1.6.0 Custom Sheet Changes

Looking at the changes made which are breaking for custom sheets. Gonna make a thread for this.
7 Replies
CalegoOP3y ago
Spell Item Labels are different
CalegoOP3y ago
Symptom: object Object in your spellbook tab where components should be. Cause: labels.components has had a breaking change. Fix:
{{#each labels.components.all}}
<span class="spell-component{{#if tag}} tag{{/if}}">{{abbr}}</span>
{{#each labels.components.all}}
<span class="spell-component{{#if tag}} tag{{/if}}">{{abbr}}</span>
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CalegoOP3y ago
Here's how I'm handling backwards compatibility if it's interesting to you folks:
// in my getData method:
sheetData.systemFeatures = {
componentLabels: !foundry.utils.isNewerVersion('1.6.0', systemVersion),
// in my getData method:
sheetData.systemFeatures = {
componentLabels: !foundry.utils.isNewerVersion('1.6.0', systemVersion),
then in the hbs check the systemFeatures flags with an if to handle things correctly:
{{#if @root/systemFeatures.componentLabels}}

{{#each labels.components.all}}
<span class="spell-component{{#if tag}} tag{{/if}}">{{abbr}}</span>

{{#each labels.components}}
<span class="spell-component {{this}}">{{this}}</span>

{{#if @root/systemFeatures.componentLabels}}

{{#each labels.components.all}}
<span class="spell-component{{#if tag}} tag{{/if}}">{{abbr}}</span>

{{#each labels.components}}
<span class="spell-component {{this}}">{{this}}</span>

@sdenec I know the above will affect you. @fyorl (hi!) might hit you too. if anyone knows jopeek of the dndbeyond sheet's handle, I do not. does not affect Monster Blocks interestingly, well played zeel.
CalegoOP3y ago
It is possible now that a user's game activates additional Ability Scores, 2 are part of system settings: Honor and Sanity. If your ability scores run horizontally, odds are your layout breaks. Honestly... I don't intend to support this with my sheets... But it's something to be aware of in case you get issues opened.
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CalegoOP3y ago
It is now expected that Level items have a dropdown to allow leveling up/down from the actor sheet, as the item sheet no longer has the "level" field. This is the respective hbs for this dropdown in the core sheet's actor-features.html:
{{else if (eq item.type "class")}}
<div class="item-detail item-action">
<select class="level-selector">
{{#select 0}}
{{#each item.availableLevels}}
<option value="{{this.delta}}" {{disabled this.disabled}}>
{{localize "DND5E.LevelNumber" level=this.level}}
{{#if this.delta}}({{numberFormat this.delta sign=true}}){{/if}}
{{else if (eq item.type "class")}}
<div class="item-detail item-action">
<select class="level-selector">
{{#select 0}}
{{#each item.availableLevels}}
<option value="{{this.delta}}" {{disabled this.disabled}}>
{{localize "DND5E.LevelNumber" level=this.level}}
{{#if this.delta}}({{numberFormat this.delta sign=true}}){{/if}}
CalegoOP3y ago
There's more to it than this for the class display. Subclasses are displayed under their classes now, and those shouldn't have the level dropdown, but should have a little thing in front of their name.
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CalegoOP3y ago
{{#if (eq item.type "subclass")}}&rdsh;{{/if}}
{{#if item.data.isOriginalClass}} <i class="original-class fas fa-sun" title="{{localize 'DND5E.ClassOriginal'}}"></i>{{/if}}
{{#if (eq item.type "subclass")}}&rdsh;{{/if}}
{{#if item.data.isOriginalClass}} <i class="original-class fas fa-sun" title="{{localize 'DND5E.ClassOriginal'}}"></i>{{/if}}

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