Download a file with its given name

Normally if you want to download a file through your browser, the browser asks you for the destination path and the name of the file is already given. Now I want to download a file with that specific filename. How can I do that?
18 Replies
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dan1st•6mo ago
What do you mean with downloading a file with a specific filename? Do you want to let the user choose the location and name?
TomasGnG 😴
TomasGnG 😴OP•6mo ago
No I want to get the original file name as I would be downloading it from the browser, you know?
Kyo-chan•6mo ago
Do you ever plan to explain? How could anyone ever guess what it is you're speaking about?
TomasGnG 😴
TomasGnG 😴OP•6mo ago
Did you ever download a file with your browser? Then you should've seen that the name of the file is always given. But when I download a file with Java I need to use a filename which I want to avoid
TomasGnG 😴
TomasGnG 😴OP•6mo ago
No description
dan1st•6mo ago
Are you downloading a file from a Java application using the URL? If so, can you show the code? What are you using for downloading the file? I think the filename is in an HTTP header
TomasGnG 😴
TomasGnG 😴OP•6mo ago
I still didnt code it yet
dan1st•6mo ago
You can get the Content-Disposition response header and extract the filename from there
TomasGnG 😴
TomasGnG 😴OP•6mo ago
Okay, I'll look into the headers real quick
dan1st•6mo ago
MDN Web Docs
Content-Disposition - HTTP | MDN
In a regular HTTP response, the Content-Disposition response header is a header indicating if the content is expected to be displayed inline in the browser, that is, as a Web page or as part of a Web page, or as an attachment, that is downloaded and saved locally.
TomasGnG 😴
TomasGnG 😴OP•6mo ago
Is this correct?
HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) new URI("").toURL().openConnection();
HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) new URI("").toURL().openConnection();
Because I am only getting these headers:
No description
dan1st•6mo ago
Servers don't have to provide the Content-Disposition field In this case, the file name is inferred from the URL
TomasGnG 😴
TomasGnG 😴OP•6mo ago
Hm I see, let me try another url
dan1st•6mo ago
preferably one where the name in the URL is different from the name you get when downloading it in the browser
TomasGnG 😴
TomasGnG 😴OP•6mo ago
Unfortunately the site where I will be downloading the files from is not creating that header :/ Still thank you for your help
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