Package 'net.typho.pnegative.resources' clashes with class of same name?

Hi. I was trying to move some inner classes into their own files, and I messed something up, and now I get this. I hit control Z a bunch of times but didn't fix. My project is set up with multiple modules for different projects (I like it that way cus I don't need a billion IntelliJ windows open). I have some old no-longer modules that are previous attempts of this project, but I checked, and there isn't a net.typho.pnegative.resources in any of them. Help please? I have absolutely no clue what happened here.
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4 Replies
JavaBot14mo ago
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The Typhothanian
The TyphothanianOP14mo ago
Nevermind, I'm just stupid. There was a class named resources in net.typho.pnegative. Problem solved
JavaBot14mo ago
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