Syntax questions

Id like to know what these syntaxes mean: javadoc -d doc jar -cf hello.jar Hello.class java -cp hello.jar Hello
16 Replies
JavaBot5mo ago
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dan1st5mo ago
javadoc -d doc means create the Javadoc HTML documentation of and put it in a doc directory jar -cf hello.jar Hello.class means "create a JAR file named hello.jar with the Hello class" java -cp hello.jar Hello means "Run a Java application where you can load classes from hello.jar and run the Hello class"
userexitOP5mo ago
what is a maven archetype ?
dan1st5mo ago
a template for a Maven project If you run mvn archetype:generate, Maven will create a new Maven project using an archetype
userexitOP5mo ago
so using a template
dan1st5mo ago
pretty much yes
userexitOP5mo ago
groupId: bigsnake artifactId: bigger version: snapshotname package: bigsnake what are tehse ?
dan1st5mo ago
these are configurations used by the template the group id is pretty much specifying what/who the project belongs to
userexitOP5mo ago
do they mean anything important ?
dan1st5mo ago
the artifact ID is the project id (pretty much the project name) which should be unique in combination with the group id the version is the version of the project and the package is which package you want to use
userexitOP5mo ago
oh okay and once i do mvn package to compile into a jar how do i execute a certain class from it if i have specified those values there groupId: bigsnake artifactId: bigger version: snapshotname package: bigsnake the group id ?
dan1st5mo ago
Do you have any dependencies? ?
userexitOP5mo ago
some yea why would that mateR ?
dan1st5mo ago
The JAR generated by mvn package doesn't include dependencies so if you run it, you would also need to tell it where he dependencies are the easiest way is to run mvn dependency:copy-dependencies. That will copy all dependencies to a subfolder inside target
userexitOP5mo ago
nice ty
JavaBot5mo ago
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