JavaFX UI won't update
The line getChildren().remove get's executed on the application thread and does remove the child.
But the UI doesn't update/repaint because when I resize my window the selector disappears.
When I run my app with debug the ui properly updates but when I don't run it with debug it doesn't
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i have no idea
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Why should it update when resizing?
It should update when i call remove
But it doesn't
It does when you manually update the ui with something like resizing the window
Did you check whether remove is called?
Does the size actually change?
Yes the size changes
And yes remove gets called
It does only seem to happen if the property changes it's value to null
It's a javafx objectproperty btw
Can you try replacing the element by an "empty" element?
instead of just removing it
Not at the moment but I will tomorrow
That would be strange if that would work though
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this works
putting an empty image at the old place
but that's a hacky solution
Does using that mechanism make any difference?
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Is there a built-in method I can use in Java?
like maybe it doesn't like the
removeIf doesn't work either
but I found layout()
and layoutChildren()
but they also both don't work
maybe it has something to do with that in the same grid cell there are multiple imageViews
I have an image of a gem and the selector in the same cell
because when I remove all images from the same cell the selector does disappear
but when I only remove the selector the selector does not appear
The SelectorView also isn't a normal ImageView
Do you have a custom add method?
Can you show a minimal reproducer?
instead of replacing it with an empty
, you could try replacing it with an empty Node
or whateverI can't seem to reproduce it
This works fine although clicks don't always register
Than it has to be something that has to do with it having animations
ig maybe stuff doesn't disappear during animations
If you are using
s, you might have the issue of it not being removed:
but I can't do much except guessing if I can't reproduce itI am using Transition
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it's definitely the remove call
but I think it's a JavaFX bug
the grid isn't redrawing because I have another image under it
What do you mean with having another image under it?
What happens if you remove it and add another element at a different position?
The grid is filled with imageviews
Might be interesting to see
than it updates correctly
When you say "under", do you mean "below" or "behind"?
oh no
Does it still happen without the image behind?
btw you could try not removing any
s at all but just do yourImageView.setImage(yourNewImage)
I can try
fixed it
I treated ImageView's like they were images and that's not what they are for
Now I treat them as things that display an image and it works
I still think I encountered a JavaFX bug though
but this is a way cleaner solution
ty this helped a lot!
if you can create a minimal reproducer, you could try reporting it
though if you show me before, I could maybe check about it actually being some intentional thing
if you don't want to: you don't have to
also it could be fixed by updating JavaFX
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