Variant Encumbrance Dnd5e compatibility for Tidy Sheet and Dnd5e Default Sheet 3.X.X (50$ or more)
Type: variant-encumbrance-dnd5e
Short Description: Variant Encumbrance Dnd5e compatibility for Tidy Sheet and new Dnd5e Default Sheet 3.X.X
Long Description:
Due to personal problems I no longer have much time to devote to my passion in particular has this small module that I have been running for quite some time, while the encumbrance calculation goes exactly as I would like at the code level I cannot fix the html of the html display bar .
The goal is to find a way to customize the display of the encumbrance bar at the pure html level as I had done for the “Legacy Sheet”.
Specifically, the parts of code affected from the html customization are on these lines:
Anyone interested PM me.
Budget: 50$ or more depends on the effort
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Unknown User•9mo ago
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