In game loop, reset index to 0, go through 4 animations, then do something

can someone help me to show* all 4 images of the dying animation before setting to gameover*? it works for setting game over in the player class but when I try to set game over when walking on a trap (lava), it only shows the first animationindex and I don't know how to correctly show all images of dying and then set game over Player
public void playerDeathAndGameOver() {
if (playerAction != DYING) {
playerAction = DYING;
animationIndex = 0;
animationTick = 0;

if (animationIndex == getSpriteAmount(DYING) - 1) {
// here we reached final death animation shown, now set game over!
public void playerDeathAndGameOver() {
if (playerAction != DYING) {
playerAction = DYING;
animationIndex = 0;
animationTick = 0;

if (animationIndex == getSpriteAmount(DYING) - 1) {
// here we reached final death animation shown, now set game over!
for (Lava l: lava)
if (player.getHitbox().intersects(l.hitbox)) {
for (Lava l: lava)
if (player.getHitbox().intersects(l.hitbox)) {
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JavaBot2y ago
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