How to sign executable jar with jsign or similar
So I have a game I want to share with a user who does not have Java.
Im using launch4j to convert my .jar to .exe.
I want to get rid of the antivirus warning.
I found out I can do this by signing the application.
I found out about Jsign for this.
Is this a good idea?
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I guess that tool looks fine
though there are also alternatives to launch4j like jlink/jpackage if these are applicable to you
But if you are signing your application, you'd probably need to get your key verified or whatever
is it "easy enough" to sign my application, meaning, can I do it in a reasonable time-frame, considering i have previous background in programming, just not in whatever this is
to clarify, im only looking for help how to use the Jsign or similar tool. thanks for answering also.
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the signing thing - probably
but maybe not signing it in a way that it gets rid of the warning
because you aren't a verified publisher or whatever it's called
at least I guess so
its such an obscure topic - heres an old youtube video with from 3 years ago with 29 views
Wmkit Software
Using code signing to reduce the false positive detection
Using self signed code signing certificate to reduce the false positive detection of virus on ITHistExporter
I almost feel like signing is "mythical" and people wanna hide its secrets
tbh I just wanna do some Jsign action or similar to learn a little bit about it and if it removes the antivirus warning on some system, hey thats great
The idea of signing is:
- Publishers use their private keys to prove it's them who wrote the software
- They upload their public keys to Microsoft (or another trusted party) and that party confirms that the dev is trustworthy or something like that
- Software signed with the keys of that dev doesn't show the warning
at least I'm assuming it works somewhat like that
idk the signing process on Windows specifically
damn ig your a linux boi
I did use Windows for a while but I got frustrated with it
and I never did anything with the Windows signing
I think using jlink/jpackage might work better but idk
or you don't distribute it as an exe but instead a zip file that contains a JRE signed by sb else and your application (set up in a way that it can be run easily)
I never understood people who got frustrated with windows tbh, and its a 50-50 divide between people who think linux just sounds cool and honest people who actually finds some use for linux lol
Many things annoyed me including it needing a lot of resources (e.g. disk space and memory), it being slow overall, some hardware annoyances, compiling stuff was annoying, etc
I mean if windows is slow just upgrade your components, its not like linux is gonna be super fast
I've never found a concrete reason to switch to linux
I want my laptop to start up within five seconds, even if it is a few years old, ok?
and I download a lot of obscure tools and games, and they dont always support linux but everyone supports windows
ok so linux starts in 5 seconds and windows in 10? or windows in 60? is there a big diff?
my reason was constantly being annoyed
its a valid reason and i understand that you felt like that
there was a big difference for me
huh ok interesting
ppl have been talking a lot about linux over the years as its simply better at everything but i've been hardstuck windows
i'm stubborn like that, i dont wanna switch unless i personally see a reason
like 3s vs 20s or whatever- and it using like half a GB of memory (probably less, didn't check exactly) on its own instead of 5GB for whatever reason - and not half of my SSD being filled up with only Windows, .NET (which I didn't want to use) and SQL Server
aight bet, linux is more minimal and customizable i'll give you that - but i have the fattest gaming pc with crazy disk and ram space (so idc about memory/disk usage) and my laptop is for simple work, although ig i could have linux on that -- but that may produce compatibility issues if i send over files etc between machines
I'm not really into gaming lol - I'm mainly using a laptop that's decently fast but Windows was doing some annoying stuff there
Anyway signing
What is the exact warning you are seeing?
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