
What is wrong with it? I don't understand why I get an error
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JavaBot14mo ago
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dan1st14mo ago
If you use a TreeMap, you need to tell it how to sort keys which you can do by making the key type (Contact) implement Comparable (meaning two contacts can be compared to each other) alternatively, you can use a custom Comparator or not use a TreeNao
YardenOP14mo ago
@dan1st | Daniel Thank you for the help! Like this?
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dan1st14mo ago
yes but make sure your compareTo method properly compares the contacts
YardenOP14mo ago
Yes I did it seems like it works
dan1st14mo ago
it should - return 0 if they are equal - return a value >0 if this is "bigger" than other - return a value <0 if this is "smaller" than other
Suika14mo ago
There is a possibility you'll explain me why it's necessary? I don't understand why this compareTo function fixed everything. I mean, why I even needed it? why the line:
"if(map.containsKey(contacts[i])) {
"if(map.containsKey(contacts[i])) {
" needed compareTo in orther to work If it's too much that's ok, I'll try to search about it
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dan1st14mo ago
Do you know what TreeMap does? or how it is different from HashMap
YardenOP14mo ago
Yes TreeMap getskey and value and automatically sort it with the other ones compared to the key
dan1st14mo ago
YardenOP14mo ago
It's a red-black tree as i know
dan1st14mo ago
and if you want to sort something, you need to know what's before and what's after
YardenOP14mo ago
dan1st14mo ago
you can't sort stuff if you don't have a way to know which order to put it and if the keys are Comparable, you are specifying an order
YardenOP14mo ago
Right Understood that's why it gave the error, because in every insertion of key&value it needs to compare
dan1st14mo ago
YardenOP14mo ago
Got it Thank you very much for your help
JavaBot14mo ago
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