Spring Boot Microservices JWT JUnit Test Issue
I have a problem about solving JwtGrantedAuthoritiesConverter in order service after defining preauthorize annotation in some methods of Order Controller.
After I wrote the test shown below, I tried to run it but I got this issue shown below as well.
I also shared my repo as a link.
How can I fix it?
Here is the test method shown below
Here is the error shown below.
Here is the repo link : https://github.com/Rapter1990/microservicecoursedailybuffer
GitHub - Rapter1990/microservicecoursedailybuffer: Spring Boot Micr...
Spring Boot Microservice Example. Contribute to Rapter1990/microservicecoursedailybuffer development by creating an account on GitHub.
3 Replies
Hey, @direct_x_34!
Please remember to
this post once your question has been answered!I have a problem regarding JWT in JUnit Controller Test in Spring Boot Microservices. Here is the link : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/74378611/spring-boot-microservices-junit-controller-test-jwt-issue
Stack Overflow
Spring Boot Microservices - JUnit Controller Test JWT Issue
I have a problem about solving JWT Issue in order service after defining preauthorize annotation in some methods of Order Controller.
After I wrote the test shown below, I tried to run it but I got...