Jwt Auth Issue

public class SecurityConfiguration {

private JwtFilter jwtFilter;

private CustomAuthenticationFailureHandler customFailureHandler;

SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity httpSecurity) throws Exception {
httpSecurity.csrf(csrf -> csrf.disable())
.sessionManagement(session -> session.sessionCreationPolicy(SessionCreationPolicy.STATELESS)) // Stateless
// session
.authorizeHttpRequests(auth -> auth
.addFilterBefore(jwtFilter, UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter.class)
.formLogin(formLogin -> formLogin
.loginPage("/login") // Custom login page
.defaultSuccessUrl("/hi", true) // Redirect after successful login
.failureHandler(customFailureHandler) // Set custom failure handler
// .failureUrl("/login?error=true") // Redirect after failed login
.permitAll()) // Allow all to access login endpoints
.logout(logout -> logout
.logoutUrl("/logout") // Process logout requests
.logoutSuccessUrl("/login?logout=true") // Redirect after logout
.invalidateHttpSession(true) // Invalidate session on logout
return httpSecurity.build();
public class SecurityConfiguration {

private JwtFilter jwtFilter;

private CustomAuthenticationFailureHandler customFailureHandler;

SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity httpSecurity) throws Exception {
httpSecurity.csrf(csrf -> csrf.disable())
.sessionManagement(session -> session.sessionCreationPolicy(SessionCreationPolicy.STATELESS)) // Stateless
// session
.authorizeHttpRequests(auth -> auth
.addFilterBefore(jwtFilter, UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter.class)
.formLogin(formLogin -> formLogin
.loginPage("/login") // Custom login page
.defaultSuccessUrl("/hi", true) // Redirect after successful login
.failureHandler(customFailureHandler) // Set custom failure handler
// .failureUrl("/login?error=true") // Redirect after failed login
.permitAll()) // Allow all to access login endpoints
.logout(logout -> logout
.logoutUrl("/logout") // Process logout requests
.logoutSuccessUrl("/login?logout=true") // Redirect after logout
.invalidateHttpSession(true) // Invalidate session on logout
return httpSecurity.build();
This is the exception in postman i am getting
Error: Exceeded maxRedirects. Probably stuck in a redirect loop http://localhost:8080/login
Error: Exceeded maxRedirects. Probably stuck in a redirect loop http://localhost:8080/login
13 Replies
JavaBot2mo ago
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DanixOP2mo ago
What i am not adding in it so i am getting this error ?
red2mo ago
The problem is that you are using formlogin but your session strategy is stateless, and the use of formlogin depends on enabling sessions Try to use "if required" instead of stateless or remove formlogin if you want to use JWT authentication
DanixOP2mo ago
Do you have any doc for it ?
red2mo ago
About session control and management with spring security, just an article by baeldung: https://www.baeldung.com/spring-security-session
Control the Session with Spring Security | Baeldung
Configure Sessions with Spring Security - set up Concurrent Sessions, enable Session Fixation Protection and prevent URLs from containing Session information.
DanixOP2mo ago
Now i did something like this but still not generating the token and not even getting it in the header ! Now i am able to login in buit without jwt token !
DanixOP2mo ago
I want to create a frontend for the form and generate a jwt token when the user's credentials are correct
red2mo ago
Where are you storing the token? If you just store the token in the header and send it to the client, it will only be valid for a single request. Consider storing in a Cookie, or sessionStorage I recommend using a cookie if the token is not needed on the client side.
JavaBot2mo ago
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DanixOP2mo ago
I want to make the jwt for the backend and a form for the frontend with react then which approach should I have to follow ?
JavaBot2mo ago
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Maxxx0052mo ago
Try storing in local storage or cookie/session.
JavaBot2mo ago
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