Logic test help for a job interview

I have to do a logic test for a job interview, and one part of it is to do quick math like selecting the smallest number from the four options in the picture (could probably also be multiplication, and selecting largest, or the average etc). How can I practice this? I am ok with math if its whole numbers, but I struggle with estimation guesses with numbers such as (14/10)/1.2, especially if it has to be fast. Any math game suggestion perhaps? :D
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9 Replies
JavaBot10mo ago
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szatkus10mo ago
Reduce it to a common denominator.
SteadhavenOP10mo ago
Not sure what you mean How do I do it in the case of the picture
SteadhavenOP10mo ago
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SteadhavenOP10mo ago
Fx one of them is like ( 14 / 10 ) / 1.2 14/10 is 1.4 1.4/1.2 no idea
szatkus10mo ago
14 / (10 * 1.2) = 14 / 12
SteadhavenOP10mo ago
what, I am allow to do that
szatkus10mo ago
Yes, of course. 7.18 / 4.56 is more tricky, you can start with 718 / 456 and try to find common factors. Like obviously 2: 359 / 228, then take one from that: 131 / 228, and maybe it's possible to simplify it further, but it's already visible that the value is a bit over 1.5, that may be good enough appoximation to compare it with other values.
JavaBot10mo ago
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