some help needed with fixing circular dependencies

hey guys. can smb help me out with fixing circular dependencies?
The dependencies of some of the beans in the application context form a cycle:

| BGWService defined in file
↑ ↓
| importService defined in file
The dependencies of some of the beans in the application context form a cycle:

| BGWService defined in file
↑ ↓
| importService defined in file
This error doesnt even make sense, wtf?
18 Replies
JavaBot7mo ago
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tjoener7mo ago
Well, make either importservice not depend on bgwservice or the other way around
i hate SQL so much its unreal
um, yeah. but the thing is that i need both of them to depend on each other
tjoener7mo ago
There's a workaround, if you annotate a non-final field with @AutoWired instead of the constructor But circular dependencies are a sign that there's something wrong with your classes They shouldn't depend on each other
i hate SQL so much its unreal
public class BGWService {

ImportService importService;
CustomerRepository customerRepository;
AppConfig appConfig;
XmlUtil xmlUtil;
PaymentRepository paymentRepository;

public BGWService(AppConfig appConfig, XmlUtil xmlUtil, CustomerRepository customerRepository, PaymentRepository paymentRepository, ImportService importService) {
this.appConfig = appConfig;
this.xmlUtil = xmlUtil;
this.customerRepository = customerRepository;
this.paymentRepository = paymentRepository;
this.importService = importService;
public void createPaymentpaymentConfirmation(PaymentDTO paymentConfirmationRequest) throws NoEarlierPaymentException, JAXBException, IOException {"BGWService.createPaymentpaymentConfirmation");

Optional<Payment> earlierPayment=paymentRepository.findByTransactionIdAndAmount(paymentConfirmationRequest.getTransactionId(), paymentConfirmationRequest.getAmount());
if (earlierPayment.isEmpty()) {"BGWService.createPaymentConfirmation.NoEarlierPaymentException.TransactionId:{}.Amount:{}",paymentConfirmationRequest.getTransactionId(),paymentConfirmationRequest.getAmount());

throw new NoEarlierPaymentException("No earlier payment with transactionId:"+paymentConfirmationRequest.getTransactionId()+" and amount:"+paymentConfirmationRequest.getAmount());

Payment payment=PaymentMapper.toEntity(paymentConfirmationRequest);
public class BGWService {

ImportService importService;
CustomerRepository customerRepository;
AppConfig appConfig;
XmlUtil xmlUtil;
PaymentRepository paymentRepository;

public BGWService(AppConfig appConfig, XmlUtil xmlUtil, CustomerRepository customerRepository, PaymentRepository paymentRepository, ImportService importService) {
this.appConfig = appConfig;
this.xmlUtil = xmlUtil;
this.customerRepository = customerRepository;
this.paymentRepository = paymentRepository;
this.importService = importService;
public void createPaymentpaymentConfirmation(PaymentDTO paymentConfirmationRequest) throws NoEarlierPaymentException, JAXBException, IOException {"BGWService.createPaymentpaymentConfirmation");

Optional<Payment> earlierPayment=paymentRepository.findByTransactionIdAndAmount(paymentConfirmationRequest.getTransactionId(), paymentConfirmationRequest.getAmount());
if (earlierPayment.isEmpty()) {"BGWService.createPaymentConfirmation.NoEarlierPaymentException.TransactionId:{}.Amount:{}",paymentConfirmationRequest.getTransactionId(),paymentConfirmationRequest.getAmount());

throw new NoEarlierPaymentException("No earlier payment with transactionId:"+paymentConfirmationRequest.getTransactionId()+" and amount:"+paymentConfirmationRequest.getAmount());

Payment payment=PaymentMapper.toEntity(paymentConfirmationRequest);
public class ImportService {

LmsService lmsService;
XmlUtil xmlUtil;
BGWService bgwService;
AppConfig appConfig;

DivisionRepository divisionRepository;

CashRegRepository cashRegRepository;

CustomerIDResolverService customerIDResolverService;

BankAccountConfig bankAccountConfig;

DateTimeFormatter formatterCurrent = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyyMMdd");
DateTimeFormatter formatterEod = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyyMMdd");


private String generateFileName(String type, DateTimeFormatter formatter, LocalDateTime date) {
return type + date.format(formatter) + ".xml";

public void importSbankStatement(Long userId) throws JAXBException, IOException {"importSbankStatement started");
for (BankAccount bankAccount : bankAccountConfig.getSbankBankAccounts()) {"iban: " + bankAccount.getIban());
ResponseEntity<String> accountStatementResponse = bgwService.getAccountStatementResponse();
if (accountStatementResponse.getStatusCode().value() == 200) {
HttpHeaders accountStatementResponseHeaders = accountStatementResponse.getHeaders();
String xTrackingId = accountStatementResponseHeaders.get("X-Tracking-ID").get(0);

String xmlStr = accountStatementResponse.getBody();
importFromString(xmlStr, "BGW_C_", userId, bankAccount.getCashRegId());
}"importSbankStatement end");
public class ImportService {

LmsService lmsService;
XmlUtil xmlUtil;
BGWService bgwService;
AppConfig appConfig;

DivisionRepository divisionRepository;

CashRegRepository cashRegRepository;

CustomerIDResolverService customerIDResolverService;

BankAccountConfig bankAccountConfig;

DateTimeFormatter formatterCurrent = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyyMMdd");
DateTimeFormatter formatterEod = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyyMMdd");


private String generateFileName(String type, DateTimeFormatter formatter, LocalDateTime date) {
return type + date.format(formatter) + ".xml";

public void importSbankStatement(Long userId) throws JAXBException, IOException {"importSbankStatement started");
for (BankAccount bankAccount : bankAccountConfig.getSbankBankAccounts()) {"iban: " + bankAccount.getIban());
ResponseEntity<String> accountStatementResponse = bgwService.getAccountStatementResponse();
if (accountStatementResponse.getStatusCode().value() == 200) {
HttpHeaders accountStatementResponseHeaders = accountStatementResponse.getHeaders();
String xTrackingId = accountStatementResponseHeaders.get("X-Tracking-ID").get(0);

String xmlStr = accountStatementResponse.getBody();
importFromString(xmlStr, "BGW_C_", userId, bankAccount.getCashRegId());
}"importSbankStatement end");
i removed some code, bc i needed to hide some sensitive stuff but u can still see the logic and the dependency between these two services
tjoener7mo ago
What does BGW mean?
i hate SQL so much its unreal
no idea 😦
tjoener7mo ago
I see a call to bgwService.deleteAccountStatement MAybe that should be in a different service that manages statements? So you wouldn't have to call bgwservice? This is application architecture and hard to tell with bits of code I'd have to take a few hours, look at how it works and come up with a plan
i hate SQL so much its unreal
yeah, i know. thanks for at least taking a look haha
JavaBot7mo ago
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tjoener7mo ago
The fact that BGWService has both a customerRepository and a paymentRepository screams bad design to me
i hate SQL so much its unreal
but basically id need to redesign the services and how they depend on each other, right?
tjoener7mo ago
Big red flags right there Usually you have services depend on one single repository, for the type that they're responsible for
i hate SQL so much its unreal
why? because one service manages two repos?
tjoener7mo ago
And if they need to do anything else they need to go through another service yeah, and not even related ones bgwService.deleteAccountStatement does that call any of those repositories?
i hate SQL so much its unreal
nope. just does http req
tjoener7mo ago
ok, other angle createPaymentpaymentConfirmation Why isn't that in a PaymentService? And just depend on the PaymentService instead of the BGWService? It's stuff like that, ask if it really belongs there
JavaBot7mo ago
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