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All posts for League of Extraordinary FoundryVTT Developers
Direct downloads look at the ` zip`
Sequencer Firefox Performance fixes
Follow-up questions
comparing fomula
Get most matched Classes
Application and Events
module.json help
preUpdateHook question
spitballing about jest mocks
Plugin Contributors
JSON.stringify jank
devmode extension brainstorm
Saving Functions as module settings
getter & setter wrapper for settings
scrollable tab contents
System Specific CSS
Commander register api
Azgaars Blurry Map
ccjmk overlay
hook conventions
API doc topics
Discord Permission Issue
item to actors script
compendium errors upgrading to v9
Blind Chat Messages
with just a parent class and the class name, is there a way to instantiate a new class?
createEmbeddedDocuments issue
Compendium loading
DocumentData shennanegins
flag shenannegins
S3 File Picker Settings
Tagger Code Review
custom hud element
Dynamically get Object property from user input
Scroll Into View troubles
Overlay hiding stars
Document Timestamps
Temporary Documents
Actor Updating
Colour stuff
Random Numbers
Alternative Alignment System D&D5e
react library
web components
Item piles grid
multiroll damage roll messages
TyphonJS Runtime Library - RC 0.0.12
TyphonJS Runtime Library v0.0.9 - Release Candidate
advantage shennanegins
spell-compendium-5e alpha1
Monarch API
compacted chat cards
effect mini modules
Item Pile feedback
5e AEs
hero creator ui feedback
DevMode Settings Explorer feedback
A.I. Category for Wiki
Jr dev
function vs method
I think that this seems to be storing
Hi, friends! I'd like to build a module
Well now I'm downloading lancer
Good call
Foundry VTT Module Making for Beginners ...
Here s an example No template data in
ilthid stop drag
new consumable types
Overriding onDropItem & onSortItem
dragdrop shennenegins
expand arrays
Dialog shennanegins
Primary and Embedded Updates
compendium shennanegins
devMode json changed warning
socket woes
(If you want to see the animation, click the link --- its quite gory, be warned)
select in sheet
Dors project
MM+, manifest+, attributions, and more
License Property
I'm trying to transition the system I'm
git filter troubleshooting
Issue Submission Tool
Cypress Fun
Item Macro Compendium Workflow
CI 2 minute window
GitLab CI Pipelines
Storybook Shennanegins
Hot Reloading
Gitpod Workflow
symlinking foundry.js and vscode
Releases to Changelog
effects to chat
Active Effect Help
UI element JS Classes
advancementOrigin flag
sheet modules in 2.1.x
Rolling Hooks
2.0.0 exploration
early v10 compat testing
1.6.1 testing
conversion macro
AC calc changes
1.6.0 Custom Sheet Changes
1.6.0 testing
Hook documentation
1.6.0 - 82%
advancement consumption
consumables chat data
1.6.x mid-milestone update
HitDice hooks MR
damage application hooks
effect mechanic searching
Advancement Hooks
More Hooks 5e
Base Item
Skill and Ability bonuses
150 Sheet Changes
item preCreate
Item Specific Crit Details
1.5.x 72%
mid-milestone ping feedback
IC 5e Docs
equipmentType bonus
Actor Sheet Changes
AC Migrations
This distinction apparently doesn't
TS Playground - An online editor for exp...
actor :: getSkillInfo
Cantrip Charges 🧵
Weight MR
Electron Vite
Crit confirm change target
V9 Tabs Issue
Deck Creation Macro
Layer Manipulation
Login Via POST
Package jam judge signup thread
Token Action HUD for BFRG/ToV
Module: Dynamic Audio Zones
Complete module for a homebrew class (PF2E.
âš READ FIRST! Commission Rules, Guidelines, & Expectations
Proficiency Training Module
New D20 system developer(s) required
Tile interface for system agnostic mass combat mini-game
PTR (Pokemon table top Reunited) Slot machine
Seeking Developer for Champions Now Character Sheet
Difficulty of making a Deckbuilding Module?
Seeking Foundry dev for 5e Campaign Book and Bestiary
Ryuutama System Creation
Looking for a dev to update/finish the Torchbearer 2e System
Kids on Brooms to Never Stop Blowing Up
Transform a macro into a module ($100)
Create a "Legendary Games" Module for PF1e Classes ($500 USD)
Update of the “External Actor Viewer” module (400$ or more, we can arrange that)
Son of Oak Systems (City of Mist, :Otherscape, Legend in the Mist, and QUEERZ!)
Commission/Bounty offer for Foundry VTT Module Fix (DSA5 Aventuria Interactive Map)
New system for educational TTRPG (pending grant funding)
Changing core dice in pf2e to 3d6.
Border Control update for v12 and bug fixing (100 $)
DFCE Archive Module Upgrade to Version 12
New system for rpg being developed.
Custom PF2e class/character build.
Homebrew Class(Astral Knight)
I am looking for a professional for simple portVTT
Pin Cushion update for v12 and bug fixes ($50-$180)
Seeking Foundry Dev for help with Systemdevelopment
Macro to band-aid fix V12 lighting issue with overhead roof tiles and vision types
Seeking a Ryuutama System for Modern Foundry
Seeking Foundry Dev for basic WHQ95 system.
Request for a module for d&d5e
World of Darkness 5e- Demon the Fallen Actor Type Module
Sandbox System Builder; Roll Prompter
RFQ: Through Sunken Lands and Other Adventures
Theatre Inserts v12 compatibility
custom character sheet needed
CSS + icons for a system create with Custom System Builder (CSB) - Batman RPG
Bug fixing Team Initiative system
Need Way to Change core die to 2d12 in foundry 5e
Bailey Concept Art
FTL: Nomad Foundry Support
Border Width Mod
Token Health for v12
Sheet for custom system builder
Dice pool tab
Big Eyes Small Mouth 4th Edition
Fight 2e system commission
Create module implementing spells per class (DND5E) in foundry.
SWSE Character Sheet
Real-time Token Movement
Downtime Dnd5e add compatibility for Dnd5e Sheet 3.X.X (30$ or more) (CLOSED)
Variant Encumbrance Dnd5e compatibility for Tidy Sheet and Dnd5e Default Sheet 3.X.X (50$ or more)
SimpleMobile template placement (completed)
Co-operation focussed system
Adding a New Dice System to BernhardPosselt’s foundryvtt-special-dice-roller module
Blood Bowl Macros (Completed)
Price Negotiable: Develop Sequencer Animations for descriptor based effects
Looking to have someone make some code for my TTRPG.
Null Game System
ACKS II System
Full System Inspired By Dark-Souls & DND 5e [All functions are provided in google docs]
Custom Character Sheets - Cortex
Flesh & Fortune, per hr up to 6,000$
System/rules and compendium development for AD&D 2E class
Theatre Inserts Bounty
Dice control, a Re-Rolling module.
Updates to: Naruto 5e (a fan overhaul of DND 5th edition)
DND5e Module: Custom Attribute and Skill System
Automating the Spread and Burst Effects in Fallout 2d20 (Bounty)
New Features To Increase Automation for Mutants And Masterminds 3e- 1000$ / per sprint (negotiable)
FVTT-to-Discord Chat from GM Account
Magic Items Update (50$)
Macro to Change Token/Character Art
Take Over Easy Ruler Scale Module ($50 US)
More comprehensive and up to date rolltracker
Module for Alignment System supplement
Dark Souls the TRPG Module (DnD5e)
Macro to resize tokens based on the image resolution
S5e Supers Powers / Spell Entry [$1000]
Item Piles: Auctioneer/Auction House (100 €)
View Tokens Over SimpleFog
Update Player Status Widget ($150 USD)
Player Status Widget ($150 USD Flat)
System - Elite Dangerous RPG (Spidermind Games)
Looking for Module Maker
Foundry module creation
Active Effects Compendium
Item Piles: Workbench (or work table, or enchantment table, ecc.) (100 € )
Update and improvements of existing homebrew system + Bounties for additional features
Pf1e Monster Statblock to Journal entry
Macro update monster/players items
Create "Bloodsight" vision for Dnd5e
Legends Of The Wulin: Translation of Combat System and Character Sheet into Foundry
Mookai Update v10
Make changes to AFMBE module to be compatible to Buffy rpg.
D&D 5e Inventory + remake
Upgrade Ryuutama System to support V10 or V11
Module for Q/A / email-like app
Tidy5e Upgrade for Dnd5e 2.2.X and Bug fixing
GiffyGlyph's Monster Maker Foundry Module Update
Narrative-Critical Toggle Module for Organic D20 Rolls
D&D 5e v10, wanting to add a new tab in the attributes page
Pointer module update (70€)
Update FoundryVTT Tabbed Chatlog to allow for Creation/Deletion of Additional Chat Tabs
Google Sheet Character Sheet integration module
Fallout 2d20: Radiation giving a visual indicator of reduced max HP
(DnD 3.5e) Body slot in inventory or a new tab
Overhead Tile Fade for All Tokens module update (v9 to v10, D&D 5e)
New Custom Tab for DnD 5e Sheet
CrossBlade V9 -> CrossBlade v10 Compatibiltiy
Modified character sheet for DND5E
Custom Character/Item Sheets Wanted!
Integration of Vino Behaviour on Theatre
Chat Scrubber - Keep Chat Log to a Minimum (improves peformance)
[CLOSED] UI panel for help to Transform/Polymorph token
Combat Music Master
PF2 Compatibility for Token Auras
PF2 Rogue's Initiative
Player Pin Defaults
PF2 Procedural Checks Macro
Esper Genesis Character Sheet
V10 Update For Better Rolltables
V10 Journal Workflow Polish Mod
UI QoL Improvements for Token Health
V10 Fix for Border Control
Scrolling Text Overhaul to make it look like Combat Numbers Mod
V10 Fix for Dramatic Rolls
V10 Fix for Memento Mori
V10 Fix for Backgroundless Pins
PF2 Automated NPC Stealth Mod
V10 fix for Combat Numbers
âť“About Commissions
Programmatic Creation of Adventures?
Using other people's Modules within my own
Help: Error when trying to add a SceneControlButton
Noob Question - Hello World
Library: UI Extender
HandlebarsApplicationMixin Usage from the foundry-vtt-types node package
Improving / forking on existing packages
Development setup for testing?
Browsing system data model
Sockets not emitting
How to add buttons to the ProseMirror Menu?
How to hijack the place measured template?
Do some copy paste, follow the guide, add a new coustom dice, earn some money.
change token lighting based on changing value on actor or an Effect embedded on the actor.
GitHub Actions on release
hook preCreateToken update token name
Error on package install
Newbie question on scope
Having trouble to get scripts loaded
Newbie questions on testing.
Minimise Document using Prototype
Newby accepting advice on the Foundry API and Module Development
Newb looking for advice on creating Compendium via code
Beginners help with doors
How to run code from a specific user
About: #package-development
BaseData vs DerivedData
Trouble using actor.update with a DocumentID field
Custom Classes by Item Type?
Problems updating to v12
Where/how are Active Effects calculated
Extend ActiveEffect.changes
Allowing system scope in game.settings.register
Array keeps resetting
Extends Chat Message, issue with model data
Adding custom Roll class to CONFIG.Dice.rolls
Check box not linked to the property
Having a issue with item sheets
Would a Dialog Window be enough for this functionality?
How do I make an @variable
Incrementing items by drag and drop
data from onchange event
Modeling items that have items?
Getting quench running
Issue with system json file
Accessing data in active effects via @ symbol
multiple token attributes
effect in "add" mode continually re-applied to actor/sheet
Handlebars looping through getters
SchemaField with increasable max?
update item attribute on actorsheet
changing id for messages in the chat
Altering Status Effects
Using an array in a sheet template
empty pack
Absolutely new to all of this, need help with a silly query.
Boilerplate.css file
Help Needed! Dynamic Table for Reputation Tracking
Trouble with Synthetic Actors (unlinked tokens)
Avoid Sheet Re-render When Editing Actor's Item
How to Create & Save Custom Field Values from a Dropdown on Actor sheet?
Finding target when making an attack
Trying to register a new system
New to System Development but have done minor module development
calculating range/distance
Partial Reroll
tiered status effects
Importing an npm package into a foundry system
(Paid) System Dev Assistance
how to handle items and effects?
Advice on the general programming model a system should follow
Advice for compendium data in a custom system
Dialog Box Auto-Closing Upon Opening 2nd Time
Actor collision
Actor attributes update on player's side
Sort items
How do I create/modify embedded document types?
How do I specify an Array in my template.json?
Is is possible to create/change Foundry's document types?
ERROR: actors is not a valid embedded Document within the Token Document
How to trigger "hotbarDrop" with element that are not "Item" ?
Is there a starter system based on the v10 DataModel?
Am I approaching character data updates incorrectly?
Limit portions of character sheet to Owner/GM only
Blind chat message is public instead since v11
Giving a system "Per World" options
How to - Internal Compendium Pack References
Default item macro is overriding my custom item macro
How do I add active effects support?
Show Each Dice Rolled in Custom System Builder?
`template.json` Nesting Properties
Nested Navbar on Character Sheet
Migrating to DataModels - how to get data pre `cleanData`?
What Licence is appropriate for systems?
Hey not sure if this is the right spot...SLA Industries system.
Scamming attempts for various commissions
Need to report a scam by one of your developers.
New Entertainer - Fantasy if not Table Top ---- yet
Answer Overflow