Spring MVC

Whenever I Click on the
endpoint then my console is starting printing the image of the user in binary format that cause alot of lagging and stopping my program. Please Help. https://srcb.in/wGaSDYunV1p
56 Replies
JavaBotā€¢9mo ago
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DanixOPā€¢9mo ago
Sorry here is the correct code link https://sourceb.in/wGaSDYunV1
JavaBotā€¢9mo ago
It looks like you are having issues with debugging or issues that can be solved using a debugger. Check out this article on dev.java to see how debugging works and how to use a debugger. This Stack Overflow question and its answers also explain debugging in general. These links describe how to use the debugger in some IDEs: ā€¢ Debugging in IntelliJ ā€¢ Debugging in Eclipse
dan1stā€¢9mo ago
I guess it's printed inside finderUserImp.findByEmail(email) or maybe somewhere during view rendering
DanixOPā€¢9mo ago
I look inside the finderuserImp.findbyemail as well but not print statement was there ? @dan1st | Daniel
DanixOPā€¢9mo ago
No description
DanixOPā€¢9mo ago
This is what happens
dan1stā€¢9mo ago
ok that seems to be debug logging from JSTL There are multiple ways of dealing with that Firstly, you could just disable debug logging so you don't get that output (assuming you don't need it)
DanixOPā€¢9mo ago
20:29:53.239 [http-nio-8080-exec-4] DEBUG org.springframework.web.servlet.view.JstlView - View name 'profile', model {movieFinderUser=com.moviefindercontrollers.model.MovieFinderUser@3cf06b6b, image=/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAgICAgJCAkKCgkNDgwODRMREBARExwUFhQWFBwrGx8bGx8bKyYuJSMlLiZENS8vNUROQj5CTl9VVV93cXecnNEBCAgICAkICQoKCQ0ODA4NExEQEBETHBQWFBYUHCsbHxsbHxsrJi4lIyUuJkQ1Ly81RE5CPkJOX1VVX3dxd5yc0f/CABEIDEcIggMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAuAAEBAAMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDBAUGAQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQL/2gAMAwEAAhADEAAAAtiZYsyYGOxjWWNiZ67katmoYa8tSt8hu07tZp2NJss6
20:29:53.239 [http-nio-8080-exec-4] DEBUG org.springframework.web.servlet.view.JstlView - View name 'profile', model {movieFinderUser=com.moviefindercontrollers.model.MovieFinderUser@3cf06b6b, image=/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAgICAgJCAkKCgkNDgwODRMREBARExwUFhQWFBwrGx8bGx8bKyYuJSMlLiZENS8vNUROQj5CTl9VVV93cXecnNEBCAgICAkICQoKCQ0ODA4NExEQEBETHBQWFBYUHCsbHxsbHxsrJi4lIyUuJkQ1Ly81RE5CPkJOX1VVX3dxd5yc0f/CABEIDEcIggMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAuAAEBAAMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDBAUGAQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQL/2gAMAwEAAhADEAAAAtiZYsyYGOxjWWNiZ67katmoYa8tSt8hu07tZp2NJss6
These are the starting lines of the conosle but how to disable it
dan1stā€¢9mo ago
Do you have an application.properties? If yes, can you please show it (ideally as text like you just did with the output here)
DanixOPā€¢9mo ago
nahh i dont have any application.properties bcz i am using simple Spring MVC not spring boot
dan1stā€¢9mo ago
another way is to limit the console output. You can do that in the preferences under Run/Debug>Console/Limit console output
No description
dan1stā€¢9mo ago
Do you have any logging configuration? For example a logback.xml?
DanixOPā€¢9mo ago
DanixOPā€¢9mo ago
no i am not using spring security as well but i have this
dan1stā€¢9mo ago
Any other files related to logging? Are you passing any system properties? Can you show your dependencies? that option should work independently of that
DanixOPā€¢9mo ago
what do u mean by the term logging ?
DanixOPā€¢9mo ago
DanixOPā€¢9mo ago
@ @dan1st | Daniel
dan1stā€¢9mo ago
Logging is when you there is diagnostic output from your application Which is done by a library (in your case logback)
dan1stā€¢9mo ago
You could try something like this if you want to disable debug logging: https://stackoverflow.com/a/58746885/10871900
Stack Overflow
Disable DEBUG level logs in logback.xml keeping INFO and ERROR leve...
My logback.xml looks like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <configuration> <jmxConfigurator/> <statusListener class="ch.qos.logback.core.status.NopStatusListen...
DanixOPā€¢9mo ago
but this problem is suddenly arrives bcz yesterday its not giving any issue but today it is ? why
dan1stā€¢9mo ago
Stack Overflow
How to disable debug logs in spring
How to disable debug mode in my spring application. When i run my application in production it gives lot of debug logs statements and tomcat's log file take more space in disk. like below, 05:03:2...
dan1stā€¢9mo ago
Was the image also printed before today? If the issue is Eclipse not responding, you can fix that by limiting the output
DanixOPā€¢9mo ago
dan1stā€¢9mo ago
If you want Spring to stop putting that in the console, that's a different issue with a different fix https://discord.com/channels/648956210850299986/1251539126163869802/1251553366220214302
Suikaā€¢9mo ago
another way is to limit the console output. You can do that in the preferences under Run/Debug>Console/Limit console output
No description
dan1stā€¢9mo ago
What's shown when opening that preference page?
DanixOPā€¢9mo ago
i did it but the output is coming same
DanixOPā€¢9mo ago
No description
dan1stā€¢9mo ago
reduce the 320000 to a lower number
DanixOPā€¢9mo ago
how much ?
dan1stā€¢9mo ago
you could try 32000 essentially higher number --> more lag but also more can be displayed in the console lower number-->less lag but you can also not display that much text in the console (it will erase what was printed at the beginning)
DanixOPā€¢9mo ago
still lagg alot even the ecplise not opening
dan1stā€¢9mo ago
? It is specifically about responding when there's a lot of text in the console
DanixOPā€¢9mo ago
but why the problem is occuring
dan1stā€¢9mo ago
With the output making Eclipse not respond? Well having a high number there means that Eclipse has to display a lot of text which can be slow
DanixOPā€¢9mo ago
but why the binary number is printing ?
dan1stā€¢9mo ago
That's probably because debug logging is enabled and you should be able to disable it with that Like JSTL (the thing running JSP) is probably configured to print attributes to the console when debug logging is enabled
DanixOPā€¢9mo ago
so how can i off it through the post u send me ?
dan1stā€¢9mo ago
So you have no logback.xml, right?
DanixOPā€¢9mo ago
dan1stā€¢9mo ago
Then you can probably turn it off by creating a logback.xml in your src/main/resources with a content similar like this:
<appender name="CONSOLE" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
<filter class="ch.qos.logback.classic.filter.LevelFilter">
%-4relative [%thread] %-5level %logger{30} - %msg%n
<root level="DEBUG">
<appender-ref ref="CONSOLE" />
<appender name="CONSOLE" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
<filter class="ch.qos.logback.classic.filter.LevelFilter">
%-4relative [%thread] %-5level %logger{30} - %msg%n
<root level="DEBUG">
<appender-ref ref="CONSOLE" />
You might need to change <root level="DEBUG"> to <root level="INFO"> but I don't think that's necessary
DanixOPā€¢9mo ago
so where should i have to add it
dan1stā€¢9mo ago
Insrc/main/resources/logback.xml I think
DanixOPā€¢9mo ago
yehh that solved the issue but how is this occuring and why even if i am not printing the image byte
JavaBotā€¢9mo ago
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DanixOPā€¢9mo ago
dan1stā€¢9mo ago
It's not you printing it It's JSTL (a library you are using) printing it As I said before, JSTL is the thing that reads JSP files and converts HTML from it
DanixOPā€¢9mo ago
hmm ok ok but if i got any error then the console will print it right ? Can u give me a advice today i have completed my Spring JPA module so should i start Spring rest or spring security ?
dan1stā€¢9mo ago
it should Depending on what is important to you But you might want to consider using Spring Boot
DanixOPā€¢9mo ago
yehh i started it they are new to me thats why i am asking to u bro
dan1stā€¢9mo ago
Both are important tbh I think Spring JPA is probably the more complicated one
DanixOPā€¢9mo ago
do u have any doc where could i see all the topics cover under Spring JPA
dan1stā€¢9mo ago
Spring Data JPA
Spring Data JPA
Level up your Java code and explore what Spring can do for you.
JavaBotā€¢9mo ago
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