Modular Spring app can't find persistence provider

Hi, I'm trying to run my JPMS app through the command line instead of IntelliJ. I set up maven to copy all dependencies to a specified folder, so that they can be added to the module path. I use the following command to start the app:
java --module-path "infodb-app-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar;modules" --add-reads -m -Dinfodb.sources.articlelimit=5 -Dinfodb.hibernate.db.user=sa -Dinfodb.hibernate.db.pass= -Dinfodb.hibernate.db.url="jdbc:h2:mem:db1;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1"
java --module-path "infodb-app-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar;modules" --add-reads -m -Dinfodb.sources.articlelimit=5 -Dinfodb.hibernate.db.user=sa -Dinfodb.hibernate.db.pass= -Dinfodb.hibernate.db.url="jdbc:h2:mem:db1;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1"
The app starts, but crashes saying that it couldn't instantiate a class responsible for database connectivity due to the lack of a persistence provider. I can't figure out why it is that way, because Hibernate is shown to be loaded to the module path when I use --show-module-resolution and persistence.xml is present in the META-INF folder of the module responsible for DB connectivity. Link to the repo:
10 Replies
JavaBot3mo ago
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puggy3mo ago
Hey @Eukon05, Could you post stacktrace for better understanding the issue? Thanks.
Eukon05OP3mo ago
sure, give me a sec
Eukon05OP3mo ago
puggy3mo ago
@Eukon05 I checked the repo you've shared and can say: 1. You have incorrect version in persistence.xml . I checked pom.xml and you are using Hibernate 6 version. It means you need to put 3.1 instead of 2 2. Also in pom.xml i see you are using H2 db, but dependency is in test scope. put it to runtime as you dont have any other driver in your configuration At least these 2 items should be fixed
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Eukon05OP3mo ago
Thank you! I'll try it out and let you know if it helped
JavaBot3mo ago
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Eukon05OP3mo ago
Unfortunatelty, it didn't work The stack trace seems the same, but this is what i get:
JavaBot3mo ago
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