Week 103 — How can one connect to a database using JDBC?

Question of the Week #103
How can one connect to a database using JDBC?
3 Replies
kali3mo ago
JDBC is a database-independent API for access to relational databases. Due to this, applications using JDBC need a database-specific JDBC driver to connect to that database. For example, MySQL Connector/J is used to connect to MySQL databases with JDBC. The JDBC driver is added to the classpath/modulepath to ensure it being registered or it can also be registered using DriverManager.registerDriver. When a JDBC driver is registered, it is possible to connect to a database supported by the driver using a JDBC connection string identifying the database to connect to. JDBC URLs start with jdbc: followed by the identifier of the JDBC driver and a driver-specific way to identify the database to connect to as well as possible parameters to the connection. For example, the URL jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/SomeDatabase can be used to connect to a MySQL database named SomeDatabase running on localhost with the default MySQL port. The JDBC URL can be passed to the DriverManager.getConnection together with credentials to the database.
String username = "your-database-username";
String password = "load-the-super-secret-password-from-somewhere";
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/SomeDatabase", username, password);
String username = "your-database-username";
String password = "load-the-super-secret-password-from-somewhere";
Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/SomeDatabase", username, password);
After obtaining a Connection object, SQL statements can be executed using the Connection#executeUpdate/Connection#executeQuery or similar methods:
try(ResultSet rs = con.executeQuery("SELECT some_column FROM my_table")){
// an entry in the result
String value = rs.getString("some_column");
//do something with the value
try(ResultSet rs = con.executeQuery("SELECT some_column FROM my_table")){
// an entry in the result
String value = rs.getString("some_column");
//do something with the value
kali3mo ago
When including user input in database accesses, it is important to use prepared statements to prevent SQL injections:
try(PreparedStatement pStmt = con.prepareStatement("SELECT some_column FROM my_table WHERE other_column = ?")){
pStmt.setString(1, someUserInput);
try(ResultSet rs = pStmt.executeQuery()){
String value = rs.getString("some_column");
try(PreparedStatement pStmt = con.prepareStatement("SELECT some_column FROM my_table WHERE other_column = ?")){
pStmt.setString(1, someUserInput);
try(ResultSet rs = pStmt.executeQuery()){
String value = rs.getString("some_column");
📖 Sample answer from dan1st
kali3mo ago
Steps for DataBase Connectivity with JDBC Step 1: Register the Driver Class. Step 2: Create a Connection. Step 3: Create a Statement. Step 4: Execute Queries. Step 5: Close Connection.
Submission from aridorika

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