Type Handler Issue in MyBatis of Spring Boot

I have a problem about Type Handler Issue in MyBatis of Spring Boot. How can I fix it?
9 Replies
JavaBot3mo ago
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direct_x_34OP3mo ago
@Expert Can you help me?
JavaBot2mo ago
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direct_x_34OP2mo ago
@Chichko Dibel @Carter @tjoener Can anyone help me fix the issue?
<select id="getTaskStatusCounts" resultMap="taskStatusCountResultMap" parameterType="com.example.model.QueryRequest">
tt.region_name_en AS region,
tt.office_name_en AS office,

<foreach collection="years" item="year" separator=",">
<foreach collection="months" item="month" separator=",">
COUNT(CASE WHEN SUBSTRING(tt.task_finish_time, 1, 7) = CONCAT(#{year}, '-', #{month}) THEN 1 END))
) AS monthlyCounts

task_list tt
<include refid="queryTaskStatusCondition"/>
tt.region_name_en ASC;
<select id="getTaskStatusCounts" resultMap="taskStatusCountResultMap" parameterType="com.example.model.QueryRequest">
tt.region_name_en AS region,
tt.office_name_en AS office,

<foreach collection="years" item="year" separator=",">
<foreach collection="months" item="month" separator=",">
COUNT(CASE WHEN SUBSTRING(tt.task_finish_time, 1, 7) = CONCAT(#{year}, '-', #{month}) THEN 1 END))
) AS monthlyCounts

task_list tt
<include refid="queryTaskStatusCondition"/>
tt.region_name_en ASC;
I also revised it but I get this error message
ause: java.sql.SQLException: Error converting JSON to Map
; uncategorized SQLException; SQL state [null]; error code [0]; Error converting JSON to Map; nested exception is java.sql.SQLException: Error converting JSON to Map] with root cause
com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException: Unexpected character ('"' (code 34)): was expecting comma to separate Object entries
at [Source: (String)"{"month_2022_01":0"month_2022_02":0"month_2022_03":0"month_2023_01":3"month_2023_02":4"month_2023_03":8}"; line: 1, column: 20]
ause: java.sql.SQLException: Error converting JSON to Map
; uncategorized SQLException; SQL state [null]; error code [0]; Error converting JSON to Map; nested exception is java.sql.SQLException: Error converting JSON to Map] with root cause
com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException: Unexpected character ('"' (code 34)): was expecting comma to separate Object entries
at [Source: (String)"{"month_2022_01":0"month_2022_02":0"month_2022_03":0"month_2023_01":3"month_2023_02":4"month_2023_03":8}"; line: 1, column: 20]
Carter2mo ago
if you can please create a MRE (minimal reproducible example) of the problem, I can help.
direct_x_34OP2mo ago
@Carter I already shared my issue.
Carter2mo ago
showing a couple hundred lines of code and a stack trace isn't exactly an MRE, especially when it comes to Spring. Try and narrow down what is actually causing the issue If you have more questions feel free to ask.
direct_x_34OP2mo ago
@Carter I already mentioned about it in the file.
JavaBot2mo ago
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