stripe dependency not being recognized?

for some reason I keep getting errors here
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25 Replies
JavaBot2mo ago
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red2mo ago
This question may seem silly, but are you sure that all the dependency data is correct?
IamMax420OP2mo ago
red2mo ago
So maybe the IDE didn't download the dependencies from maven central or something like that
IamMax420OP2mo ago
I ran mvn clean install -U still nothing :((
red2mo ago
Could you send me your pom.xml?
IamMax420OP2mo ago
ok this is weird but I commented out the dependency, uncommented it, ran the command and it seems to work now
red2mo ago
Ooh nice
IamMax420OP2mo ago
I got happy too early even though I'm not getting any errors now in my pom.xml, I still can't access Stripe in my app
ayylmao123xdd2mo ago
yoyoyoyoyoyo did you install the other dependency needed for stripe spring boot starter parent
IamMax420OP2mo ago
damn I'll try that yeah I have that already
ayylmao123xdd2mo ago
ok let me check on my project too what class from stripe do you need to use
IamMax420OP2mo ago
good question I don't know
ayylmao123xdd2mo ago
i tried importing the charge class and it works
IamMax420OP2mo ago
just wanted to integrate payments
ayylmao123xdd2mo ago
did you reload the project after adding the dependency try to use the charge class
import com.stripe.model.Charge;
import com.stripe.model.Charge;
and see if it recognizes the import correctly if yes then the dependency works
IamMax420OP2mo ago
yeah I just did that and it worked lolol tysm
IamMax420OP2mo ago
keep forrgetting about doing that 🥲
ayylmao123xdd2mo ago
amazing that it works
dan1st2mo ago
Great that it works, let me explain what (I think) happened here. IntelliJ not finding existing dependencies happens from time to time. Reloading the Maven project sometimes helps but not always. Essentially, that happens (AFAIK) when using a dependency that isn't available locally so it would need to be downloaded. Pressing the reload button sometimes downloads it but not always (or IntelliJ automatically tries to download it but it doesn't re-check it until you press the reload button) and intelliJ doesn't give any information about the download progress. You can use the mvn compile (for non-test dependencies) which should download dependency and once you see it succeeding, you know it's correctly downloaded and in the repository. Then, you can press the reload button and it should work. If the mvn commands fail, it means that the issue is either with your pom.xml (or similar) or the Maven repo (connection - it could also fail due to internet connection issues or the repo being down).
IamMax420OP2mo ago
I’ll keep that in mind Thanks
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