throw new Exception();
return ok(orderService.placeOrder(orderDTO, principal.getName()));

public ResponseEntity<List<HistoryOrderDTO>> getOrderHistory(Principal principal) throws Exception {
if (principal == null) throw new Exception();
return ok(orderService.findOrdersByCustomUser(principal.getName()));


public ResponseEntity<List<HistoryOrderDTO>> getallOrder(Principal principal) throws Exception {
if (principal == null) throw new Exception();
return ok(orderService.findOrdersByCustomUser(principal.getName()));


public ResponseEntity<List<OrderDTO>> findAllOrders(Principal principal) throws Exception {
if (principal == null) throw new Exception();

return ok(orderService.findAllorders());

public ResponseEntity<String> deleteById(@PathVariable Long id){
return ok("Order deleted with id " + id);
szatkus10mo ago
You have @GetMapping("/history") defined twice.
TimoOP10mo ago
oh uh lol think created one on accident when trying to create my func lol thx !resolved "message": "Could not write JSON: class java.util.ArrayList cannot be cast to class org.hibernate.mapping.List (java.util.ArrayList is in module java.base of loader 'bootstrap'; org.hibernate.mapping.List is in unnamed module of loader 'app')",
JavaBot10mo ago
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