Lombok @Data error
I'm getting this error in this part of code: even though I've used the @Data annotation in my CustomerDto class:
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does it work if you annotate it with @getter and @setter instead of @data
whats the error when you annotate with getter
is it underlined in the editor as error
or no
it's not
show the lombok setup then
in pom
show the annotation process thing
with lombok
from the settings?
yea in pom
what if you try to comment out the line where it uses the get first name
see if it throws an error on the get last name method
yeah now it just throws an error for the next method
ok uncomment the get first name method then
and show the dto class with getter and setter annotations
ok so
time to change the pom l0l
oh yea
swap the
yea swap the part with lombok
the first <plugin></plugin>
wow it seems to work now
incredible right
wht did you change
ur pom file
in the <plugin>
u use lombok yourself?
or nah
but i dont use @data annotation
ok but why did it not work with this
and worked with this
well you can see here the version is specified
also target and source
you need to specify lombok version
bruh spring initializer is ass in that case
yea kinda
giving incomplete xml plugins and all
but thanks for helping me out
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gif for u
I just starred it
will keep that in mind lmao
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