Week 62 — What is a debugger?
Question of the Week #62
What is a debugger?
5 Replies
A debugger is a tool that helps developers diagnose programming problems. It allows to view what happens when running a specific program.
If the program is started in debug mode (or if a debugger is attached), it is possible to create breakpoints. When the program executes a line with a breakpoint, it will suspend execution and wait for the developer to inspect and resume the program.
While suspended, the developer can:
- view current (local) variables and other program state
- continue execution until the next breakpoint
- execute the next line/statement i.e. continue execution and suspend again when the next line is hit - this operation is often called
Step Over
- go into the method called in the current line and suspend execution there - this operation is often called Step Into
- continue execution until the current method is existed - this operation is often called Step Return
or Step Out
Debuggers are typically integrated into IDEs allowing developer to quickly see what happens within the program.📖 Sample answer from dan1st
A debugger is a software tool used by developers to identify and fix errors, or bugs, in computer programs. It allows them to track the execution flow of a program, inspect variables, and analyze the program's state. For example, imagine you're building a web application, and there's a part of the code that's supposed to display a user's profile picture. However, when you run the application, the picture doesn't show up. Using a debugger, you can step through the code line by line, inspecting variables and identifying where the problem lies.
Submission from ig.imanish
Debugger is a feature in java which helps us to remove our logical errors. It works by showing us each steps one by one from the breakpoint/stage where the break point is set by the programmer.
Submission from prince007
Hello I think debugger is a tool that allows you to track the code step by step and find bugs like that
If it's not would you mind correcting me?
Submission from luka09423