Check for a specific generic type

I have a variable of the type Supplier<? extends Item> and want to check if it’s Supplier<? extends BlockItem>. Is there a way to do that? instanceOf doesn’t seem to work according to IntelliJ. Minecraft forge 1.16.5 so java 8.
8 Replies
JavaBot16mo ago
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blockgoblin31OP16mo ago
For context as to what I’m doing I have a function to register a block item from a block but it needs to be delayed from the last function that has the actual block, but I’m trying to make a HashMap keying the blocks to their item in case I need that at some point So I’d like to be able to retrieve the block from the BlockItem But the same function is used for non block items
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blockgoblin31OP16mo ago
Probably, I was just giving context on how I came up with my question. My question is basically is there a way to check the type of a generic if I have a variable of type X<? extends T> Basically can I check if that variable is an instance of X<? extends Y> where Y extends T
Kyo-chan16mo ago
I'm sure you understand that in the case of List it is impossible by definition So it may possible with your particular generic type, but in general it's not
blockgoblin31OP16mo ago
Ok thank you
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