Implement discord authentication

Hi, im tring to add login with discord in my nextjs and springboot application but i can't find what should be the best way to implement it, i reimplemented in a lot of different ways but nothing seems the right way to do it.
35 Replies
JavaBotβ€’7d ago
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straightfaceβ€’7d ago
what do you mean? show us examples this servers bot uses discord4j
Im creating a discord bot with a web interaface, and i need to make the user login on the website using the discord oauth2 service, but i don't know how to do it without any security vunerability
public CompletableFuture<ResponseEntity<?>> loginWithDiscord(@RequestParam(name = "code") String code) {
return discordOAuthService.getAccessTokenFromCode(code).thenApply(optAccessToken -> optAccessToken
.map(accessToken -> {
String sessionId = userSessionService.createSession(accessToken.token(), accessToken.refreshToken(), accessToken.expiresIn());

ResponseCookie cookie = ResponseCookie.from(SESSION_COOKIE)

return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.FOUND)
.header(HttpHeaders.SET_COOKIE, cookie.toString())
.header(HttpHeaders.LOCATION, "http://localhost:3000")

public CompletableFuture<ResponseEntity<?>> loginWithDiscord(@RequestParam(name = "code") String code) {
return discordOAuthService.getAccessTokenFromCode(code).thenApply(optAccessToken -> optAccessToken
.map(accessToken -> {
String sessionId = userSessionService.createSession(accessToken.token(), accessToken.refreshToken(), accessToken.expiresIn());

ResponseCookie cookie = ResponseCookie.from(SESSION_COOKIE)

return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.FOUND)
.header(HttpHeaders.SET_COOKIE, cookie.toString())
.header(HttpHeaders.LOCATION, "http://localhost:3000")

This is the current code for the auth endpoint
straightfaceβ€’7d ago
security is hard, why do you think this is insecure>
I searched online i saw people setting up websecurity stuff, and im not understanding how to do it
ayylmao123xddβ€’7d ago
not relatable to the question but why do you use async with request mapping
Because i have the getAccessTokenFrom code method wich returns a completablefuture
straightfaceβ€’7d ago
yeah i dont think that works the way you think lol, try without it as well
public CompletableFuture<Optional<DiscordAccessTokenResponse>> getAccessTokenFromCode(String code) {
String data = String.format("grant_type=authorization_code&code=%s&redirect_uri=%s", code, redirectUri);

.header("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
.header("Authorization", createAuthHeaderString(clientId, clientSecret))
.doOnError(throwable -> LOGGER.error(throwable.getMessage(), throwable))
public CompletableFuture<Optional<DiscordAccessTokenResponse>> getAccessTokenFromCode(String code) {
String data = String.format("grant_type=authorization_code&code=%s&redirect_uri=%s", code, redirectUri);

.header("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
.header("Authorization", createAuthHeaderString(clientId, clientSecret))
.doOnError(throwable -> LOGGER.error(throwable.getMessage(), throwable))
So i should do .toBlocking() here?
straightfaceβ€’7d ago
no never, if you are need blocking you are doing it incorrectly just return Optional<DiscordAccessTokenResponse>
how? I can only return future or blocking
straightfaceβ€’7d ago
ahh you are using webclient, do you intend your endpoint to be reactive? then return Mono else just use RestClient i think for blocking apis
I need to make the user login and retrive the access token from discord api so i can make requests to discord getting the user information like username and server
straightfaceβ€’7d ago
have you tried this does it work?
Yes it does I just have issues with how to implement it The current one works but it sucks, it's just a mess to work with and i need to make contiuous database requests and api calls to discord api because im not storing the user info after retriving them from discord, but i need to retrive them from the discord api and then get my own user data and send them when the user endpoint is called But thats not the issue, i don't know how to setup the websecurity part, and i don't know what should i save in the user cookie
straightfaceβ€’7d ago
wouldnt you save tokens returned by discord?
Is it a good idea? could't it compromise security?
ayylmao123xddβ€’7d ago
you can always hash them
straightfaceβ€’7d ago
i mean someone is able to access your cookies your users have bigger problemes
If i create a JWT token with the discord token in it and my own database user Id?
straightfaceβ€’7d ago
what no, you need the token for api requests
ayylmao123xddβ€’7d ago
oh lmao i thought you meant storing them in a db
straightfaceβ€’7d ago
even for storing in database hashing makes no sense this isnt a password
The token i need to save is the discord user oauth2 token Is something like this possibile?
straightfaceβ€’7d ago
yeah its possible
straightfaceβ€’7d ago
so your application will make discord api call only for username/email?
for username, emain, avatar, guilds and similar stuff
straightfaceβ€’7d ago
then store token on your server not in cookies
so i should only send a JWT token containing my database userid? and the user table should contain the token and the refresh token?
straightfaceβ€’7d ago
yep encrypted of course
should i cache it in redis? because for things like retriving the guilds i don't need any data from my database but only the discord token
straightfaceβ€’7d ago
thats up to you if you like redis then thats fine
things like retriving the guilds i don't need any data from my database but only the discord token
wouldnt you run into rate limits?
O right, im caching the guilds so there is no need, my bad
JavaBotβ€’7d ago
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