
public class CooldownManager {
private final Map<UUID, Instant> map = new HashMap<>();

// Set cooldown
public void setCooldown(UUID key, Duration duration) {

// Check if cooldown has expired
public boolean hasCooldown(UUID key) {
Instant cooldown = map.get(key);
return cooldown != null &&;
public class CooldownManager {
private final Map<UUID, Instant> map = new HashMap<>();

// Set cooldown
public void setCooldown(UUID key, Duration duration) {

// Check if cooldown has expired
public boolean hasCooldown(UUID key) {
Instant cooldown = map.get(key);
return cooldown != null &&;
I was reading on how to make a cooldown when i stumbled across this block of code. I was asking myslef if the last line should be
since without it, we would be checking if the current time is before cooldown (which we dont) so we should neagte that. right?
10 Replies
JavaBot3w ago
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dan1st3w ago
the current code without the negation is checking if the current time is before the cooldown in other words if the cooldown ends in the future (or now) i.e. it is active if it ends in the future
FirasRG3w ago
hello the method name hasCooldown isn't clear enough imo id name it isCooldownEpired
dan1st3w ago
world That's the opposite of what the method is currently doing
FirasRG3w ago
ye they can reverse the return value. im looking for a way to make it more readable
dan1st3w ago
hasCooldown <-> hasActiveCooldown <-> is the current time before the expiration time of the cooldown <-> Does the cooldown expire in the future? if they care about equality ("the cooldown should still be active in the last millisecond of the cooldown"), that would change behavior there is isBefore and isAfter but if you want isAfterOrEqual, you'd need to use isBefore and switch the receiver and parameter
FirasRG3w ago
i think that the word "cooldown" is not suitable to this imo it refers to a number of seconds like 10, 5, 2 it would be better to say timeout now().isBefore(timeout) it makes sense this way ig
dan1st3w ago
tbh I'd say it's fine, especially if it's also called cooldown in interactions with other systems (e.g. telling the user) But I'd just wait for the question author - I think discussing these things without the doesn't make much sense
FirasRG3w ago
got it
JavaBot3w ago
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