Week 72 — What is a Javadoc comment and how is it different from other comments?

Question of the Week #72
What is a Javadoc comment and how is it different from other comments?
2 Replies
Mercy9mo ago
Comments generally don't impact the execution of (Java) code. It is possible to start a single-line comment with // while a multi-line comment can be started with /* and ended with */. When a multi-line comment before a class, method and field starts with /** instead of */, it is called a "Javadoc comment". These can be picked up by the javadoc tool which can automatically generate documentation. For example, it is possible to write a class like this:
Creates greetings.
This class contains methods to greet people
public class Greetings{
Greet a person by saying "Hi".
Concatenates "Hi " with the name of a person
@param name The name of the person to greet
@return "Hi" followed by the value of someParam
public String addToHi(String name){
return "Hi " + someParam;
Creates greetings.
This class contains methods to greet people
public class Greetings{
Greet a person by saying "Hi".
Concatenates "Hi " with the name of a person
@param name The name of the person to greet
@return "Hi" followed by the value of someParam
public String addToHi(String name){
return "Hi " + someParam;
With that class in a file Greetings.java, it is possible to run javadoc Greetings.java -d docs and the javadoc tool will generate HTML documentation in a directory named docs.
📖 Sample answer from dan1st
Mercy9mo ago
Javadoc comments are a special /** and are meant to describe the specification of the code from an implementation-free perspective, to be read by developers who might use your code. Javadoc comment serves a different purpose from inline comments and multi-line Java comments. Whereas inline and block Java comments are read by other developers who maintain the code, Javadoc comments are for developers who use your code.
Submission from wildbaby2963

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