How can I make this more efficient?

I have this code snippet that finds matching records based on composite key string and it is very slow. Is there a better way to do this? Main method:
private Set<SomeObjectCompositeKey> existingValues(Set<SomeObjectCompositeKey> existingValuesBatched) {
Set<String> stringCompositeKeys = toStringCompositeKeys(existingValuesBatched);

return someObjectRepository.findExistingBySomeObjectCompositeKeys(stringCompositeKeys).stream()
.map(someObject -> new SomeObjectCompositeKey(someObject.getSrcId(), someObject.getType()))
private Set<SomeObjectCompositeKey> existingValues(Set<SomeObjectCompositeKey> existingValuesBatched) {
Set<String> stringCompositeKeys = toStringCompositeKeys(existingValuesBatched);

return someObjectRepository.findExistingBySomeObjectCompositeKeys(stringCompositeKeys).stream()
.map(someObject -> new SomeObjectCompositeKey(someObject.getSrcId(), someObject.getType()))
private Set<String> toStringCompositeKeys(Set<SomeObjectCompositeKey> compositeKeys) {
private Set<String> toStringCompositeKeys(Set<SomeObjectCompositeKey> compositeKeys) {
@Query("SELECT p FROM SomeObject p WHERE CONCAT(p.srcId, ',', p.type) IN :someObjectCompositeKeys")
List<SomeObject> findExistingBySomeObjectCompositeKeys(@Param("someObjectCompositeKeys") Set<String> someObjectCompositeKeys);
@Query("SELECT p FROM SomeObject p WHERE CONCAT(p.srcId, ',', p.type) IN :someObjectCompositeKeys")
List<SomeObject> findExistingBySomeObjectCompositeKeys(@Param("someObjectCompositeKeys") Set<String> someObjectCompositeKeys);
24 Replies
JavaBotā€¢2w ago
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straightfaceā€¢2w ago
how long does sql query take in sql client? @Kale Vivi
Kale Vivi
Kale ViviOPā€¢2w ago
Like only if i directly call the sql ? I don't know because I need to do this 500K records in batches of 1000
ayylmao123xddā€¢2w ago
is it a requirement that its a batch of 1k what if you try less or more
Kale Vivi
Kale ViviOPā€¢2w ago
I can try but I think there might be jpa or postgres db limits here? (at least for the more case) Why would less be faster?
ayylmao123xddā€¢2w ago
na no clue just try it l0l maybe its gonna help
Kale Vivi
Kale ViviOPā€¢2w ago
I would think it's slower?
ayylmao123xddā€¢2w ago
are you doing the thing that you asked before btw checking if exists and deleting this ones faster than updating ig
Kale Vivi
Kale ViviOPā€¢2w ago
Well I mean this is one of the bottlenecks, so tackling this approach first
ayylmao123xddā€¢2w ago
or you could update do the update query
Kale Vivi
Kale ViviOPā€¢2w ago
I need to do this first before the update, this is just hte find that is taking forever
ayylmao123xddā€¢2w ago
update where bla bla bla bla and if it updates nothing so its 0 then you just save so you technically dont even have to find šŸ˜±
Kale Vivi
Kale ViviOPā€¢2w ago
don't I need to pull the records to update them? I'm confused
ayylmao123xddā€¢2w ago
i mean you can but you can also just use the query if you do a whole resource update you technically wont even have to pull the entity from db but then you wont have locking so thats the con if you wanted to add it
Kale Vivi
Kale ViviOPā€¢2w ago
I mean I can't just update because I first need to know if it's an update or insert case so that's where this lookup is required first if I jsut do update for everything, I will get fails for insert cases right? where those records don't exist
ayylmao123xddā€¢2w ago
you can call the update and if record doesnt exist it wont update and you will get 0 as the response 0 rows changed and if its 0 then you call insert so worst case scenario its two queries
Kale Vivi
Kale ViviOPā€¢2w ago
How do I get this response?
ayylmao123xddā€¢2w ago
from the update method
Kale Vivi
Kale ViviOPā€¢2w ago
Can you share an example of the update method?
ayylmao123xddā€¢2w ago
public interface EmployeeRepository extends CrudRepository<Employee, Long> {

@Query("UPDATE Employee e SET = :name WHERE = :id")
int updateEmployeeName(Long id, String name);

int updatedRows = employeeRepository.updateEmployeeName(1L, "New Name");

if (updatedRows > 0) {
System.out.println("Record was updated.");
} else {
System.out.println("No record was updated.");
public interface EmployeeRepository extends CrudRepository<Employee, Long> {

@Query("UPDATE Employee e SET = :name WHERE = :id")
int updateEmployeeName(Long id, String name);

int updatedRows = employeeRepository.updateEmployeeName(1L, "New Name");

if (updatedRows > 0) {
System.out.println("Record was updated.");
} else {
System.out.println("No record was updated.");
gpt btw not me removed the transactional wasnt needed
Kale Vivi
Kale ViviOPā€¢2w ago
That doesn't help me because it just returns the number updated or not and not which ones How do I which ones to insert then?
ayylmao123xddā€¢2w ago
well you would need to call the update as a separate query with each entity additionally you could just delete all by the ids you have and then insert them but im not sure about the times and efficiency
JavaBotā€¢2w ago
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